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developmental and stem cell biologists

SciArt profiles

SciArt profiles

A series in which we profile scientists who do art (and occasionally artists who dabble in science).

Recent posts

SciArt profile: Diego Galagovsky

Posted by , on 17 January 2022

In our first SciArt profile of 2022, we hear from Diego Galagovsky, a postdoc with a passion for using cartoons to communicate science.
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SciArt profile: Jessica Richardson

Posted by , on 21 December 2021

In our final SciArt profile of 2021 we meet Jessica Richardson, a final year PhD student in Kate Poole’s group at the University of New South Wales, Sydney.

SciArt profile: Maria Diaz de la Loza

Posted by , on 15 November 2021

In our latest profile, we feature Maria Diaz de la Loza, a freelance illustrator and researcher in the Stramer lab at King’s College London

SciArt profile: Giacomo Moggioli

Posted by , on 15 October 2021

Our twelfth SciArt profile of the series features Giacomo Moggioli, a PhD student at Queen Mary University of London studying genomics of deep sea worms

SciArt Profile: Ayelén Valko

Posted by , on 30 September 2021

In our 11th SciArt profile we meet Ayelén Valko, who tells us about her motivation to use her artwork to popularise science

SciArt Profile: Elsa Quicazán-Rubio

Posted by , on 6 September 2021

In our 10th SciArt profile we meet Elsa Quicazán-Rubio, who explains how she is using art to make biology accessible to a broad audience

SciArt gallery

Know a talented SciArtist? We’re always on the look out for new people to profile (and welcome self-nominations)

Related content

Check out our SciArt tag for a variety of posts on the intersection of art and science from the archive.

Our full archive going back to 2010 is filterable by category, tag and date.

Updated on 25 July 2023