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Posted by the Node, on 17 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: A system of repressor gradients spatially organizes the boundaries of Bicoid-dependent target genes. Hongtao Chen, Zhe Xu, Constance Mei, Danyang Yu and Stephen Small (2012) Cell ...Posted by the Node, on 16 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Specifying and Sustaining Pigmentation Patterns in Domestic and Wild Cats Christopher B. Kaelin, Xiao Xu et al. (2012) Science 337 (6101), 1536-1541 Submitted by Heather Etchevers: ...Posted by the Node, on 15 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Self-Organized Shuttling: Generating Sharp Dorsoventral Polarity in the Early Drosophila Embryo Michal Haskel-Ittah et al. (2012) Cell 150 (5), 1016 – 1028 Submitted by Tohru Yano: ...Posted by the Node, on 14 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Whole-genome microRNA screening identifies let-7 and mir-18 as regulators of germ layer formation during early embryogenesis Alexandre R. Colas, Wesley L. McKeithan, Thomas J. Cunningham, et ...Posted by the Node, on 13 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Offspring from Oocytes Derived from in Vitro Primordial Germ Cell-like Cells in Mice Katsuhiko Hayashi et al. (2012) Science 338 (6109), 971-975 Submitted by Eva Amsen: ...Posted by the Node, on 12 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: A Mechanoresponsive Cadherin-Keratin Complex Directs Polarized Protrusive Behavior and Collective Cell Migration Gregory F. Weber, Maureen A. Bjerke and Douglas W. DeSimone (December 2011) Developmental Cell ...Posted by the Node, on 11 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Free Extracellular Diffusion Creates the Dpp Morphogen Gradient of the Drosophila Wing Disc Shaohua Zhou et al. (2012) Current Biology 22 (8), 668-675 Submitted by Barry ...Posted by the Node, on 10 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: A Human Stem Cell Model of Early Alzheimer’s Disease Pathology in Down Syndrome Yichen Shi et al. (2012) Science Translational Medicine 4 (124), 124ra29 Submitted by ...Posted by the Node, on 9 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Morphogenesis of outflow tract rotation during cardiac development: The pulmonary push concept Roderick W.C. Scherptong et al. (2012) Developmental Dynamics 241 (9), 1413-1422 Submitted by Heather ...Posted by the Node, on 8 December 2012
Today’s recommended paper is: Variation of BMP3 contributes to dog breed skull diversity Jeffrey J. Schoenebeck et al. (2012) PLOS Genetics 8 (8), e1002849 Submitted by Katherine Brown ” Elaine ...