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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Is it in yet? How the direct transdifferentiation of glia-to-neurons ensures nimble male mating

Posted by , on 25 March 2021

Rachel Bonnington, Carla Lloret Fernández and Laura Molina García tell a tale of transdifferentiation

Genetics Unzipped podcast: Dogology - the genetics of our four-legged friends

Posted by , on 25 February 2021

We’re bringing you some scientific ‘tails’ -literally - as we explore the genetics of dog breeds and behaviour.

The people behind the papers - Jaqueline Kinold & Hermann Aberle

Posted by , on 4 September 2018

Axon guidance relies on the reception and integration of molecular cues from the environment by growth cones, and defective pathfinding results in misplaced projection patterns in the mature nervous system. ...

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