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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

Mimicking infection in pregnant mice provokes persistent changes in juvenile brains

Posted by , on 22 May 2024

A Press Release from Development No parent wants to risk their child having a serious infection, least of all while still in the womb, but did you know that the ...

Development presents... June webinar on brain development

Posted by , on 21 May 2024

Hear from three early-carrer researchers on brain development, chaired by Steve Wilson.

Made the Same Way: This pattern of wrinkles

Posted by , on 26 May 2023

In sixth episode of HDBI’s podcast, Made the Same Way, scientist Katie Long explores the topic of human brain development with spoken word artist Harmony. At the end of the ...

Genetics Unzipped: Genes, brains and the mind: How much of your personality is encoded in your DNA?

Posted by , on 14 July 2022

In the latest episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, we’re exploring genes, brains and the mind, as we ask how much of our personality is innate, and whether anything we ...

A simple tool to visualise gene expression during early mouse pallium development

Posted by , on 9 May 2022

Last year, we published a study on the spatial diversity of developing mouse pallial progenitors and neurons: Moreau MX, Saillour Y, Cwetsch A, Pierani A and Causeret F (2021) Single-cell ...

Genetics Unzipped podcast: Wired for sound - the genetics of music

Posted by , on 4 November 2021

We're getting in harmony with the science of music. Is there a music gene? Does musical talent really run in families? And how does the inability to perceive music impact ...

A domino effect on brain developmental evolution

Posted by , on 6 December 2019

The discipline “Evo-devo” studies the developmental basis of morphological evolution. In the field, some original animal models are emerging as interesting model organisms, enriching the knowledge in the field more ...

Graduate Student Position in Development of Brain Folding

Posted by , on 3 October 2019

The Lawton Lab is seeking a talented and motivated graduate student to study the cell and tissue mechanics regulating cerebellar morphogenesis and brain folding.   The beautiful and robust folds ...

New research uncovers how hot fish change sex

Posted by , on 23 April 2019

Press release from Development. You can also read the Research Highlight for this article. Researchers have identified the hormone that causes sex reversal of medaka fish growing in high temperatures. ...

Does (brain) size matter?

Posted by , on 30 October 2015

Chris Puhl and Rebecca McIntosh   As a part of a team of students from the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Kings College London we commissioned and edited an issue ...

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