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Posted by Brent Foster, on 23 July 2024
Hydractinia symbiolongicarpus is an emerging model to understand stem cell evolution Stem cells can’t hide what they are. At least, that’s the takeaway from the newly sequenced genomes of two ...Posted by Áine Varley, on 22 June 2023
Áine Varley tells the story behind the paper “Pluripotent, germ cell competent adult stem cells underlie cnidarian regenerative ability and clonal growth”.Posted by cmunro, on 27 October 2015
I’m Cat Munro, a third year PhD Candidate in Casey Dunn’s lab at Brown University. The Dunn lab has an even split of lab members that work on the evolution, ...Posted by Iva Kelava, on 4 December 2014
I presume the first question that comes into people’s mind when they read the title would be “What are cnidarians?” I also presume a logical follow-up question would be “Why ...