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Posted by Mario Metzler, on 12 August 2013
I’m quite a lazy person, and as such I like to find solutions to boring and repetitive tasks. One of those is the drawing of punnett squares in Drosophila genetics. ...Posted by the Node, on 24 July 2013
The field of modern genetics owes a lot to the pioneering work of Thomas Hunt Morgan on the little fruit fly. A great part of his work was conducted in ...Posted by the Node, on 7 June 2013
It is time for round 3 of last years’ Woods Hole embryology course images! The regenerated planarian won the last round , but who will you vote for this time? ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 16 May 2013
For most of us, we don’t all end up settled as adults in the same town where we were born. The same is true for many cells, including some stem ...Posted by Savraj Grewal, on 20 March 2013
Post-doctoral and PhD positions are available in the lab of Savraj Grewal, University of Calgary, Canada. ( The main focus of the lab is to study the control of growth ...Posted by __Deleted user__, on 12 March 2013
WELCOME to the INFORM PhD Program! The INFORM program (INformation Flow and ORganization at the Membrane) sets up an interdisciplinary consortium at the site of Scientific Park of Luminy in ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 12 December 2012
There are a lot of situations in life where the “middleman” is unnecessary and costly. In cells, that middleman is necessary and fascinating at the same time. The sequence of ...Posted by Nicole Gorfinkiel, on 6 October 2012
In the middle of the worst political and financial turmoil Spain is experiencing since the return of its young democracy, the 1st Spanish Conference on the Molecular, Cellular and Developmental ...Posted by the Node, on 6 August 2012
With an overwhelming majority, this crisp fly embryo staining won the third round of cover voting, in which readers of the Node chose from images taken in the 2011 Woods ...Posted by vincent, on 20 March 2012
A 3 years post-doctoral position is immediately available in the laboratory of Michèle Crozatier and Alain Vincent, at the Centre de Biologie du Développement CNRS/Toulouse University, France. One main topic ...