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Posted by Hanna Hakkinen, on 23 January 2017
This is the latest dispatch from a recipient of a Company of Biologists Travelling Fellowship. Learn more about the scheme, including how to apply, here, and read more stories from the ...Posted by Chen-Hui Chen, on 26 April 2016
Why some vertebrates like salamanders and zebrafish are able to regenerate complex tissues while humans cannot is a question that has fascinated biologists for centuries. Understanding how and why ...Posted by IchaJaroslav, on 13 April 2016
Here you can find out more about our video protocol on using light sheet microscopy to image zebrafish eye development. Light sheet fluorescence microscopy has quickly become a popular ...Posted by Clare Buckley, on 24 February 2016
By Clare Buckley and Rachel Moore One of the things that we find most challenging about working with whole vertebrate organisms is how we can tie ourselves in knots trying ...Posted by Giorgia Guglielmi, on 24 February 2016
Morphogenesis, the shaping of tissues and organs, is driven by a series of events that proceed in a coordinated manner, both spatially and temporally. Such events include changes in cell ...Posted by NLVastenhouw, on 15 February 2016
By L. Carine Stapel and Nadine L.Vastenhouw In developmental biology, the ability to analyze gene expression patterns is essential to address questions about gene regulation and cell fate. In ...Posted by Karin Prummel, on 9 February 2016
In Spring 2015, just a couple of months into my PhD, I started to settle with my new surroundings in Zürich, making friends in my PhD lab of Dr. Christian ...Posted by kmcdole, on 6 January 2016
This four-day long time-lapse shows the development of pre-implantation mouse embryos from the 2-cell stage to over 100-cells as the expanded blastocysts hatch from their zona pellucidas. These embryos were ...Posted by Rob Parton, on 23 December 2015
The use of green fluorescent protein (GFP) has revolutionised the study of dynamic cellular processes in cells, tissues, and whole organisms. Laboratories throughout the world have exploited the simplicity of ...Posted by Raghav Chhetri, Janelia Research Campus, on 14 December 2015
A microscope has long remained a biologist’s favorite tool, and for obvious reasons, as it has been the tool to continually grant us deeper access into the elusive world that ...