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Posted by ruteverdade, on 15 January 2021
i3S – Institute for Research and Innovation in Health (Porto, Portugal) is looking to recruit a senior researcher with an established international reputation in Neural Cell Biology and strong ...Posted by Marilyn Vaccaro, on 28 September 2020
The Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research (FMI) invites applications for a tenure-track group leader position (assistant professor level). We encourage applications from candidates who have an innovative research program ...Posted by gaia tavosanis, on 14 July 2020
One PhD student and one postdoc position will be available in the @GTavosanis lab starting from September 2020. The two planned projects will focus on: The cellular mechanisms that support ...Posted by Nicole Webster, on 5 June 2019
A PhD position is available in the laboratory of Néva P. Meyer at Clark University in Worcester, MA USA ( beginning as early as August 2019 as follows: Spiralians are ...Posted by Fabienne Poulain, on 10 September 2018
The Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina invites applications for a tenure-track position as an Assistant Professor with a research program in neurobiology. The successful candidate ...Posted by Andreas Prokop, on 6 September 2018
BBSRC funded postdoc position in the laboratory of Natalia Sánchez-Soriano (, to study the cell biology of neuronal ageing and the underlying mechanisms. On this project you will ...Posted by Annick Sawala, on 7 December 2017
A discussion of our recent paper: Annick Sawala & Alex P. Gould (2017). The sex of specific neurons controls female body growth in Drosophila. PLoS Biology, October 4 2017. In ...Posted by SarahM, on 30 November 2017
Built into the side of a tree covered hill on a remote Japanese island lies what at first sight appears to be a super-villain’s lair, or perhaps the HQ of ...Posted by Natalia Sanchez-Soriano, on 10 February 2015
One postdoctoral and one technician positions, both fully funded for 3 years, are available in the laboratory of Dr. Natalia Sanchez-Soriano at the Institute of Translational Medicine, Department of Cellular ...Posted by Abcam Events, on 12 January 2015
Adult Neurogenesis: Evolution, Regulation and Function May 6-8, 2015 – Dresden, Germany Website: 2015 is the 50th anniversary of Joseph Altman’s landmark discovery of adult neurogenesis. To celebrate, the ...