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developmental and stem cell biologists
Displaying posts with the tag: is_archive

JoVE for developmental biology research and eduction

Posted by , on 24 April 2020

Dear Developmental Biologists, We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Node for the chance to write a post about JoVE and how our resources can be beneficial ...

Development and the COVID-19 pandemic

Posted by , on 23 March 2020

Last week, I and the rest of the Development team said goodbye to our lovely office, and a new era of remote working has begun. But we’re lucky – editorial ...

Review Commons launches

Posted by , on 10 December 2019

Review Commons is a new publishing platform from ASAPbio and EMBO providing independent peer review before journal submission. According to the homepage it will “provide authors with a Refereed Preprint, ...

EDBC 2019: preprints workshop

Posted by , on 21 November 2019

For the first time in 20 years, researchers from across the continent gathered for the European Developmental Biology Congress in Alicante, Spain (October 23-26 2019). Fortunately, we won’t have to ...

Transparent peer review at Development

Posted by , on 1 August 2019

Publishing peer review reports In the interests of promoting transparency around the editorial process, Development will now be publishing a ‘Peer review history’ file alongside published papers, where the author ...

Publishing peer review reports

Posted by , on 5 September 2018

Last week, Development and our sister journal Journal of Cell Science signed an open letter coordinated by ASAPbio, signalling our intention to publish peer review reports alongside published papers. I’m ...

Preprints promote transparency and communication

Posted by , on 12 August 2018

Carmen Adriaens1, Gautam Dey2, Amanda Haage3, Wouter Masselink4 *, Sundar Ram Naganathan5, Lauren Neves6, Teresa Rayon7, Samantha Seah8, Srivats Venkataramanan9.   1. Center for Cancer Biology, VIB, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium ...

James Briscoe announced as Development's new Editor-in-Chief - Editorial & Interview

Posted by , on 27 March 2018

This editorial and interview appeared in Development, Vol 145 Issue 6   A new Editor-in-Chief for Development Sarah Bray, Kate Storey, Katherine Brown   As many of you will be ...

Introducing preLights: preprint highlights, selected by the biological community

Posted by , on 23 February 2018

This editorial by Katherine Brown and Olivier Pourquié was published in Development on 22/02/18. We are excited to announce the launch of preLights (, a new service from The Company of ...

Updates from DORA - An interview with Stephen Curry

Posted by , on 7 February 2018

The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was conceived in 2012 at an ASCB meeting, and has since its launch in 2013 has garnered thousands of signatories from individuals and ...

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