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Posted by Naomi Clements-Brod, on 26 April 2023
In the second episode of the Human Developmental Biology Initiative’s new podcast, Made the Same Way, science historian Nick Hopwood meets with artist Princess Ari (aka B!TEZ) to discuss how ...Posted by the Node, on 9 October 2019
Development covers showcase the beauty of developmental biology. Embryos, tissues and cells are rendered in striking colour palettes and artistic arrangements. We mainly receive confocal image submissions but sometimes also EM ...Posted by the Node, on 20 May 2019
With over 10,000 votes cast, almost 6,000 people viewing the galleries and a new record for daily page views on the Node, we can now announce the winners of our ...Posted by the Node, on 14 May 2019
*Voting is closed and winners have been announced!* Our call for images to fill our 2019-20 calendar was met with an amazing response – 62 entries showcasing the diverse ...Posted by Gemma Anderson, on 19 March 2019
An artist and a cultural historian of science visiting the European Molecular Biology Lab (EMBL) Gemma Anderson (University of Exeter) and Janina Wellmann (MECS, Leuphana University Lüneburg) Since Steve Woolgar’s ...Posted by the Node, on 4 October 2018
The winners of Nikon’s Small World in Motion 2018 Competition have just been announced, and overall first place has gone to a stunning developmental biology SPIM movie. Watch Elizabeth Haynes and ...Posted by the Node, on 13 December 2017
Here at the Node we are always on the lookout for beautiful developmental biology images and videos, and love our science art (see here, here, here, here and here!). So ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 28 November 2017
Today marks the publication of Development’s special issue celebrating the centenary of D’Arcy Thompson’s ‘On Growth and Form’. Given the continuing influence of the book’s graphical elements – from its captivating ...Posted by KalinDN, on 12 September 2017
Hello, Community! In July, I revealed to the world my attempts at scientific illustration. Aidan (The Node’s Community Manager) took a keen interest in my work and was very kind ...Posted by NatalyaZahn, on 29 August 2017
Illustrator Natalya Zahn on the role of observation and visual interpretation in her work creating an addendum to Nieuwkoop and Faber’s classic Normal Table of Xenopus laevis As an artist of ...