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Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 6 September 2010
Recently a paper in Science caught my attention since its title combines the words mitotic recombination with patients and Ichthyosis. Having worked with Drosophila during my PhD and now being ...Posted by Teisha Rowland, on 26 August 2010
Many human embryonic stem cell (hESC) researchers are now scrambling for funding and concerned about the future of their research, following a recent ruling in the United States by Chief ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 24 August 2010
At the recent SDB meeting in Albuquerque, Eric Olson took the stage twice: on Friday morning he spoke in the organogenesis session about the role of microRNAs in muscle, and ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 2 August 2010
It’s not often that the introductory part of a research talk is beautiful as well as informative, but Hans Clevers achieves both by using this video about the intestinal crypt ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 10 July 2010
Here is the final part of my meeting report on the BSDB-BSCB Spring Conference this April in Warwick. In the first part, I covered some of the talks on transcriptional ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 1 July 2010
Almost four thousand people attended the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) meeting in San Francisco in June. According to the San Francisco Chronicle, about a quarter of the ...Posted by benoitbruneau, on 30 June 2010
Ahhh the Node, my favourite part of the embryo: nice cup shape you can lie back in and get a whirly cilia massage…. OK, on with the post. So it ...Posted by Seema Grewal, on 23 June 2010
Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development. You can find these on the Development site but we thought it would be useful to have them posted ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 16 June 2010
(Originally posted in Development) Development editors Liz Robertson (Professor of Developmental Biology at the Sir William Dunn School of Pathology in Oxford) and Alexandra Joyner (Courtney Steel Chair in Pediatric ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 12 June 2010
The recent joint meeting of the British Societies for Developmental Biology (BSDB) and Cell Biology (BSCB) in Warwick provided an exciting opportunity to catch a glimpse of the future of ...