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Posted by the Node, on 9 December 2020
In July 2021, a Workshop from The Company of Biologists will bring together experts in human cell fate engineering and experts in the manipulation and characterization of single cells, with ...Posted by the Node, on 17 June 2020
The Company of Biologists Workshops provide leading experts and early-career researchers from a diverse range of scientific backgrounds with a stimulating environment for the cross-fertilisation of interdisciplinary ideas. The programmes are ...Posted by neildani, on 16 September 2019
Written by: Aida Rodrigo Albors, Laura Pellegrini and Neil Dani. This July, The Company of Biologists Workshops together with Maria K. Lehtinen and Fiona Doetsch organized a meeting titled “New Frontiers ...Posted by the Node, on 9 July 2019
The Company of Biologists Workshops provide leading experts and early-career researchers from a diverse range of scientific backgrounds with a stimulating environment for the cross-fertilisation of interdisciplinary ideas. In November, experts ...Posted by the Node, on 5 June 2019
The Company of Bioloists’ Workshops provide leading experts and early-career researchers from a diverse range of scientific backgrounds with a stimulating environment for the cross-fertilisation of interdisciplinary ideas. The programmes are ...Posted by the Node, on 9 May 2019
The Company of Biologists (Development’s not-for-profit publisher) is currently seeking proposals for Workshops to be held during 2021. The Workshops provide leading experts and early-career researchers from a diverse range of ...Posted by RoelNeijts, on 26 April 2019
How can a genome’s cis-regulatory potential drive robust gene expression throughout embryonic development? Do topologically associating domains (TADs) truly contribute to gene expression by spatially constraining the regulatory actions of cis-sequences? ...Posted by the Node, on 9 October 2018
A meeting of the Genetics Society on 29th November 2018 at the UCL Institute of Child Health, London. Organisers: Nick Greene (UCL), Cynthia Andoniadou (KCL), Andy Copp (UCL) Abstract submission deadline: 5pm, ...Posted by the Node, on 13 July 2018
The National Centre for the Replacement, Refinement and Reduction of Animals in Research (NC3Rs) is running a workshop bringing together rodent and non-mammalian model organism users, facilitating research partnerships and encouraging the development ...Posted by the Node, on 30 April 2018
As well as publishing Development and four other journals, and supporting scientists through travelling fellowships and meeting grants, The Company of Biologists also runs a successful series of Workshops. The ...