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Posted by Seema Grewal, on 7 December 2010
The first issue of 2011 is out now…here are the highlights: Geminin control of lineage commitment The transition between pluripotency and multi-lineage commitment during early embryogenesis must be closely regulated ...Posted by dlyons, on 27 October 2010
We are seeking applications from highly motivated candidates, with a physical sciences background, and an interest in biology, to carry out a PhD to establish zebrafish as a model organism ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 4 August 2010
Model organisms never looked so delicious… The baking blog Not So Humble Pie features science cookies made by the author or by her fans. Many of the cookies are biology-themed, ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 20 April 2010
(Interview by Kathryn Senior. Originally published in Development) Stephen Wilson is Professor of Developmental Genetics at University College, London, UK. He was recently awarded the Remedios Caro Almela Prize for ...