This month on the Node- June 2015
Posted by the Node, on 1 July 2015
Here are some of the highlights of the last month!
- Steve told the tale of how it became an established fact that human sex ratio at conception is male biased… a cautionary tale on the conception of scientific ‘facts’.
- Kate wrote about her lab’s new paper in Neuron, examining how the micro circuitry of the cortical column, the basic functional unit of the cortex, is established.
- What is the relationship between senescence and regeneration? Max writes about her paper in eLife.
- MorphoGraphX is a new software that allows the analysis of curved surface areas from 3D live-imaged confocal datasets. Anne-Lise posted about how it was developed and its applications.
- Cat Lau wrote on the Node about her MSc research examining how stress affects adult neurogenesis.
- And how do biolectric gradients affect ectopic innervation? Mike Levin discusses some recent work from his lab.
- Are you a postdoc? Ever wanted to organise a workshop? The Company of Biologists is giving you the chance!
- And what career opportunities are out there for graduate students? This was the topic of a recent careers event at Washington University in St Louis.
Also on the Node:
- Elena, Shu and Joe wrote a great report from this year’s Woods Hole Embryology course, an intense course where students study a plethora of organisms with state of the art of technology… and get to wear a silly hat!
- What role should scholarly societies play? Is an annual meeting enough or is there more that they do/should be doing? Share your thoughts with June’s question of the month!
- And this month we reposted interviews with two prominent stem cell researchers: Deepak Srivastava and Rudolf Jaenisch, both originally published in Development.
Happy Reading!