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Posted by LabEx CORTEX, on 17 July 2020
The University of Lyon is a worldwide academic site of excellence. Labelled IDEX in 2017, it is located in the heart of the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region, in the Lyon Saint-Étienne basin. ...Posted by Paul Conduit, on 16 July 2020
A postdoc position is available within the Conduit lab at the Institut Jacques Monod in Paris. See job advert attached and get in touch if you’re interested in studying microtubule ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 16 July 2020
We find out if more than DNA passes on to the next generation, whether Darwin was wrong, and how to pimp your genome. Plus, meet the Mickey Mouse Mice.Posted by gaia tavosanis, on 16 July 2020
Happy to share the latest manuscript by André Castro @castro_neuro from the @HCuntz with @GTavosanis labs! We show how a temporal arrangement of stochastic developmental processes achieves efficient dendritic trees ...Posted by gaia tavosanis, on 14 July 2020
One PhD student and one postdoc position will be available in the @GTavosanis lab starting from September 2020. The two planned projects will focus on: The cellular mechanisms that support ...Posted by Annabel Nicholson, on 14 July 2020
Alistair McGregor’s group at Oxford Brookes University uses Drosophila and the common house spider Parasteatoda tepidariorum to understand how different shapes and sizes of animals evolve. Back in 2016, two ...Posted by Mayank Chugh, on 13 July 2020
My university has reopened and being reunited with the lab bench after months have reminded me again how much I love what I do for a living. Of course I ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 13 July 2020
Background DanStem addresses fundamental research questions in stem cell and developmental biology and has activities focused on the translation of promising basic research results into new therapeutic strategies for cancer ...Posted by YingYang, on 13 July 2020
Ziheng Liu and Ying Yang The asymmetry in cell morphology and the asymmetric distribution of intracellular organelles, proteins, nucleic acids and other components are the hallmarks of cellular polarity, possessed ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 9 July 2020
In early June, as Black Lives Matter protests were gathering momentum across the globe, a group of publishers were brought together (virtually of course) by the Royal Society of Chemistry ...