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Posted by the Node Interviews, on 31 January 2021
This interview, the 89th in our series, was published in Development last year. Interacting morphogens produce periodic patterns in developing tissues. Such patterning can be modelled as reaction-diffusion (RD) processes (as originally ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 28 January 2021
We a look at the biological changes that underpin ageing, and how we can use this knowledge to live longer, healthier lives.Posted by stephaniewoo, on 28 January 2021
The department of Molecular and Cell Biology in the School of Natural Sciences at the University of California, Merced is seeking one new faculty member at the Assistant Professor level ...Posted by Angela Bowman, on 28 January 2021
POSITION SUMMARY: This is an immersive laboratory experience designed to provide recent college graduates with additional research experience to make them competitive for advanced careers in biomedical science. This program ...Posted by Ross Poche, on 27 January 2021
The Poché Lab is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate/fellow with experience in mouse developmental genetics and embryology. This NIH R01-funded position is focused on studying the interplay between ...Posted by Ross Poche, on 27 January 2021
The Poché Lab is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research associate/fellow with experience in retinal developmental biology, tissue regeneration, or transcriptome analysis. This NIH R01-funded position is focused on the ...Posted by the Node, on 26 January 2021
The next webinar in our Development presents… series will be a little different: rather than being chaired by a Development editor, the preLights team will be in control. ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 26 January 2021
The employment is for 4 years, as research assistant is for 1 year and as PhD fellow for the following 3 years, and is scheduled to start in July or ...Posted by Hannah Long, on 25 January 2021
Hannah Long tells the story of how she uncovered the genetic basis of a developmental disorderPosted by the Node Interviews, on 22 January 2021
The second in our new series of SciArt profiles features Justine Renno, a Master’s student in Bordeaux. Where are you originally from, where do you work now, and what ...