I am a Senior Editor at Development. My role involves working with authors to produce review-type articles for the journal, which includes commissioning and editing the manuscripts, organising peer review and representing the journal at conferences. Previously, I worked on Hedgehog signalling evolution during my Post Doc with Phil Ingham, and I investigated haemovascular development in the zebrafish during my PhD with Jim Smith.
Posted by Alex Eve, on 28 May 2024
Do you know about Development’s ‘at a glance’ article types? These articles comprise a short text document highlighting the fundamental aspects of a developmental biology topic, which is accompanied by ...Posted by Alex Eve, on 22 May 2024
A Press Release from Development No parent wants to risk their child having a serious infection, least of all while still in the womb, but did you know that the ...Posted by Alex Eve, on 8 September 2023
This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series. First, I’d be remiss not to acknowledge that most of my posts have been on vertebrate systems when many invertebrates are ...Posted by Alex Eve, on 7 September 2023
This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series. Yesterday, we went through a couple of examples of amphibian tail regeneration. Limb regeneration is another example of epimorphic regeneration, which ...Posted by Alex Eve, on 6 September 2023
This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series. Epimorphic regeneration, the process of replacing lost appendages, is probably the most impressive example of tetrapod vertebrate regeneration. Vertebrate appendages, such ...