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Posted by the Node, on 17 July 2019
Development recently published a bumper Special Issue devoted to single cell approaches to developmental biology. A multitude of model systems featured – from Dicty to Drosophila to mouse to zebrafish ...Posted by Rui_Diogo, on 11 June 2019
Postdoc Position: Visible Ape & Dissemination Hiring Institution: Howard Univ.; Posted: 06-11-2019; Duration PostDoc: Sept2019-Aug2022 A postdoctoral researcher is sought to join the Rui Diogo lab (, at the Howard ...Posted by the Node, on 20 May 2019
With over 10,000 votes cast, almost 6,000 people viewing the galleries and a new record for daily page views on the Node, we can now announce the winners of our ...Posted by the Node, on 14 May 2019
*Voting is closed and winners have been announced!* Our call for images to fill our 2019-20 calendar was met with an amazing response – 62 entries showcasing the diverse ...Posted by Gemma Anderson, on 19 March 2019
An artist and a cultural historian of science visiting the European Molecular Biology Lab (EMBL) Gemma Anderson (University of Exeter) and Janina Wellmann (MECS, Leuphana University Lüneburg) Since Steve Woolgar’s ...Posted by the Node, on 4 October 2018
The winners of Nikon’s Small World in Motion 2018 Competition have just been announced, and overall first place has gone to a stunning developmental biology SPIM movie. Watch Elizabeth Haynes and ...Posted by BSDB, on 13 April 2018
This year, is the BSDB’s 70th anniversary! Expect many extras on our Spring Meeting (15-18 April 2018 in Warwick)! For example, the history rap, a contemporary oral rendering of ...Posted by Helena Jambor, on 5 March 2018
A few days back over dinner at a CNV gathering, Theresia Gutmann from the Coskun lab casually told me about her PhD work. In collaboration with the Rockefeller University NYC, ...Posted by the Node, on 13 December 2017
Here at the Node we are always on the lookout for beautiful developmental biology images and videos, and love our science art (see here, here, here, here and here!). So ...Posted by BSDB, on 28 November 2017
In preparation of our upcoming 70th anniversary to be celebrated at the special Spring Meeting in Warwick (April 15th-18th 2018), the BSDB announces a writing competition for its graduate student ...