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developmental and stem cell biologists

Developing news

Posted by , on 18 January 2023

After a short break, our first ‘Developing news’ post of 2023 focusses on disruption in science.

How good is ChatGPT?

One of the main talking point on Twitter in December was ChatGPT, a chatbot from OpenAI that interacts with the user in a conversational tone. The success of ChatGPT has prompted worries of how the technology could affect student assessment and even write scientific papers!

Comparing scientific abstracts generated by ChatGPT to original abstracts using an artificial intelligence output detector, plagiarism detector, and blinded human reviewers
Catherine A. Gao, Frederick M. Howard, Nikolay S. Markov, Emma C. Dyer, Siddhi Ramesh, Yuan Luo, Alexander T. Pearson

Abstracts written by ChatGPT fool scientists – comment

Publishing with ChatGPT

A conversation with ChatGPT on the role of computational systems biology in stem cell research

Just for fun?

Innovation in science

A new paper analysing the frequency of major new directions (or disruption) of science over time prompted discussions on i) whether this is true, ii) the causes and iii) whether we should be worried. We have picked out some examples of the chat below and recommend that you click the links for the full discussion.

preLights in #devbio

Want Erk-cellent representation of Erk signalling dynamics? Wilcockson and authors explore an improved biosensor that faithfully reports Erk activity without being impacted by Cdk1

Like Meta, but better. METALoci: a new tool to identify 3D regulatory regions in the genome, sex-determination edition.

“Worry” your way out: Driscoll and colleagues characterize a bleb-based mode of cell migration featuring repetitive agitation of the extracellular matrix.

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Categories: Discussion, Highlights, News

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