preLights webinar series: ‘From preprint to publication’
Posted by Reinier Prosee, on 7 December 2023
Recently, one of the preLights Ambassadors, Martin Estermann, launched a new webinar series that discusses the journey of a preprint in becoming a journal publication. As part of this initiative, selected preprint authors explain their biological research, focussing on the original story presented in the preprint and how this changed during revisions. They will also be able to reflect on the potential benefits of having their research available to the scientific community before formal peer review.
Tonight, at 17:00 GMT, Martin will talk to Laura Kerosuo (NIH/NIDCR, USA), whose lab featured in the Node’s ‘Lab meeting’ series (link to post). They will discuss a preprint the lab posted at the beginning of this year, titled: “Maintenance of pluripotency in the entire ectoderm enables neural crest formation”. This preprint was highlighted by Andrew Montequin, a PhD student at Northwestern University, as part of preLights (see preLights post) and was recently published in Nature Communications.
To hear more about the story behind this preprint and join the discussion, please register here:
We’ll have another session on the topic of NLR immune receptor–nanobody fusions and plant disease resistance next week. This discussion will include preprint authors Jiorgos Kourelis, Clemence Marchal and Jose Salguero-Linares. For more information about this webinar, please follow this link.