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Posted by Katherine Brown, on 4 March 2016
I’ve just finished reading ‘Raw Data’ by Pernille Rørth. As a disclaimer, Pernille ran the lab next door to me when I was a postdoc, and as Editor in Chief ...Posted by the Node, on 18 December 2014
This article by Insoo Hyun was first published in Development. Also read the companion ethics article here. In recent years, there has been much interest in the prospect of generating and using human stem cells ...Posted by the Node, on 18 December 2014
This article by Göran Hermerén was first published in Development. Also read the companion ethics article here. The development of human pluripotent stem cells has opened up the possibility to analyse the ...Posted by Andrea Aguilar, on 21 October 2014
The Ethics Session at the Company of Biologists “From Stem Cells to Human Development” workshop Last September the Company Of Biologists organized an exciting three-day dive into the biology of ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 2 September 2014
This editorial was first published in Development. We encourage feedback from the community on our policies – please leave any comments below. A central premise of scientific publishing – that publication ...Posted by BenPaylor, on 26 June 2014
StemCellTalks is a Canadian high school stem cell outreach initiative that has been running in 7 cities in Canada since 2010. The program has featured over 50 stem cell “experts” during this ...Posted by the Node, on 18 October 2013
This interview first appeared in Development. Janet Rossant is a developmental biologist who has worked for many years on the mouse blastocyst, the derivation of stem cell lines and on ...Posted by Michael Szego, on 1 June 2011
Four and a half years ago I was introduced to the field of clinical ethics while nearing the end of my Doctorate in Molecular Genetics at the University of Toronto. ...