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developmental and stem cell biologists
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CENTURI PhD call 2022 | 10 open positions in Marseille

Posted by , on 11 January 2022

The Turing Centre for Living Systems (CENTURI) wishes to attract talented PhD students to the Luminy campus. To do so, CENTURI will fund up to 10 PhD positions to start in 2021. ...

Dissecting modes of pattern formation using live imaging and Hidden Markov Models

Posted by , on 30 April 2020

Background/History In the early fly embryo, information encoded in a handful of maternally deposited protein gradients is fed forward through increasingly intricate layers of interacting genes, culminating in the differentiation ...


Posted by , on 27 February 2020

Kuure lab, affiliated with STEMM research program at Research Programs Unit of the Faculty of Medicine and Helsinki Institute of Life Science (HiLIFE), University of Helsinki, invites applications for a ...

The people behind the papers – Heidi Connahs, Sham Tlili, Timothy Saunders and Antónia Monteiro

Posted by , on 28 May 2019

This interview, the 63rd in our series, was recently published in Development Butterfly eyespots are striking examples of animal patterning, but their developmental origins are still relatively poorly understood. A new paper in ...

Plant stem cells strive towards equality

Posted by , on 8 February 2019

By George Bassel and Iain Johnston Multicellular organs consist of collections of cells which come together to achieve what individual cells cannot. The establishment of order in complex tissues has ...

Sex combs in motion

Posted by , on 14 November 2018

Using computer simulations and mathematical modeling to study the evolution of morphogenesis   Juan N. Malagon and Ernest Ho tell the story behind their recent paper in PLOS Computational Biology. In ...

The people behind the papers - Joe Shawky & Lance Davidson

Posted by , on 24 October 2018

The construction of complex three-dimensional tissue structures during embryogenesis requires precise control of cell and tissue mechanics. The Xenopus embryo provides a powerful tool for interrogating this relationship, as demonstrated ...

PhD position in computational morphogenesis

Posted by , on 15 October 2018

We invite students to apply for a PhD position in computational morphogenesis at the Gene Expression and Morphogenesis Unit ( at the Andalusian Centre for Developmental Biology (, in the ...

Clone Wars: A New Model

Posted by , on 1 October 2018

From the MRC Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine blog.   Stem cell turnover and tissue maintenance is a stochastic process. This means that a randomly occurring mutation has an unknown ...

The people behind the papers - Kana Ishimatsu, Tom Hiscock & Sean Megason

Posted by , on 12 June 2018

Somites are segmented structures  which give rise to numerous tissues in the vertebrate body. It has long been observed that somites scale in size with the overall size of the ...

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