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Posted by the Node, on 27 March 2018
This editorial and interview appeared in Development, Vol 145 Issue 6 A new Editor-in-Chief for Development Sarah Bray, Kate Storey, Katherine Brown As many of you will be ...Posted by the Node, on 23 February 2018
This editorial by Katherine Brown and Olivier Pourquié was published in Development on 22/02/18. We are excited to announce the launch of preLights (, a new service from The Company of ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 7 February 2018
The San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) was conceived in 2012 at an ASCB meeting, and has since its launch in 2013 has garnered thousands of signatories from individuals and ...Posted by the Node, on 30 May 2017
This Editorial originally appeared in Development, Volume 144, Issue 11 Katherine Brown, Olivier Pourquié As some readers will already be aware, we have recently introduced a new ‘format-free’ submission ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 21 September 2016
As you may have seen, we at Development have recently announced a change to our peer review process, introducing a cross-referee commenting step. This should be in place within the ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 4 March 2016
I’ve just finished reading ‘Raw Data’ by Pernille Rørth. As a disclaimer, Pernille ran the lab next door to me when I was a postdoc, and as Editor in Chief ...Posted by the Node, on 27 August 2015
This week the BioMedCentral blog put together a quiz to test how good you are at assessing the best course of action when faced with tricky peer review scenarios. These scenarios make for a ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 3 January 2013
Jordan Raff’s recent Biology Open editorial on the future of publishing, posted on the Node, sparked quite a debate in the comments section. Much of that discussion focussed on perceived ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 22 May 2012
How much does it matter that the images we publish are neat and tidy? It’s a question I’ve been dealing with over the past couple of weeks, and I wanted ...Posted by Natascha Bushati, on 12 September 2011
Here’s my brief roundup of day two at The EMBO Meeting. It started with Susan Lindquist‘s excellent talk on how cells react to stress by synthesising lots of new heat-shock ...