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Posted by NickyLB, on 26 January 2016
Cosy Science is an informal pub gathering where scientists talk about their research over a pint of beer (or glass of wine!) with anyone who is interested in listening. It is mostly ...Posted by Tsonis, on 17 January 2016
Konstantinos Sousounis and Panagiotis A. Tsonis The human eye is built to deliver the sense of vision. The eye lens is one of the organs playing role in focusing ...Posted by Marcela Arenas, on 6 November 2015
I am a third year PhD student and I work on limb regeneration in a non-model organism: Bolitoglossa ramosi, a salamander belonging to the family Plethodontidae. These salamanders show some ...Posted by Hideyo Ohuchi, on 22 October 2015
In autumn, crickets generally exhibit chirping songs in the temperate East Asian country of Japan. While the African field cricket Gryllus bimaculatus originates from tropical countries, it is an emerging ...Posted by Max_Yun, on 28 June 2015
Salamanders are remarkable organisms. Following the amputation or loss of complex structures such as parts of their eyes, hearts and brains, tails -including the spinal cord-, jaws and even full ...Posted by NoelineS, on 22 May 2015
Welcome to the Eublephosphere! Eublephosphere (noun) – A place in which those who study the leopard gecko (Eublepharis macularius) reside. Our names are Noeline Subramaniam and Kathy Jacyniak and we ...Posted by sounak.sahu, on 12 April 2015
Greetings and warm welcome to the “Planarian lab @ Oxford” The lab is based in the Department of Zoology in The Tinbergen Building on South parks Road in the “Land ...Posted by EAMAYA, on 11 December 2014
Title: The role of reactive oxygen species (ROS) during tissue repair and regeneration Supervisors: Professors Enrique Amaya and Ralf Paus, University of Manchester Application deadline: January 30, 2015 Description: There ...Posted by EAMAYA, on 11 December 2014
Title: The role and regulation of metabolic reprogramming during successful appendage regeneration Supervisors: Professors Enrique Amaya and Royston Goodacre, University of Manchester Application deadline: January 30, 2015 Description: Many vertebrate ...Posted by Alice Accorsi, on 10 June 2014
June 1st, 2014: Exactly one year after my departure flight from Bologna to Boston to attend the 2013 MBL Embryology course held at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, ...