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Posted by Alice Accorsi, on 10 June 2014
June 1st, 2014: Exactly one year after my departure flight from Bologna to Boston to attend the 2013 MBL Embryology course held at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Woods Hole, ...Posted by Caroline Hendry, on 9 April 2014
The latest issue of Development includes a paper by Clare Blackburn and colleagues at the Medical Research Council Centre for Regenerative Medicine, University of Edinburgh, showing that the aged mouse ...Posted by nkonst, on 1 April 2014
My name is Nikos. I just finished my PhD in the lab of Michalis Averof , starting my thesis at IMBB, in Crete and completing it at IGFL, in Lyon. ...Posted by Christele Gonneau, on 31 March 2014
Of all the animal models used in biology, the freshwater planarian flatworm is one of the most fascinating: first because roughly 10% of all planarian cells are stem cells, ...Posted by Máté Varga, on 3 October 2013
To the inspecting eyes of a budding scienziato the Reggian countryside was not simply teeming with life, it also posed myriad of intriguing questions. How do bug wings work and ...Posted by the Node, on 11 September 2013
Alejandro Sánchez Alvarado is an investigator at the Stowers Institute and Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and has worked for many years on regeneration in a little flatworm- the planaria. The ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 14 June 2013
Regeneration is a superpower not just reserved for superheroes—salamanders and newts are able to regenerate lost limbs and tails, and fish can regenerate new retinal neurons after injury to the ...Posted by Kif Liakath-Ali, on 16 May 2013
Continuous supply of mature differentiated cells by adult stem cells is required in most of adult tissues especially those with rapid turnover rates. In recent years, using advanced cell biological ...Posted by Eva Amsen, on 7 February 2013
Last year, Matter launched, after a successful Kickstarter campaign, as a magazine that publishes only long, well-written articles related to “science, technology and the ideas shaping our future”. Each issue ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 10 July 2012
Mae West was no biologist when she told us all that “Too much of a good thing can be wonderful.” I shudder to think how little development would take place ...