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Posted by the Node, on 21 January 2021
We’ll soon be launching a newly designed Node homepage to help make our historical content easier to find and improve navigation through the various parts of the site. To accompany ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 13 January 2021
This is the first in a new series on the Node profiling scientists who do art (or artists who do science). We’ll learn about why they do it, their artistic ...Posted by the Node, on 21 December 2020
Journal covers celebrate the aesthetic achievements of researchers and showcase the beauty of science to the wider world. Here are all 24 of Development’s covers for the crazy year that ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 5 March 2020
An interdiciplenary collaboration of scientists from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Center for Stem Cell Biology and animators in Denmark is aiming to facilitate a dialogue between the two diciplines, and ...Posted by the Node, on 9 October 2019
Development covers showcase the beauty of developmental biology. Embryos, tissues and cells are rendered in striking colour palettes and artistic arrangements. We mainly receive confocal image submissions but sometimes also EM ...Posted by the Node, on 17 July 2019
Development recently published a bumper Special Issue devoted to single cell approaches to developmental biology. A multitude of model systems featured – from Dicty to Drosophila to mouse to zebrafish ...Posted by the Node, on 20 May 2019
With over 10,000 votes cast, almost 6,000 people viewing the galleries and a new record for daily page views on the Node, we can now announce the winners of our ...Posted by the Node, on 14 May 2019
*Voting is closed and winners have been announced!* Our call for images to fill our 2019-20 calendar was met with an amazing response – 62 entries showcasing the diverse ...Posted by the Node, on 25 April 2019
Have you got a beautiful image of a developing organism you’d like to share with the world? Or a striking computer generated visualisation, or even something you’ve drawn or painted ...Posted by Gemma Anderson, on 19 March 2019
An artist and a cultural historian of science visiting the European Molecular Biology Lab (EMBL) Gemma Anderson (University of Exeter) and Janina Wellmann (MECS, Leuphana University Lüneburg) Since Steve Woolgar’s ...