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Posted by Emma Kemp, on 1 November 2012
Last month was an exciting one for stem cell research. I’m sure you all saw how stem cells hit international headlines with the announcement of a Nobel Prize for John ...Posted by Kif Liakath-Ali, on 17 October 2012
Despite the fact that I write this meeting post after three weeks of the summer school, I feel as though I’m writing directly from the Hydra Island, the experience and ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 10 October 2012
To me, the stem cells within a germline are a perfect storm of fascination. Stem cells are, of course, intriguing in their ability to self-renew and differentiate, and a germline ...Posted by sjd, on 8 October 2012
The Hydra Summer School presents a unique opportunity to young scientists in the field of stem cell research to engage with leading experts and peers alike. Set on an idyllic ...Posted by Teisha Rowland, on 30 September 2012
International Stem Cell Awareness Day is October 3, 2012, so on this day please help spread the word about the importance of stem cell research! For more information on this ...Posted by Kate Doherty, on 25 September 2012
EuroStemCell is an EC-funded project that aims to help European citizens make sense of stem cells, by providing reliable, independent information and road-tested educational resources on stem cells and their ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 12 September 2012
Stem cells are not just for the (super) young! As I get older, I’ve come to grips that my body needs some help…some more yoga, some more salads, some more ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 14 August 2012
Decisions, decisions. Stem cells face the task to self-renew or differentiate, a decision made out of the combination and coordination of numerous regulators. With the activation or suppression of transcriptional ...Posted by __Deleted user__, on 31 July 2012
We are seeking to appoint post-doctoral researchers to study microenvironmental regulation of stem cells in mammalian skin. The aim of our group is to gain a better understanding of the ...Posted by Claire Cox, on 2 July 2012
Stem cells are often in the media and are promoted as wonder cells that can solve the problems of most diseases. The stories told throughout this film give the story ...