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Posted by Timothy Fulton, on 9 October 2020
Timothy Fulton, Vikas Trivedi, Andrea Attardi & Benjamin Steventon As developmental biologists, we often find ourselves carefully looking at developing embryos as they undertake a dramatic and fascinating task: making ...Posted by Rashmi Priya, on 2 October 2020
A postdoctoral position (fully-funded for 4 years) is available in the laboratory of Dr. Rashmi Priya at the Francis Crick institute. Dr Priya’s laboratory focuses on the mechano-molecular control of ...Posted by Alexandria Hughes, on 17 July 2020
My mentor, Bruce Appel, emphasizes the importance of communicating science clearly and precisely. Consequently, I have watched my peers and myself deliver ever-improving talks, posters, and manuscripts during our time ...Posted by PRAGYA SIDHWANI, on 23 June 2020
I started off as quite little—just one cell, in fact. No heart, no brain, no blood flowed in me and yet, somehow I found the motivation in me to divide. ...Posted by Disease Models and Mechanisms, on 3 June 2020
This post highlights the approach and finding of a new research article published by Disease Models and Mechanisms (DMM). This feature is written by Joseph I. Kaluzny as apart of ...Posted by Sudipto, on 18 May 2020
Perhaps the most exciting aspect of attending any scientific meeting is the privilege of becoming aware of novel research findings in our fields of interest, prior to their appearance in ...Posted by Josh Bloomekatz, on 16 April 2020
The Bloomekatz laboratory in the Department of Biology at the University of Mississippi in Oxford, MS is seeking a research technician to assist in our investigations of cardiac morphogenesis and ...Posted by Jennifer Bagwell, on 14 April 2020
By Jennifer Bagwell and Michel Bagnat Our lab investigates the role of hydrostatic pressure as a morphogenetic force using zebrafish as a model system. This work was originally focused ...Posted by BSDB, on 16 January 2020
Established by the British Society for Developmental Biology in 2014, The Gurdon/The Company of Biologists Summer Studentship scheme provides financial support to allow highly motivated undergraduate students an opportunity to engage ...Posted by Fabienne Poulain, on 12 November 2019
The Poulain lab ( at the University of South Carolina in Columbia, SC seeks talented and motivated postdocs! We use zebrafish as a vertebrate model system and a unique combination of genetic, ...