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Posted by the Node, on 23 April 2019
Press release from Development. You can also read the Research Highlight for this article. Researchers have identified the hormone that causes sex reversal of medaka fish growing in high temperatures. ...Posted by Rene Maehr, on 22 April 2019
The Maehr Laboratory is seeking a highly motivated postdoctoral research fellow to investigate the molecular basis of immune syndromes and immune cell development. The applicant will be taking on experimental and/or ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 18 April 2019
This interview, the 60th in our series, was recently published in Development In development and during regeneration in adults, muscle fibres develop from muscle progenitor cells, and the proliferation, differentiation and fusion ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 18 April 2019
Department of Biology at the Faculty of Science, University of Copenhagen is offering a Postdoc position in Physiology and Genetics commencing 1 August 2019 or as soon as possible thereafter. ...Posted by the Node, on 17 April 2019
Each year The Royal Society, the world’s oldest national scientific institution, elects a new set of Fellows (both UK-based and ‘Foreign Members’). This year, among 62 distinguished researchers from across ...Posted by Adrienne Roeder, on 16 April 2019
Polyploidy is a conserved and frequently occurring phenomenon whose impact on organismal health and disease is poorly understood. This first symposium focused on Polyploidy was organized by Don Fox (Duke University), ...Posted by joshua.finkelstein, on 16 April 2019
A fundamental question in biology is how cells communicate to fashion and repair complex biological structures and tissues. It is well established that cells communicate through biochemical cues. However, compelling ...Posted by Noami Dayan, on 16 April 2019
DanStem plans to recruit outstanding scientists for independent research group leader positions at the senior and junior levels in the near future. We are seeking potential candidates with an impressive ...Posted by jbush, on 16 April 2019
A postdoctoral position is available in the Bush lab at the University of California, San Francisco to study the cellular basis of morphogenesis using live imaging, mouse genetic, and ...Posted by zsun, on 15 April 2019
The Sun lab at Yale University is currently seeking a postdoctoral candidate. We study the function of the cilium in vertebrate development and diseases, with a particular focus on polycystic ...