I left my frog in San Francisco:
The 15th International Xenopus Conference
Asilomar CA, 2014
Posted by Gary McDowell, on 22 September 2014
Every two years, the international Xenopus community gathers to meet. Two years ago I wrote about the meeting in Toulon, France and this time we crossed the pond to Asilomar, ...Posted by Gary McDowell, on 27 August 2014
You may have noticed a recent trend in the perception of the graduate and postdoctoral experience, be it in the state of our mental health; or perceived career goal of ...Posted by Gary McDowell, on 20 August 2014
I previously wrote a post about the development of a 4-D X-Ray Tomography technique for imaging early Xenopus embryos. Frog embryos are opaque due to their yolky composition and this ...Posted by Gary McDowell, on 17 February 2014
The first Xenopus imaging workshop was held at the Xenopus Resource Centre at the Marine Biological Laboratory in Wood’s Hole, MA from November 17th – 22nd. Kymograph of a ...Posted by Gary McDowell, on 2 October 2013
I am Gary McDowell, a postdoctoral researcher at Tufts Centre for Regenerative Biology and Developmental Biology. I have just finished a postdoctoral position in a mass spectrometry lab at ...