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Posted by the Node Interviews, on 25 October 2016
So far in this series, we’ve featured fly nuclear pores, lizard tails, squid eyes and mouse digits, and heard from researchers working in Germany, the US and Canada. Today, we ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 26 September 2016
Today we feature an upcoming paper in Cell Stem Cell that investigates the role of Schwann cell precursors in the multi-tissue regeneration of the adult mammalian distal digit tip. We caught up with lead ...Posted by Disease Models and Mechanisms, on 23 September 2016
“…had you told me when I was 25 years old that I would be the director of a cancer center I would have been incredulous, given that I was ...Posted by Katherine Brown, on 21 September 2016
As you may have seen, we at Development have recently announced a change to our peer review process, introducing a cross-referee commenting step. This should be in place within the ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 2 September 2016
Today’s paper is from the latest issue of Development and introduces the squid Doryteuthis pealeii as a lophotrochozoan model for eye development. And the people are PI Jeffrey Gross, Director of the ...Posted by the Node, on 23 August 2016
Mathew Tata was the winner of the BSDB poster competition at the BSDB-BSCB 2016 meeting in Warwick. His prize was a trip to Boston to attend the SDB-ISD meeting in ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 22 August 2016
Today’s paper is from the latest issue of Development and investigates the mechanisms of lizard tail regeneration, revealing distinct cell behaviours in the proximal versus distal regenerating tail. Today’s person is Thomas Lozito, ...Posted by the Node Interviews, on 16 August 2016
In this new series, we interview the people behind some of the most exciting recent papers in developmental biology and related fields, to give context to the work and find out ...Posted by the Node, on 21 April 2016
Every year, the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) awards the Beddington Medal to the best PhD thesis in developmental biology. The 2016 award went to Elena Scarpa, who did ...Posted by Disease Models and Mechanisms, on 18 April 2016
This interview first featured on Disease Models and Mechanisms. Gerald (Gerry) Rubin, pioneer in Drosophila genetics, is Founding Director of the HHMI-funded Janelia Research Campus. In this interview, Gerry ...