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Posted by Heather, on 5 February 2014
Limited time offer! Read on. As a developmental biologist, I have found my calling in applying what I have learned about normal embryogenesis to better understanding the pathophysiology of ...Posted by Marsha Lucas, on 4 February 2014
The following is a re-post of an editorial by Society for Developmental Biology President, Martin Chalfie (Columbia University). It was originally published in the Winter edition of SDB e-news here. ...Posted by the Node, on 26 January 2014
We realise that a lot of the people who register for an account with the Node are not experienced bloggers. It can be hard to write your first blog post: ...Posted by okanca, on 22 January 2014
Those lucky scientists, who study organisms which allow live imaging experiments to be effectively performed, do not always appreciate what a luxury it is to watch the tissue of interest ...Posted by Katie Howe, on 20 December 2013
DNA extraction from fruit is an easy experiment that makes a great demonstration for kids’ science fairs. I ran a DNA extraction stall at Oxford’s Wow!How? family science fair a ...Posted by Gabe Musso, on 18 December 2013
Those of us who are of a certain age can remember standing overwhelmed at the video store, agonizing over which movie to rent. Of course today video stores in the ...Posted by mikespc, on 18 December 2013
The Science Picture Company has launched an iPad app that explores pregnancy from a new perspective, Life in the Womb. The app follows the embryological and fetal development through ...Posted by gkirkham, on 22 November 2013
Why is this a good activity? It is often difficult to communicate how the organization of individual cells can affect later function, particularly with regard to early embryogenesis and ...Posted by Caroline Hendry, on 15 November 2013
Earlier this year, Development launched Stem Cells & Regeneration: a website dedicated to hosting all of the journal’s stem cell and regeneration content. This online home means that you can now ...Posted by otassy, on 15 November 2013
Following the publication in Nucleic Acids Research of my new database that I developed in Olivier Pourquié’s lab, I would like to introduce you to Manteia This database contains ...