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developmental and stem cell biologists

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This collection features helpful posts on a wide range of topics, from academic writing and reviewing to data visualisation and statistical analysis.

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Non-zero baselines: the good, the bad, and the ugly

Posted by , on 20 June 2019

Of all the charts being ridiculed at WTFviz, many get shamed for their lack of a zero-baseline. When teaching DataViz, zero-baselines are invariably a topic of debate. The rules about …
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User-friendly p-values

Posted by , on 13 February 2019

A good statistic is the one that you can understand. Mean values are understandable and everybody knows how to calculate them. Most people also realize how the mean value can …

Experimenting with non-anonymous peer review

Posted by , on 3 February 2019

Last year, I started to experiment with signing my reports for peer review of manuscripts, inspired by other people on twitter (@kaymtye, @AndrewPlested who in turn were inspired by Leslie …

Visualizing the heterogeneity of single cell data from time-lapse imaging

Posted by , on 12 December 2018

When we examined the kinetics of Rho GTPase activity in endothelial cells in response to receptor stimulation (Reinhard, 2017), we noticed considerable cell-to-cell heterogeneity. In the original work we published …

Make a difference: the alternative for p-values

Posted by , on 8 October 2018

Calculation and reporting of p-values is common in scientific publications and presentations (Cristea and Ioannidis, 2018). Usually, the p-value is calculated to decide whether two conditions, e.g. control and treatment, …

Showing distributions

Posted by , on 6 August 2018

When reading about co-evolution of prey and predators, I stumbled across a cute new plot type: a half boxplot, half dot plot to show data distributions.     Wilson used …

How to make colour blind friendly palettes, from regular contributor Jochim Goedhart.

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Updated on 16 March 2021