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developmental and stem cell biologists

SciArt profiles

SciArt profiles

A series in which we profile scientists who do art (and occasionally artists who dabble in science).

Recent posts

SciArt profile: Arpan Parichha

Posted by , on 14 November 2022

Our latest SciArt profile features Arpan Parichha, a PhD student in Shubha Tole’s lab in Mumbai. Arpan told us about his passion for using art to address important issues in …
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SciArt profile: Bob Goldstein

Posted by , on 5 July 2022

For this month’s SciArt profile, we caught up with Bob Goldstein, a professor at UNC Chapel Hill, who uses various printmaking techniques to produce unique posters advertising scientists’ talks, as …

SciArt profile: Louis-Jan Pilaz

Posted by , on 9 June 2022

For our latest SciArt profile, we continue our adventure into 3D artwork and showcase the the neuro-woodwork sculptures from Louis-Jan Pilaz.

SciArt profile: Tahani Baakdhah

Posted by , on 13 May 2022

In our latest SciArt profile, we focus on crochet with Tahani Baakdhah, a vision researcher from Toronto, Canada, currently working as postdoc fellow at the Krembil research Institute.

SciArt profile: Cirenia Arias Baldrich

Posted by , on 14 April 2022

In our latest SciArt profile, we hear from Cirenia Arias Baldrich. Cirenia is a freelance illustrator who has a background in plant physiology and stem cell bioinformatics.

SciArt profile: Maria Abou Chakra

Posted by , on 23 March 2022

In our latest SciArt profile, we meet Maria Abou Chakra. Maria is a theoretical biologist who introduces us to her sci-sketchnotes and highlights the importance of creativity in science.

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Know a talented SciArtist? We’re always on the look out for new people to profile (and welcome self-nominations)

Related content

Check out our SciArt tag for a variety of posts on the intersection of art and science from the archive.

Our full archive going back to 2010 is filterable by category, tag and date.

Updated on 25 July 2023