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Posted by Kat Arney, on 2 January 2020
Kat Arney explores the myths and misconceptions behind two of the most iconic images in evolutionary biology.Posted by jorgetorrespaz, on 6 December 2019
The discipline “Evo-devo” studies the developmental basis of morphological evolution. In the field, some original animal models are emerging as interesting model organisms, enriching the knowledge in the field more ...Posted by ettenson, on 21 November 2019
We know surprisingly little about how evolution has created new cell types. One of the best examples of a recently evolved cell type comes from early sea urchin development. Most ...Posted by hmhines, on 20 August 2019
As a first-year graduate student, I had the good fortune of accompanying Dr. Pierre Rasmont (U. Mons, Belgium) and his lab group on an expedition to collect bumble bees in ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 15 August 2019
We’re telling tales of sex and death, and exploring the very darkest side of genetics.Posted by Sandra Treffkorn, on 7 August 2019
What are onychophorans and why do we study them? My name is Sandra Treffkorn, and I recently finished my PhD in the department of zoology lead by Georg Mayer at ...Posted by gneifd, on 19 July 2019
1.Basic job and project description: 1.Job/ project description: The postdoc could choose between three main research projects: a. Mathematical modeling of phenotypic evolution in populations with embryonic development. b. Mathematical ...Posted by Kohei Oguchi, on 31 May 2019
How do genes and their environment interact during development and evolution to generate phenotypic diversity? To answer these questions in the Miura lab, by focusing on diverse animal taxa, we ...Posted by Kat Arney, on 8 May 2019
In this episode of Genetics Unzipped we ask, what would have happened if Darwin had read Mendel? And what if they’d been on Twitter?Posted by the Node, on 5 March 2019
Alexander Blackwell and James Gahan At the beginning of November 2018, thirty researchers congregated at Wiston House to attend a workshop titled ‘Evo-chromo: towards an integrative approach of chromatin ...