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Posted by Paraminder Dhillon, on 24 July 2013
Set against a beautiful backdrop of baroque architecture and cobbled streets in Murcia, Spain, the 6th Zebrafish Disease Models workshop (ZDM6) kicked off with an awe-inspiring keynote talk on developing ...Posted by Leonardo Valdivia, on 18 July 2013
This was my first time in lovely Barcelona. I travelled from London the day before the zebrafish meeting kicked-off (in order to be well rested and alert for all the ...Posted by Catarina Vicente, on 15 July 2013
I was really looking forward to attending the European Zebrafish Meeting. The fact that it took place in the amazing Barcelona was, of course, a bonus point, but the main ...Posted by the Node, on 5 July 2013
Next week will see the 8th european zebrafish meeting happening in Barcelona, Spain. The Node will be there, and (if there is internet available) we will be tweeting from the ...Posted by CMDooley, on 17 May 2013
It took longer than the human genome, if by only a few years, but it has finally arrived. The sequencing of the zebrafish (Danio rerio) genome reported in Howe ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 7 March 2013
You didn’t stop developing once you were born (or hatched). Our infant selves barely resemble ourselves as adults, thankfully, and stem cells play an important role in this continued development. ...Posted by bethpay, on 23 November 2012
Post-Doctoral Research Associate position at University College London Cancer Institute The group is based at the Cancer Institute at UCL and works on modelling inherited and acquired haematopoietic diseases using ...Posted by Karuna Sampath, on 27 July 2012
Here is the backdrop for our recent paper in Development, “Dorsal activity of maternal squint is mediated by a non-coding function of the RNA”: This work follows up a previous ...Posted by Erin M Campbell, on 8 June 2012
I would have thought that all organisms heal a broken heart the same way humans do (bad movies and cheap wine), but I was wrong. Some organisms, such as zebrafish ...Posted by Ryan Anderson, on 16 May 2012
A postdoctoral position is available in the zebrafish laboratory of Ryan M. Anderson at the Wells Center for Pediatric Research, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, Indiana ( We use zebrafish ...