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Posted by Koichiro Uriu, on 30 June 2021
Koichiro Uriu, Bo-Kai Liao, Andrew Oates and Luis Morelli on the segmentation clockPosted by Petridou, on 7 May 2021
By Bernat Corominas-Murtra and Nicoletta I. Petridou Embryo morphogenesis is a play whose outcome is the result of a complex and delicate plot, made of balances and agreements among many ...Posted by mbrenthawkins, on 20 April 2021
Brent Hawkins recalls how mapping the zebrafish rephraim mutation brought insights into the fin-to-limb transitionPosted by the Node, on 16 April 2021
Watch talks on sex hormones, enteric nervous system development and the HOX clockPosted by the Node Interviews, on 29 March 2021
This interview by Aidan Maartens was recently published in Development. Dr Cagney Coomer received her PhD with Ann Morris at the University of Kentucky, where she studied zebrafish retinal development ...Posted by pascale bomont, on 18 February 2021
In the context of an ERC funded project, the laboratory of Dr. Bomont (NeuroMyoGene institute, Lyon, France) is recruiting several fellows. We are seeking highly motivated candidates for neuronal cytoskeleton, ...Posted by Michael Smutny, on 9 February 2021
A postdoctoral research position is available in the laboratory of Dr. Michael Smutny at the Centre for Mechanochemical Cell Biology at Warwick Medical School, UK. The lab is focused on ...Posted by Ertugrul Ozbudak, on 4 February 2021
Oriana Zinani, Kemal Keseroğlu, Ahmet Ay and Ertuğrul Özbudak on how gene pairing promotes oscillations in segmentationPosted by the Node Interviews, on 4 February 2021
In our third SciArt Profile we meet Sydney Wyatt, a PhD student based at the University of California, Davis. Where are you originally from, where do you work now, ...Posted by Steffen Scholpp, on 4 February 2021
A postdoctoral position is available in the Scholpp lab at the Living Systems Institute (LSI) at the University of Exeter ( The mission of the institute is to study the ...