This month on the Node: May
Posted by the Node, on 31 May 2013
May was another busy month on the Node, with a combination of research, publishing and Node news, in addition to several job posts. One very exciting news was that the Node has a new community manager! You can learn more about Cat on her introductory post and you can always contact her with suggestions and comments.
Woods Hole Image Competition- round 2
Round 2 of the ever popular cover competition of pictures taken by last year’s Woods Hole course students was underway this month, with a last minute victory by the two headed regenerated planarian! Congratulations to Chang Liu of the Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology for the winning image, which will feature in the cover of Development in the next few weeks.
Research highlights
We had three very interesting posts this month about recent research papers:
– Kif Liakath-Ali posted about a recent paper on lingual epithelium stem cells
– Chris Dooley focused on two recent papers on the sequencing of the zebrafish genome and the associated gene knockout project
– And Bruce Morgan commented on his recent paper describing how changes in the hair follicle niche cells can lead to hair loss
Publishing news
This month saw a group of editors and publishers signing the San Francisco Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA), a set of recommendations trying to address some of the issues with the current citation and impact factor system. Katherine posted about DORA, so if you have a comment or view on it, please join the discussion!
A recent post on the Node also announced a new Stem Cells & Regeneration website within Development, highlighting stem cell-related content in the journal, alongside a special issue on this area.
This month featured two very interesting interviews on The Node. The first interview was with biochemist-turned-sculptor Briony Marshall, and focused on some of the beautiful developmental biology-inspired pieces in her current exhibition in London. The Node also interviewed Aditya Saxena, a PhD student in Helen Skaer’s lab who won the poster prize at the last BSDB meeting.
Also on the Node:
– EuroStemCell announced a Stem Cell-themed non-fiction writing competition, alongside other news
– PostPostDoc discussed bullying and intimidation in the lab
– The Node followed the #LiteraryPaperOpenings hashtag on twitter and collated some of the best tweets in a storify
Happy Reading!