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developmental and stem cell biologists

Does (brain) size matter?

Posted by , on 30 October 2015

Chris Puhl and Rebecca McIntosh   As a part of a team of students from the MRC Centre for Developmental Neurobiology, Kings College London we commissioned and edited an issue ...

Question of the month- "Away from the bench" skills

Posted by , on 30 October 2015

Recently, Tomer Stern and Itamar Harel posted on the Node about Graduate Peer Group, a discussion group where graduate students could interact with each other and address the challenges that ...

Computing the worm: artificial intelligence approaches to planarian regeneration and beyond

Posted by , on 30 October 2015

Pattern formation and regulation emerges from cellular activity determined by specific biophysical and genetic rules. A major challenge for developmental biology, biomedicine, and synthetic bioengineering is this highly indirect (Lobo ...

PhD positions in Quantitative Stem Cell Biology in Dortmund

Posted by , on 30 October 2015

Two PhD positions in the area of quantitative stem cell biology are available in the laboratory of Christian Schroeter, starting in spring 2016 at the Max Planck Institute for Molecular Physiology ...

Postdoctoral candidates in cell and developmental biology at the gene regulation and morphogenesis department

Posted by , on 29 October 2015

In the frame of the 2016 “Juan de la Cierva” Call, a postdoctoral research post is available in Juan R. Martinez-Morales laboratory. ( CABD (UPO/CSIC). National Research Council. Seville. Spain. ...

Graduate Peer Group: How to Lead When You Are Not in Charge

Posted by , on 29 October 2015

Itamar Harel¹* and Tomer Stern²* ¹ Department of Biological Regulation, Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, 76100, Israel Present address: Department of Genetics, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305, USA ² Department ...

On the scaling of the skeletal system

Posted by , on 28 October 2015

By Tomer Stern, the skeletal development laboratory of Prof. Elazar Zelzer, Department of Molecular Genetics, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel.   Proper shape-size relation is essential for the function of ...

New intern at the Node!

Posted by , on 27 October 2015

Hello readers of the Node! My name is Helena, and for the next few months I’ll be helping to run the Node, while Cat concentrates on other projects to make ...

A day in the life of a siphonophore lab

Posted by , on 27 October 2015

I’m Cat Munro, a third year PhD Candidate in Casey Dunn’s lab at Brown University. The Dunn lab has an even split of lab members that work on the evolution, ...

On a quest to understand what has made us human - A special edition of The Biochemist

Posted by , on 27 October 2015

As developmental biologists, we are fascinated by the ability of an organism to become, from a single fertilised egg, a fully functional individual. However, as human beings we are equally ...

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