This month on the Node- June
Posted by the Node, on 30 June 2013
June saw a lot of interesting posts on the Node! Meeting reports, research posts, and more, as well as few new jobs in our jobs page. Here are some of the highlights:
Meeting reports
Several meetings were covered on the Node this month:
- – Harry attended the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) annual meeting in Boston, and posted a series of reports on the meeting
- – The Node was at the International Society of Development Biology (ISDB) in Cancun, and posted daily updates.
- – Rachael attended the satellite symposium on left-right asymmetry that preceded the ISDB, and wrote a post on her highlights.
Research Highlights
– Kif Liakath-Ali highlighted two recent papers that used insects as an inspiration to develop new technologies.
– Cantas discussed his recent paper on the formation of the primitive streak and the induction of mesoderm.
– And Albert described how he applied the brainbow technique to zebrafish.
Woods Hole embryology course
This year’s Woods Hole embryology course is underway, and Lara wrote a post about her impressions on the first few weeks of the course. We also had another round of beautiful images from last year’s course up for voting, and the big winner this time was a skeleton preparation of a pig embryo. This winning image will feature in the cover of Development in a coming issue.
Also on the Node:
– Kara wrote a personal account of how she returned to the bench after working as a journal editor, showing that leaving academia doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t come back.
– And Erin’s stem cell image blog focused on a recent paper on retinal regeneration.
Happy Reading!