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developmental and stem cell biologists

Stem cells and developmental biology: old friends meet again...or did they ever part ways?

Posted by , on 30 June 2010

Ahhh the Node, my favourite part of the embryo: nice cup shape you can lie back in and get a whirly cilia massage…. OK, on with the post. So it ...

What do students need to know about developmental biology ?

Posted by , on 29 June 2010

This is a question that I keep asking myself. I am starting work on the third edition of my textbook “Essential Developmental Biology”. Over the years the quantity of published ...

Lindau Nobel Laureates Meeting

Posted by , on 29 June 2010

Have you ever met a Nobel Laureate? 650 lucky young researchers are currently spending the week with 59 previous Nobel Prize winners from the fields of physiology or medicine, physics ...

Changes in Wellcome Trust funding

Posted by , on 28 June 2010

Biomedical researchers in the UK are seeing some changes in the way their research is funded. The Wellcome Trust, the UK’s largest charity funding agency for biomedical research, is phasing ...

Editorial about the Node in Development

Posted by , on 25 June 2010

Coinciding with the launch of the Node, Development Editor-in-chief Olivier Pourquié, Executive editor Jane Alfred, and the Node’s Community Manager Eva Amsen (that’s me!) wrote an editorial for the current ...

The Young Embryologist Meeting, 2010. London.

Posted by , on 23 June 2010

May 10th 2010 marked the second anniversary of a very young but promising scientific meeting, the Young Embryologist Meeting (YEM). This meeting was organised by a group of PhD students ...

Selaginella in frame

Posted by , on 23 June 2010

If you are a plant developmental biologist studying the Selaginella spikemosses, you might be interested in this beautiful animation that shows the life cycle of the Selaginella, Selaginella apoda Life ...

In Development, Vol 137 (Issue 14)

Posted by , on 23 June 2010

Here are the research highlights from the current issue of Development. You can find these on the Development site but we thought it would be useful to have them posted ...

BSDB-BSCB Meeting Report Part II

Posted by , on 21 June 2010

As announced in my last post, here is part two of the BSDB-BSCB Spring Meeting Report. It deals with two presentations on networks of transcription factors (TFs). During development, such ...

Teaching embryology to undergraduates

Posted by , on 18 June 2010

I am employed as a graduate teaching assistant for a first year biomedical sciences course at Auckland University in New Zealand. The class is called Cellular and Developmental Biology and ...

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