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Posted by Alison Woollard, on 27 February 2014
On receiving an e-mail from the Royal Institution back in March 2013 inviting me to submit a proposal for the delivery of the CHRISTMAS LECTURES, my first reaction was to ...Posted by Simon Bishop, on 5 February 2014
I had just put the finishing touches to my thesis, a weighty tome of developmental neurobiology. My mind was still focused on this highly specific piece of work. I was ...Posted by the Node, on 20 December 2013
The Royal Institution Christmas Lectures are an annual event where science is celebrated and young people are inspired. This year’s lectures celebrate the Life Fantastic, and will showcase the excitement, ...Posted by Katie Howe, on 20 December 2013
DNA extraction from fruit is an easy experiment that makes a great demonstration for kids’ science fairs. I ran a DNA extraction stall at Oxford’s Wow!How? family science fair a ...Posted by the Node, on 5 December 2013
Development recently published an article by Ben-Zion Shilo on his recent science outreach project. In this project, Benny aimed to explain concepts of developmental biology to the public by identifying ...Posted by the Node, on 5 December 2013
This article was first published in Development, and was written by Ben-Zion Shilo, Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel. How can the revolution in our understanding of embryonic development and stem ...Posted by Andre Brown, on 27 November 2013
Research, write grants, publish papers, teach, manage staff, collaborate. And now engage the public?! Most scientists have their hands full, and while public engagement sounds nice in the abstract, actually ...Posted by gkirkham, on 22 November 2013
What is a science exhibition? These are publicly accessible exhibitions that hold stalls designed to communicate specific areas of science to a lay audience. They tend to vary in terms ...Posted by gkirkham, on 22 November 2013
Why is this a good activity? It is often difficult to communicate how the organization of individual cells can affect later function, particularly with regard to early embryogenesis and ...Posted by CosyScience, on 14 November 2013
Cosy Science is a non profit organisation formed in 2012 at Cancer Research UK London Research Institute, by a group of young scientists: Olga Martins de Brito, Kinga Bercsenyi and ...