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developmental and stem cell biologists

YEN Seminar Next Week – March 24

Posted by , on 17 March 2011

We are delighted to announce the first double-seminar session hosted by the Young Embryologist Network ( on March 24th from 4pm – 6pm (& refreshments afterwards) in the A.V. Hill Lecture Theatre, Medical Sciences Building, UCL. The theme of this session is visualising biological processes and there will be 2 speakers:

– Dr Florencia Cavodeassi (Steve Wilson Group, Dept of Cell and Developmental Biology, UCL).
Title TBC.

– Professor Scott Fraser (Anna L. Rosen Professor of Biology & Engineering and Applied Science, Beckman Institute, Caltech, USA).

Title: “New tools for imaging the motions and fates of embryonic cells.”

This session is run by PhD and PostDocs in the Network (CDB, UCL, NIMR, ICH, KCL) but is open to everyone. Through these seminars and our annual meeting we hope to open lines of communication and create a diverse, interactive research community for PhD students, Post-Doc and PI embryologists. So please come along and become part of the Network.

AV. Hill Lecture Theatre can be reached via the Anatomy Building on Gower Street or through the Medical Sciences building ( ).
The Anatomy building route is the following: Enter through the main entrance on Gower Street and walk up the central staircase to the first floor, enter through the door marked “Physiology” and along the corridor. AV. Hill is to your right at the end of the corridor through 2 sets of double doors.


We look forwards to seeing you there!
Sorrel Bickley
YEM2011 Organising Committee

Young Embryologist Network (Do you know about our annual meeting YEM2011 on May 6th? Check out our website)

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Travel funding

Posted by , on 17 March 2011

If you’re attending a conference later this year and need help funding your travel, you can apply for one of the Company of Biologists’ Direct Travel grants. The maximum amount of these grants has just been increased to £600 for international travel and £300 for travel in the same country as resident. (The website still lists the old amounts.)

-Deadline for the next round is March 31st.
-Applicants must be a PhD student or junior (in first three years post PhD and in first postdoctoral position) postdoctoral researcher.
-Applications will not be considered from those eligible to apply for travel grants from the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) or any other Company of Biologists grant-aided source.

In addition, Development also offers fellowship awards of up to £2500 for PhD students and postdocs to travel to another lab for a collaborative exchange. You can find out more about those Travelling Fellowships on the Development website, and the application deadline for the next round of these awards is April 30.
We’ve featured some reports from previous recipients of the Travelling Fellowships on the Node, so you can read their experiences.

Both the Direct Travel Grants and the Travelling Fellowships are open to applicants from any country.

(image by Duncan Harris on Flickr.)

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Categories: Funding

Bird’s-eye view: CoB workshop on Cancer as a Microevolutionary Process

Posted by , on 15 March 2011

During the past week, a group of scientists followed in the footsteps of Winston Churchill and convened at the lovely Wilton Park in Sussex for a Company of Biologists Workshop to challenge central dogmas and provoke new ideas – this time in a quest to understand cancer as a microevolutionary process. The conference organisers – Dr. Gerard Evan, Dr. Doug Green and Dr. Karen Vousden – invited an excellent range of speakers from across the fields of cancer and evolution to join them for intense discussions on key outstanding questions, including: the search for effective cancer therapeutics, the role of stem cells in metastasis, the importance of the tumour microenvironment and the value of research in more diverse species across the breadth of eukaryotes (did you know that only 6 model organisms are commonly used to probe biological questions, yet there are 50 million species?!).

This Workshop was the fourth in a series organised by The Company of Biologists. The format of these meetings aims to divert from the traditional presentation of primary research findings and instead provide a unique discussion-based forum for the exchange of new ideas between experts from diverse disciplines. As the Editorial Intern on Journal of Cell Science, I attended to represent the journal, and was joined by members of the editorial team from another Company of Biologists journal, Disease Models & Mechanisms. Personally, I feel very privileged to have had the opportunity to hear the new and thought-provoking ideas being exchanged across the conference room, during the delicious meals, and on into the evening in the library and the bar. I am sure that future collaborative projects will be spawned from this meeting, so keep your eye on the pages of JCS, DMM and the other journals published by The Company of Biologists to see how this interdisciplinary field develops.

If you have an idea for a ground-breaking biology-related workshop then please visit the Workshops website at for more details.

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Categories: Events

Japan Earthquake and Tsunami

Posted by , on 14 March 2011

We were deeply shocked to hear about the devastating earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, and would like to express our sympathy with the people of Japan.

Throughout the weekend, we have been following news from colleagues in Japan, but we still don’t have a complete picture of where researchers in the affected area are and how they are doing. If you do have information or would like to enquire about biologists in Northern Japan, please feel free to use the comments area of this post to communicate and share information with other developmental biologists.

We do have an update at this moment from the CDB Epigenetics Symposium.
This symposium is currently underway in Kobe – a city no stranger to earthquakes itself. Despite many cancellations from participants, and a few requests to call the meeting off, the organizers made a decision to hold the symposium anyway. In an email to meeting participants, they explain why:

“[S]ome advised us not to hold the CDB symposium. However, we also learnt from the Kobe earthquake that maintaining our daily activity and maintaining a sense of normalcy, is the best what we can do in the unaffected areas.”

The symposium has, however, been reduced to two days only. Many attendees had to cancel, and flights in and out of any part of Japan are experiencing delays.

We are closely following news from the Japanese developmental biology community through contacts at RIKEN CDB and the JSDB. We’ll update this post with news, and encourage you to communicate in the comments, so you can bookmark this post and come back to it later to find out what’s going on with your colleagues in Japan.

– From various sources (but first through Raj’s comment below) we heard that Tohoku University’s Dr. Koji Tamura, Dr. Harukazu Nakamura, Dr. Funahashi, Dr. Toshihiko Ogura, Dr. Noriko Osumi, and Dr. Asako Sugimoto and their lab members are all doing fine. The labs have suffered material damage, and they have lost freezer samples, but we hope to have more detail on how the research community can help them once they’re settling back into their labs.
– The joint GfE/JSDB meeting in Dresden will be held next week with a shortened programme, as not all Japanese speakers will be able to attend.
– German researchers have set up the Nippon Science Support Network, to offer space and resources to their Japanese colleagues. (via The Great Beyond, which has more updates).
– (31/3 update) The NIH has sent Japanese societies an offer to help: “Plans are underway to provide temporary scientific homes at NIH for Japanese colleagues and fellows who may have lost research facilities in Japan. Also, the Foundation for Advanced Education in the Sciences (FAES) has established a fund to help earthquake victims in Japan. Voluntary contributions may be sent to FAES, NIH Building 60, Suite 230 (One Cloister Court, Bethesda, MD 20814) and designated for the “Japanese Earthquake Fund.”” (as sent to the JSDB by Michael M. Gottesman of the NIH)
-(6/4 update) The NSF has grants available for researchers affected by either the New Zealand or Japan earthquakes. See their website for details.

Relevant links:

CDB epigenetic symposium (with updates)

Tohoku University emergency page for students and staff (Japanese).

Google Person Finder (English/Japanese)

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European Advocate General critical of stem cell patents

Posted by , on 11 March 2011

I expect many of you have already seen reports that the European Advocate General has taken a very restrictive view on patents for technologies that use human embyronic stem cells. This is the next installment in a long-running legal battle over a patent awarded to stem cell scientist Oliver Bruestle in 1999 and challenged by Greenpeace in 2004. Prof Bruestle and others are voicing serious concerns about the Advocate General’s postion (see news story at for example). Just wondered what Node readers think about all this?

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Categories: News

A walk in the park is a walk amongst development

Posted by , on 10 March 2011

[updated 25/3/2011] Video was temporarily removed from Vimeo. Will repost it when it’s back up.

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The amazing neural crest

Posted by , on 9 March 2011

The power of stem cells lies in the ability to give rise to many different cell types.  The stem cells found in the neural crest are no exception, and a recent Development paper describes the importance of Foxd3 in maintaining self-renewal and multipotency of these stem cells, and in regulating the fate choice of these cells.

After neural tube formation in the embryo, neural crest cells begin their migration away from the neural tube.  These cells generate a wide variety of differentiated cell types, including neurons, melanocytes, bone, smooth muscle, and cartilage.  Neural crest stem cells can be found in the neural crest population, yet the players regulating their self-renewal and multipotency were not yet understood.  Mundell and Labosky just reported the importance of a single protein – the forkhead transcription factor Foxd3 – in cell fate choice of the neural crest stem cells.  Without Foxd3, cells adopted more mesenchymal fates and cranial neural crest defects appeared.  In addition, Foxd3 mutant cultures of neural crest stem cells gave results showing that Foxd3 is important for maintaining the self-renewing and uncommitted multipotent state of the stem cells.  Image shows an 11.5 dpc cranial neural crest cell population with (left) or without (right) normal levels of Foxd3.  Without Foxd3, the increased appearance of Sox9 (red), marking osteochondral progenitors, suggests accelerated differentiation towards mesenchymal cell fates.

For a more general description of this image, see my post on EuroStemCell, the European stem cell portal.

BONUS!  The stunning unpublished image below, from the authors, shows a section through the headfolds in an 8-somite stage mouse embryo, with Foxd3 (red) and neural crest cells (green) labeled.

ResearchBlogging.orgMundell, N., & Labosky, P. (2011). Neural crest stem cell multipotency requires Foxd3 to maintain neural potential and repress mesenchymal fates Development, 138 (4), 641-652 DOI: 10.1242/dev.054718

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Categories: Images, Research

Interview with Wellcome Image Award Winners

Posted by , on 9 March 2011

The 2011 Wellcome Image Awards were announced a few weeks ago, and developmental biology is well-represented in this year’s gallery, with images featuring cell division in plants, fish eye development, blastocysts, a developing mouse kidney, chromatin density in chromosomes, caterpillar prolegs, and a mouse embryo animation.

On February 23rd, the awards were announced at an official ceremony in London. “The awards ceremony was absolutely delightful”, according to Agnieszka Jedrusik, whose blastocyst image was amongst the winners, “Dr Laura Pastorelli should be congratulated on her amazing organizational skills. There were over 200 guests invited, yet, she still made an effort to greet all guests in person and made sure they felt welcomed.” Monica Folgueira, who is behind the winning cavefish image, also enjoyed the ceremony: “Everything went very quick for me. What I liked the most was having the opportunity of meeting the organizers and other creators.” Monica’s former lab mate Kara Cerveny was also amongst the winners, but she, unfortunately, couldn’t attend: “I’m now working at Cell as a scientific editor”, Kara writes, “and couldn’t make it back to London, but I heard that the ceremony was lots of fun.”

The Node spoke to Monica, Agnieszka and Kara to find out a bit more about them and their winning images. Click any of the thumbnail images to go to the high-resolution image in the Wellcome Image database.

Monica Folgueira
“I’m a lecturer at University of A Coruña (Spain). I just moved back to Spain last September after a postdoc at Steve Wilson’s lab (UCL). Now that I’m back in Spain, I will try to continue studying different aspects of the development and anatomy of neuronal circuits in the zebrafish brain, in collaboration with Steve’s lab. In addition, I’m interested in brain diversity and evolution. So I plan to perform studies of comparative neuroanatomy in a few species of fish, including cavefish.

My image is a confocal micrograph of a cavefish embryo at around five days post-fertilisation. The embryo has been stained with an antibody against a calcium-binding protein (in green) to show different neuronal types and their processes in the nervous system, and with an antibody against a component of tight junctions (zona occludens- 1, in red)

I produced this image during my postdoc at Steve’s lab (UCL). This image was produced after a set of experiments whose aim was to compare the morphology of the telencephalon between various teleost fishes (including zebrafish, cavefish and medaka).

I decided to submit this image because for me it brings together some kind of beauty and drama. I find it striking that, although it is an embryo, the combination of small eyes and strong jaws makes it look more like an adult fish. The image also reveals interesting characteristics of the anatomy in fishes, like the presence of taste buds outside the oral cavity.”

Agnieszka Jedrusik
“I gained my first degree (BSc in 2004 followed by MSc degree in 2006) in Developmental Biology from Warsaw University, in professor Marek Maleszewski group, investigating the nature of sperm activating factor during fertilization of the mouse oocyte. In 2006 I moved to Cambridge, to professor Magdalena Zernicka-Goetz’s group at the Wellcome Trust/Cancer Research UK Gurdon Institute, where I have just completed my PhD. Here, I am investigating the molecular and cellular mechanisms behind the first cell fate decision that generates pluripotent ICM and the differentiated extra-embryonic lineage, the trophectoderm.

My image shows a three-dimensional reconstruction of a mouse blastocyst. Blastocyst is an outcome of a pre-implantation development, a unique developmental phase characteristic for placental mammals such as mouse or human. In mouse, this phase encompasses a period of approximately 4.5 days and leads to formation of the first tissue types: outer epithelium, called the trophectoderm (TE; in white) and pluripotent group of inner cells, the inner cell mass (ICM; in red). Following implantation into the uterus wall, the ICM will form the fetus, differentiating into all tissue types of the body. TE, on the other hand, will give rise to extra-embryonic structures that support embryo development by mediating nutrients exchange between mother and the fetus and providing signals to pattern the embryo and segregate germ cell lineage. Understanding how these first tissue types emerge during early development becomes increasingly important in modern world, given growing interest in assisted reproductive technology (ART) and associated with it the need for optimizing culture conditions and assessing quality of the obtained embryos.

This image was produced by scanning the embryo with a confocal microscope to create multiple virtual sections, which were then reconstructed using 3D computer software.

I submitted it to the Wellcome Image Awards because I believe it is important that the general public realizes that the pre-implantation embryo is not just a group of pluripotent cells that will build the body of the future individual. In fact, approximately two-thirds of embryos’ cells at that stage are differentiated (the trophectoderm) and will build the extra-embryonic structures. It is important to realize that, given the fierce discussion on the moral aspects of the research on the embryo derived ESc.”

Kara Cerveny
“I’m a cell and developmental biologist with an interest in the developing nervous system. Up until a few months ago, I was a post-doc in Steve Wilson’s lab at the University College London where I studied the transition from proliferation to differentiation in the zebrafish retina.

This image highlights two separate populations within the zebrafish retinal stem cell zone, an area found in the region of the retina closest to the lens. The undifferentiated retinal stem cells are highlighted in red, while the cells that are beginning to differentiate are highlighted in purple. The central yellow region is the lens.

I took this image relatively early in my post-doc (nearly 5 years ago now) when I was working out the protocol of double in situ staining for fish eyes. This particular sample worked beautifully, and to be a bit creative and make a pretty picture to hang next to my computer, I cropped the original image so that only the top half was visible and then reflected it across the absissa to make the image you now see. Eventually, unmodified images similar to this one were used for a paper that was published in Development.

When I presented my work at the Fall 2010 BSDB sensory biology meeting last September, Laura Pastorelli, the image curator for the Wellcome Trust, asked me if I would be willing to submit this image to the Wellcome Image collection. I was surprised and very happy when I learned that my image had been chosen to be part of this year’s award series. I later learned that the judges had been captivated by the kaleidoscope effect created by the elongated retinal progenitor cells seeming to radiate from the lens (just like I had been several years before).”

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Categories: Images, Interview, News

The Third USNCB Symposium on Frontiers in Biomechanics: Mechanics of Development

Posted by , on 8 March 2011

The Third USNCB Symposium on Frontiers in Biomechanics: Mechanics of Development

June 21, 2011, Nemacolin Woodlands Resort, Farmington, PA

In the fields of tissue engineering, synthetic biology, and regenerative medicine, much can be learned by studying how nature creates tissues and organs in the embryo. Accordingly, the last decade has seen rapidly expanding interest among engineers in developmental mechanics. Sponsored by the United States National Committee on Biomechanics (USNCB), this Frontiers Meeting will bring together biologists, engineers, and biophysicists to discuss the state of the art and future directions in this exciting field. The meeting will have a single track of oral sessions and free communications presented in poster format.

For more information, please visit

Conference Co-Chairs:
Larry Taber (, Lance Davidson (

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First cover image winner: sea urchin

Posted by , on 8 March 2011

Congratulations to Sarah A. Elliott (University of Utah) and Nobuo Ueda (University of Queensland), whose image of a sea urchin eating seaweed will appear on a cover of Development later this year.

Mouth of an adult sea urchin feeding on a fragment of seaweed.

The image is a still from this timelapse:

It was a very close race, with the image of the squid embryo, taken by Jennifer Hohagen (Georg-August-University of Goettingen), repeatedly in first place as well over the course of the voting period, but when the poll closed, the sea urchin was sixteen votes ahead.

The two other images in this round were of a Drosophila embryo, taken by James Tarver (University of Bristol), and a zebrafish embryo, taken by Ann Grosse (University of Michigan).

Altogether, more than four hundred votes were cast. The next round of voting will occur in a few weeks, when you’ll be able to choose between more beautiful images taken by students of the Woods Hole embryology course.

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