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Catch up on Development presents… October webinar on metabolism and development

Posted by , on 2 November 2023

The webinar on 25 October 2023 was chaired by Development Associate Editor Irene Miguel-Aliaga (Imperial College London) and features three early-career researchers studying metabolism and development. This webinar coincided with the completion of Development’s Special Issue: Metabolic and Nutritional Control of Development and Regeneration.  Below are the recordings of the talks.

Maria Fernanda (Nanda) Forni (Yale University)

Talk and Q&A by Maria Fernanda (Nanda) Forni

Hidenobu Miyazawa (EMBL Heidelberg)

Talk and Q&A by Hidenobu Miyazawa

Siamak Redhai (DKFZ)

Talk and Q&A by Siamak Redhai
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October in preprints

Posted by , on 2 November 2023

Welcome to our monthly trawl for developmental and stem cell biology (and related) preprints.

The preprints this month are hosted on bioRxiv – use these links below to get to the section you want:

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Developmental biology

| Patterning & signalling

Light-induced trapping of endogenous proteins reveals spatiotemporal roles of microtubule and kinesin-1 in dendrite patterning of Drosophila sensory neurons

Yineng Xu, Bei Wang, Inle Bush, Harriet AJ Saunders, Jill Wildonger, Chun Han

Extramacrochaetae regulates Notch signaling in the Drosophila eye through non-apoptotic caspase activity

Sudershana Nair, Nicholas E. Baker

PCP components control anterior and posterior regeneration, with a Prickle homolog impacting muscle organization, in the acoel Hofstenia miamia

D. Marcela Bolaños, Amber Rock, Núria Ros-Rocher, James Sikes, Mansi Srivastava

Regulation of multiple signaling pathways promotes the consistent expansion of human pancreatic progenitors in defined conditions

Luka Jarc, Manuj Bandral, Elisa Zanfrini, Mathias Lesche, Vida Kufrin, Raquel Sendra, Daniela Pezzolla, Ioannis Giannios, Shahryar Khattak, Katrin Neumann, Barbara Ludwig, Anthony Gavalas

Fin elaboration via anterior-posterior regulation by Hedgehog signaling in teleosts

Yoshitaka Tanaka, Shun Okayama, Satoshi Ansai, Gembu Abe, Koji Tamura

The embryonic role of juvenile hormone in the firebrat, Thermobia domestica, reveals its function before its involvement in metamorphosis

James W Truman, Lynn M. Riddiford, Barbora Konopova, Marcela Nouzova, Fernando Noriega, Michelle Herko

Xbra modulates the activity of linker region phosporlated Smad1 during Xenopus somitogenesis

Jaebong Kim, Santosh Kumar, Zobia Umair, Ravi Shankar Goutam, Unjoo Lee

Emx2 Lineage Tracing Reveals Antecedent Patterns of Planar Polarity in the Mouse Inner Ear

Ellison J Goodrich, Michael R Deans

Cell-autonomous timing drives the vertebrate segmentation clock’s wave pattern

Laurel A Rohde, Arianne Bercowsky-Rama, Guillaume Valentin, Sundar Ram Naganathan, Ravi A Desai, Petr Strnad, Daniele Soroldoni, Andrew C Oates

Elevated temperature fatally disrupts nuclear divisions in the early Drosophila embryo.

Girish Kale, Pratika Agarwal, J Jaime Diaz-Larrosa, Steffen Lemke

Palatal segment contributions to midfacial growth in three inbred mouse strains

Ian C. Welsh, Maria E. Feiler, Danika Lipman, Isabel Mormile, Karissa Hansen, Christopher J. Percival

From Welsh et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Placode and neural crest origins of congenital deafness in mouse models of Waardenburg-Shah syndrome

Jamie Vicente S. Tan, Alicia Duron, Henry M. Sucov, Takako Makita

Mutations in the Bone Morphogenetic Protein signaling pathway sensitize zebrafish and humans to ethanol-induced jaw malformations

John R. Klem, Tae-Hwi Schwantes-An, Marco Abreu, Michael Suttie, Raeden Gray, Hieu Vo, Grace Conley, Tatiana M. Foroud, Leah Wetherill, CIFASD, C. Ben Lovely

Dynamic Hippo pathway activity underlies mesenchymal differentiation during lung alveolar morphogenesis

Fatima N. Chaudhry, Nigel S. Michki, Dain L. Shirmer, Sharon Mcgrath-Morrow, Lisa R. Young, David B. Frank, Jarod A. Zepp

| Morphogenesis & mechanics

Patterned embryonic invagination evolved in response to mechanical instability

Bruno C. Vellutini, Marina B. Cuenca, Abhijeet Krishna, Alicja Szałapak, Carl D. Modes, Pavel Tomančák

From Vellutini et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Scale-independent topological interactions drive the first fate decision in the Drosophila embryo

Woonyung Hur, Arghyadip Mukherjee, Luke Hayden, Ziqi Lu, Anna Chao, Noah P. Mitchell, Sebastian J. Streichan, Massimo Vergassola, Stefano Di Talia

Tri-n-butyl phosphate inhibits neurogenesis and motor functions during embryonic development in zebrafish

Gourav Chakraborty, Kedar Ahire, Bhgyashri Joshi, Chinmoy Patra

A model for angiogenesis suppression via SERPINF1 in the surrounding pro-acinar microenvironment during human fetal pancreas development

Pratik Nailesh Mehta, Charles Giardina

Identification and characterization of intermediate states in mammalian neural crest cell epithelial to mesenchymal transition and delamination

Ruonan Zhao, Emma L. Moore, Madelaine M Gogol, Jay R. Uhruh, Zulin Yu, Allison Scott, Yan Wang, Naresh Kumar Rajendran, Paul A. Trainor

From Zhao et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Piezo1 Mutant Zebrafish as a Model of Idiopathic Scoliosis

Ramli, Toshihiro Aramaki, Masakatsu Watanabe, Shigeru Kondo

TGFβ−induced embryonic cell senescence at the origin of the Cornelia de Lange syndrome

Céline Hachoud, Faten Chaabani, Erwan Watrin, Manuela Wuelling, Heiko Peters, Valérie Cormier-Daire, Michel Pucéat

Nutritional sex-specificity during larval development in mosquitoes

Ottavia Romoli, Javier Serrato-Salas, Chloé Gapp, Pol Figueras Ivern, Mathilde Gendrin

Heterologous expression of Dictyostelium discoideum NE81 in mouse embryo fibroblasts reveals conserved mechanoprotective roles of lamins

Jacob Odell, Ralph Gräf, Jan Lammerding

The Dilute domain of Canoe is not essential for Canoe’s role in linking adherens junctions to the cytoskeleton but contributes to robustness of morphogenesis

Emily D. McParland, T. Amber Butcher, Noah J. Gurley, Ruth I. Johnson, Kevin C. Slep, Mark Peifer

Cut it out: Out-of-plane stresses in cell sheet folding of Volvox embryos

Pierre A. Haas, Stephanie S. M. H. Höhn

From Haas et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

| Genes & genomes

Sex-Specific DNA Methylation and Gene Expression Changes in Mouse Placentas After Early Preimplantation Alcohol Exposure

Lisa-Marie Legault, Mélanie Breton-Larrivée, Fannie Filion-Bienvenue, Anthony Lemieux, Alexandra Langford-Avelar, Thomas Dupas, Serge McGraw

FBXO24 modulates mRNA alternative splicing and MIWI degradation and is required for normal sperm formation and piRNA production

Zhiming Li, Xingping Liu, Yan Zhang, Yuanyuan Li, Liquan Zhou, Shuiqiao Yuan

Epididymal acquired sperm microRNAs modify post-fertilization embryonic gene expression

Natalie A. Trigg, Colin C. Conine

Transcription factor stoichiometry, motif affinity and syntax regulate single-cell chromatin dynamics during fibroblast reprogramming to pluripotency

Surag Nair, Mohamed Ameen, Laksshman Sundaram, Anusri Pampari, Jacob Schreiber, Akshay Balsubramani, Yu Xin Wang, David Burns, Helen M Blau, Ioannis Karakikes, Kevin C Wang, Anshul Kundaje

Differences in binding preferences for XIST partners are observed in mammals with different early pregnancy morphologies

Ioannis Tsagakis, Haidee Tinning, Irene Malo-Estepa, Adrian Whitehouse, Mary J. O’Connell, Niamh Forde, Julie L Aspden

A wave of minor de novo DNA methylation initiates in mouse 8-cell embryos and co-regulates imprinted X- chromosome inactivation

Yuan Yue, Wei Fu, Qianying Yang, Chao Zhang, Wenjuan Wang, Meiqiang Chu, Qingji Lyu, Yawen Tang, Jian Cui, Xiaodong Wang, Zhenni Zhang, Jianhui Tian, Lei An


Ayelen Moreno-Irusta, Esteban M. Dominguez, Khursheed Iqbal, Xiaoyu Zhang, Ning Wang, Michael J. Soares

Male gonad-enriched microRNAs function to control sperm production in C. elegans

Lu Lu, Allison L. Abbott

CEBPA restricts alveolar type 2 cell plasticity during development and injury-repair

Dalia Hassan, Jichao Chen

Widespread regulation of the maternal transcriptome by Nanos in Drosophila

Mohammad Marhabaie, Tammy H. Wharton, Sung Yun Kim, Robin P. Wharton

Characterization of Alternative Splicing During Mammalian Brain Development Reveals the Magnitude of Isoform Diversity and its Effects on Protein Conformational Changes

Leila Haj Abdullah Alieh, Beatriz Cardoso de Toledo, Anna Hadarovich, Agnes Toth-Petroczy, Federico Calegari

Rtf1-dependent transcriptional pausing regulates cardiogenesis

Adam David Langenbacher, Fei Lu, Luna Tsang, Zi Yi Stephanie Huang, Benjamin Keer, Zhiyu Tian, Alette Eide, Matteo Pellegrini, Haruko Nakano, Atsushi Nakano, Jau-Nian Chen

Widespread regulation of the maternal transcriptome by Nanos in Drosophila

Mohammad Marhabaie, Tammy H. Wharton, Sung Yun Kim, Robin P. Wharton

p27kip1-dependent gene activity within granulosa cells reveals pathways relevant for control of primordial follicle activation in mice

Emily R Frost, Güneş Taylor, Stefan Boeing, Christophe Galichet, Mark A Baker, Jessie M Sutherland, Robin Lovell-Badge

From Frost et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Transposable elements acquire time- and sex-specific transcriptional and epigenetic signatures along mouse fetal gonad development

Isabelle Stévant, Nitzan Gonen, Francis Poulat

Role of transcription and translation during the early development of the brown alga Ectocarpus

Daniel Liesner, Rémy Luthringer, Sébastien Colin, Julia Morales, J. Mark Cock, Susana M. Coelho

Bacterial vitamin B6 required for post-embryonic development in C. elegansv

Min Feng, Baizhen Gao, Daniela Ruiz, L. Rene Garcia, Qing Sun

Deletion of NuRD component Mta2 in nephron progenitor cells causes developmentally programmed FSGS

Jeannine Basta, Lynn Robbins, Lisa Stout, Michelle Brennan, John Shapiro, Mary Chen, Darcy Denner, Angel Baldan, Nidia Messias, Sethu Madhavan, Samir V. Parikh, Michael Rauchman

Two distinct waves of transcriptome and translatome remodelling drive germline stem cell differentiation

Tamsin J. Samuels, Jinghua Gui, Daniel Gebert, Felipe K. Teixeira

Zebrafish model of tcn2 deletion reveals new molecular insights into the role of vitamin B12 in embryonic development

Ajay Deepak Verma, Suraj S Nongmaithem, Challapalli Mounika, Swetha Ramachandran, Anushri Umesh, Giriraj Ratan Chandak

Identification of Evolutionarily Conserved VSX2 Enhancers in Retinal Development

Victoria Honnell, Shannon Sweeney, Jackie Norrie, Cody Ramirez, Beisi Xu, Brett Teubner, Ah Young Lee, Claire Bell, Michael A. Dyer

PBRM-1/PBAF-regulated genes in a multipotent progenitor

Laura D. Mathies, Andrew C. Kim, Evan M. Soukup, Alan’da E. Thomas, Jill C. Bettinger

From Mathies et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Gastrulation-stage gene expression in Nipbl+/- mouse embryos foreshadows the development of syndromic birth defects

Stephenson Chea, Jesse Kreger, Martha E. Lopez-Burks, Adam L. MacLean, Arthur D. Lander, Anne L. Calof

| Stem cells, regeneration & disease modelling

Segmentation in tapeworms as a modified form of flatworm posterior regeneration involving Wnt and Hedgehog signalling

Francesca Jarero, Andrew Baillie, Nick Riddiford, Jimena Montagne, Uriel Koziol, Peter D. Olson

A novel iPSC model reveals selective vulnerability of neurons in Multiple Sulfatase Deficiency

Vi Pham, Livia Sertori Finoti, Margaret M. Cassidy, Jean Ann Maguire, Alyssa L. Gagne, Elisa A. Waxman, Deborah L. French, Kaitlyn King, Parith Wongkittichotee, Xinying Hong, Lars Schlotawa, Beverly L. Davidson, Rebecca C. Ahrens-Nicklas

Development of properly-polarized trophoblast stem cell-derived organoids to model early human pregnancy

J Zhou, MA Sheridan, Y Tian, KJ Dahlgren, M Messler, T Peng, T Ezashi, LC Schulz, BD Ulery, RM Roberts, DJ Schust

Amniotic Fluid Organoids As Personalized Tools For Real-Time Modeling Of The Developing Fetus

Olga Babosova, Boaz Weisz, Grace Rabinowitz, Hagai Avnet, Hagit Shani, Anat Schwartz, Linoy Batsry, Noam Pardo, Tal Elkan, David Stockheim, Tammir Jubany, Denise D. Frank, Iris Barshack, Zohar A. Dotan, Rena Levin-Klein, Pazit Beckerman, Oren Pleniceanu

Delivery of A Jagged1-PEG-MAL hydrogel with Pediatric Human Bone Cells Regenerates Critically-Sized Craniofacial Bone Defects

Archana Kamalakar, Brendan Tobin, Sundus Kaimari, Afra I. Toma, Irica Moriarity, Surabhi Gautam, Pallavi Bhattaram, Shelly Abramowicz, Hicham Drissi, Andrés J. García, Levi B. Wood, Steven L. Goudy

Epigenetic insights into GABAergic development in Dravet Syndrome iPSC and therapeutic implications

Jens Schuster, Xi Lu, Yonglong Dang, Joakim Klar, Amelie Wenz, Niklas Dahl, Xingqi Chen

Advancements in Human Breast Organoid Culture: Modeling Complex Tissue Structures and Developmental Insights

Gat Rauner, Nicole Traugh, Colin Trepicchio, Meadow E Parrish, Kenan Mushayandebvu, Charlotte Kuperwasser

PCLAF-DREAM Drives Alveolar Cell Plasticity for Lung Regeneration

Bongjun Kim, Yuanjian Huang, Kyung-Pil Ko, Shengzhe Zhang, Gengyi Zou, Jie Zhang, Moonjong Kim, Danielle Little, Lisandra Vila Ellis, Margherita Paschini, Sohee Jun, Kwon-Sik Park, Jichao Chen, Carla Kim, Jae-Il Park

Single-cell analysis reveals distinct fibroblast plasticity during tenocyte regeneration in zebrafish

Arsheen M Rajan, Nicole L Rosin, Elodie Labit, Jeff Biernaskie, Shan Liao, Peng Huang

Cnot3 is required for male germ cell development and spermatogonial stem cell maintenance

Qing Chen, Safia Malki, Xiaojiang Xu, Brian Bennett, Brad L Lackford, Oleksandr Kirsanov, Chris B Geyer, Guang Hu

Molecular basis for positional memory and its reprogrammability in limb regeneration

L Otsuki, SA Plattner, Y Taniguchi-Sugiura, EM Tanaka

From Otsuki et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Reliability of high-quantity human brain organoids for modeling microcephaly, glioma invasion, and drug screening

Anand Ramani, Giovanni Pasquini, Niklas Gerkau, Omkar Suhas Vinchure, Elke Gabriel, Ina Rothenaigner, Sean Lin, Nazlican Altinisk, Dhanasekar Rathinam, Ali Mirsaidi, Olivier Goureau, Lucia Ricci-Vitiani, Giorgio, Q. d’alessandris, Roberto Pallini, Bernd Wollnik, Alysson Muotri, Nathalie Jurisch-Yaksi, Christine R Rose, Volker Busskamp, Kamyar Hadian, Jay Gopalakrishnan

Haematopoietic stem cell numbers are not solely determined by niche availability

Shoichiro Takeishi, Tony Marchand, Wade R. Koba, Daniel K. Borger, Chunliang Xu, Chandan Guha, Aviv Bergman, Paul S. Frenette, Kira Gritsman, Ulrich Steidl

Overexpression of Alpha-1 Antitrypsin Increases the Proliferation of Mesenchymal Stem Cells by Upregulation of Cyclin D1 and is Independent of the Wnt Signaling Pathway

Bryan Wolfe, Prasanth Muralidharan, Michael Y Lee, Hua Wei, Erica Green, Hongjun Wang, Charlie Strange

SOX2+ sustentacular cells are stem cells of the postnatal adrenal medulla

Alice Santambrogio, Yasmine Kemkem, Thea L. Willis, Ilona Berger, Maria Eleni Kastriti, Louis Faure, John P. Russell, Emily J. Lodge, Val Yianni, Rebecca J. Oakey, Barbara Altieri, Stefan R. Bornstein, Charlotte Steenblock, Igor Adameyko, Cynthia L. Andoniadou

Human pluripotent stem cell-derived respiratory airway progenitors generate alveolar epithelial cells and recapitulate features of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis

Mikael G Pezet, Juan A Torres, Tania A Thimraj, Ivana Matkovic Leko, Nadine Schrode, John W Murray, Kristin Beaumont, Hans-Willem Snoeck

Human Placenta-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells Stimulate Neuronal Regeneration By Promoting Axon Growth And Restoring Neuronal Activity

Elvira H. de Laorden, Diana Simón, Santiago Milla, María Portela-Lomba, Marian Mellén, Javier Sierra, Pedro de la Villa, María Teresa Moreno-Flores, Maite Iglesias

A single cell trajectory of human archetypal pluripotent stem cell differentiation to trophoblast stem cells reveals induction of endogenous BMP5/7 and GATA3 without transitioning through a naive state

Ethan Tietze, Andre Rocha Barbosa, Bruno Henrique Silva Araujo, Veronica Euclydes, Hyeon Jin Cho, Yong Kyu Lee, Arthur Feltrin, Bailey Spiegelberg, Alan Lorenzetti, Joyce van de Leemput, Pasquale Di Carlo, Tomoyo Sawada, Gianluca Ursini, Kynon J. Benjamin, Helena Brentani, Joel E. Kleinman, Thomas M. Hyde, Daniel R. Weinberger, Ronald McKay, Joo Heon Shin, Apua C.M. Paquola, Jennifer A. Erwin

From Tietze et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Integrated Proteomics Identifies Troponin I Isoform Switch as a Regulator of a Sarcomere-Metabolism Axis During Cardiac Regeneration

Timothy J. Aballo, Jiyoung Bae, Wyatt G. Paltzer, Emily A. Chapman, Rebecca J. Salamon, Morgan M. Mann, Ying Ge, Ahmed I. Mahmoud

Splicing factor SRSF1 is essential for homing of precursor spermatogonial stem cells in mice

Longjie Sun, Zheng Lv, Xuexue Chen, Rong Ye, Shuang Tian, Chaofan Wang, Xiaomei Xie, Lu Yan, Xiaohong Yao, Yujing Shao, Sheng Cui, Juan Chen, Jiali Liu

Modeling cardiac fibroblast heterogeneity from human pluripotent stem cell-derived epicardial cells

Ian Fernandes, Shunsuke Funakoshi, Homaira Hamidzada, Slava Epelman, Gordon Keller

Secretome Derived from Umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells exerts protective impacts on the blood-brain barrier against alpha-synuclein aggregates using an in vitro model

Kimia Marzookian, Farhang Aliakbari, Hamdam Hourfar, Daniel E. Otzen, Dina Morshedi

Emerging cooperativity between Oct4 and Sox2 governs the pluripotency network in mouse embryos

Yanlin Hou, Zhengwen Nie, Sergiy Velychko, Ivan Bedzhov, Sandra Heising, Qi Jiang, Hui Zhang, Guangming Wu, Kenjiro Adachi, Hans R. Schöler

Limb regeneration is blastema dependent in a ladybird beetle, Cheilomenes sexmaculata (Fabricius)

Saumya Rawat, Shriza Rai, Geetanjali Mishra

GRAMD2+ alveolar type I cell plasticity facilitates cell state transitions in organoid culture

Hua Shen, Weimou Chen, Yixin Liu, Alessandra Castaldi, Jonathan Castillo, Masafumi Horie, Per Flodby, Shivah Sundar, Changgong Li, Yanbin Ji, Parviz Minoo, Crystal N Marconett, Beiyun Zhou, Zea Borok

Electrophysiological characterisation of iPSC-derived human β-like cells and an SLC30A8 disease model

Manon Jaffredo, Nicole A. J. Krentz, Benoite Champon, Claire E. Duff, Sameena Nawaz, Nicola Beer, Christian Honore, Anne Clark, Patrik Rorsman, Jochen Lang, Anna L. Gloyn, Matthieu Raoux, Benoit Hastoy

Mating induces ecdysone signaling in the Drosophila testis niche disrupting somatic encystment of germ cells and stem cell cytokinesis

Tiffany V. Roach, Kari F. Lenhart

Preservation of co-expression defines the primary tissue fidelity of human neural organoids

Jonathan M. Werner, Jesse Gillis

LSD1 controls a nuclear checkpoint in Wnt/β-Catenin signaling to regulate muscle stem cell self-renewal

Sandrine Mouradian, Delia Cicciarello, Nicolas Lacoste, Valérie Risson, Francesca Berretta, Fabien Le Grand, Nicolas Rose, Thomas Simonet, Laurent Schaeffer, Isabella Scionti

Liver regeneration by a population of midzone-located mesenchymal-hepatocyte hybrid cells

Guo Yu, Shaoyang Zhang, Ana Romo, Soma Biswas, Baojie Li, Jing Li

From Yu et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

| Plant development

Puzzle cell shape emerges from the interaction of growth with mechanical constraints

Nicola Trozzi, Brendan Lane, Alice Perruchoud, Yixuan Wang, Lukas Hörmayer, Mylan Ansel, Corentin Mollier, Alice Malivert, Frances Clark, Tammo Reichgelt, Adrienne H.K. Roeder, Olivier Hamant, Arezki Boudaoud, Dorota Kwiatkowska, Adam Runions, Richard S. Smith, Mateusz Majda

Comparative spatial transcriptomics of peach and nectarine fruits elucidates the mechanism underlying fruit trichome development

Zihao Zhao, Ke Cao, Aizhi Qin, Zhixin Liu, Liping Guan, Susu Sun, Hao Liu, Yaping Zhou, Jincheng Yang, Yumeng Liu, Mengke Hu, Vincent Ninkuu, Xuwu Sun, Lirong Wang

The Chaperone NASP Contributes to De Novo Deposition of the Centromeric Histone Variant CENH3 in Arabidopsis Early Embryogenesis

Hidenori Takeuchi, Shiori Nagahara, Tetsuya Higashiyama, Frédéric Berger

Developmentally regulated generation of a systemic signal for long-lasting defence priming in tomato

Katie Stevens, Michael R Roberts, Katie Jeynes-Cupper, Marco Catoni, Estrella Luna

The Hidden Diversity of Vascular Patterns in Flower Heads

Andrew Owens, Teng Zhang, Philmo Gu, Jeremy Hart, Jarvis Stobbs, Mikolaj Cieslak, Paula Elomaa, Przemyslaw Prusinkiewicz

Compensation of compromised PRC2 regulation by a miRNA ensures robustness of Arabidopsis leaf development

Aude Maugarny, Aurelie Vialette, Bernard Adroher, Nathalie Mathy-Franchet, Francois Roudier, Patrick Laufs

Two subtypes of GTPase-activating proteins coordinate tip growth and cell size regulation in Physcomitrium patens

Jingtong Ruan, Linyu Lai, Hongxin Ou, Peishan Yi

Low relative air humidity and increased stomatal density independently hamper growth in young Arabidopsis

Ingmar Tulva, Kaspar Koolmeister, Hanna Hõrak

Pan-genome analysis of different morphotypes reveals genomic basis of Brassica oleracea domestication and differential organogenesis

Ning Guo, Shenyun Wang, Tianyi Wang, Mengmeng Duan, Mei Zong, Liming Miao, Shuo Han, Guixiang Wang, Xin Liu, Deshuang Zhang, Chengzhi Jiao, Hongwei Xu, Liyang Chen, Zhangjun Fei, Jianbin Li, Fan Liu

AGAMOUS-like 6 and MYB DOMAIN PROTEIN 80 regulate the development of female and male cones in Pinus densiflora S. et Z

Dayoung Lee, Yang-Gil Kim, Kyu-Suk Kang

Impaired embryo sac cellularization by PMEI gene mutation affects gamete specification and twin plants in Arabidopsis

Isha Sharma, Pinninti Malathi, Ramamurthy Srinivasan, Shripad Ramachandra Bhat, Yelam Sreenivasulu

Four-dimensional quantitative analysis of cell plate development using lattice light sheet microscopy identifies robust transition points between growth phases

Rosalie Sinclair, Minmin Wang, Zaki Jawaid, Jesse Aaron, Blair Rossetti, Eric Wait, Kent McDonald, Daniel Cox, John Heddleston, Thomas Wilkop, Georgia Drakakaki

From Sinclair et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

UPL3 Promotes BZR1 Degradation, Growth Arrest, and Seedling Survival under Starvation Stress in Arabidopsis

Zhenzhen Zhang, Hongliang Zhang, Efren Gonzalez, Tarabryn Grismer, Shou-Ling Xu, Zhi-Yong Wang

ABI3 regulates ABI1 function to control cell length in primary root elongation zone

Saptarshi Datta, Drishti Mandal, Sicon Mitra, Ronita Nag Chaudhuri

| Evo-devo

Pervasive morphological responses to climate change in bird body and appendage size

Sara Ryding, Alexandra McQueen, Marcel Klaassen, Glenn J. Tattersall, Matthew R.E. Symonds

The role of heterochronic gene expression and regulatory architecture in early developmental divergence

Nathan D. Harry, Christina Zakas

Gliding towards an understanding of the origin of flight in bats

Abigail E Burtner, David M Grossnickle, Sharlene E Santana, Chris J Law

Capitella teleta gets left out: Possible evolutionary shift causes loss of left tissues rather than increased neural tissue from dominant-negative BMPR1

Nicole B. Webster, Néva P. Meyer

Divergent evolutionary strategies preempt tissue collision in fly gastrulation

Bipasha Dey, Verena Kaul, Girish Kale, Maily Scorcelletti, Michiko Takeda, Yu-Chiun Wang, Steffen Lemke

The human developing cerebral cortex is characterized by an increased de novo expression of lncRNAs in excitatory neurons

David A. Morales-Vicente, Ana C. Tahira, Daisy Woellner-Santos, Murilo S. Amaral, Maria G. Berzoti-Coelho, Sergio Verjovski-Almeida

Brain enlargement with a rostral bias in larvae from a spontaneously variant Xenopus female line: implications for vertebrate evolution

Ikuko Hongo, Chihiro Yamaguchi, Harumasa Okamoto

The evolution of gestation length in eutherian mammals

Thodoris Danis, Antonis Rokas

Evaluating the patterning cascade model of tooth morphogenesis in the human lower mixed and permanent dentition

Dori E. Kenessey, Christopher M. Stojanowski, Kathleen S. Paul

From Kenessey et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Revisiting Hox gene evolution and Hox cluster linkage across Nematoda

Joseph Kirangwa, Dominik R Laetsch, Erna King, Lewis Stevens, Mark Blaxter, Oleksandr Holovachov, Philipp Schiffer

Cell Biology

FMNL2 regulates actin for ER and mitochondria distribution in oocyte meiosis

Meng-Hao Pan, Zhen-Nan Pan, Ming-Hong Sun, Xiao-Han Li, Jia-Qian Ju, Shi-Ming Luo, Xiang-Hong Ou, Shao-Chen Sun

Intercellular contact and cargo transfer between Müller glia and to microglia precede apoptotic cell clearance in the developing retina

Michael Morales, Anna P Findley, Diana M. Mitchell

Premature endocycling of Drosophila follicle cells causes pleiotropic defects in oogenesis

Hunter C Herriage, Brian R Calvi

From Herriage et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Disrupted endosomal trafficking of the Vangl-Celsr polarity complex causes congenital anomalies in trachea-esophageal separation

Nicole A Edwards, Adhish Kashyap, Alissa Warren, Zachary Agricola, Alan P Kenny, Yufeng Shen, Wendy K Chung, Aaron M Zorn

Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles associates with altered embryo bioenergetics during the periconception period

David Bolumar, Javier Moncayo-Arlandi, Javier Gonzalez-Fernandez, Ana Ochando, Inmaculada Moreno, Ana Monteagudo-Sanchez, Carlos Marin, Antonio Diez, Paula Fabra, Miguel Angel Checa, Juan Jose Espinos, David K Gardner, Carlos Simon, Felipe Vilella

Actin-Driven Nanotopography Promotes Stable Integrin Adhesion Formation in Developing Tissue

Tianchi Chen, Cecilia Huertas Fernández-Espartero, Abigail Illand, Ching-Ting Tsai, Yang Yang, Benjamin Klapholz, Pierre Jouchet, Mélanie Fabre, Olivier Rossier, Bianxiao Cui, Sandrine Lévêque-Fort, Nicholas H. Brown, Grégory Giannone

Tunneling nanotubes enable intercellular transfer in zebrafish embryos

Olga Korenkova, Shiyu Liu, Ines Prlesi, Anna Pepe, Shahad Albadri, Filippo Del Bene, Chiara Zurzolo

Gαi2-Mediated Regulation of Microtubules Dynamics and Rac1 Activity Orchestrates Cranial Neural Crest Cell Migration in Xenopus

Soraya Villaseca, Juan I Leal, Jossef Guajardo, Hernan Morales-Navarrete, Roberto Mayor, Marcela Torrejón

Trabid patient mutations impede the axonal trafficking of adenomatous polyposis coli to disrupt neurite growth

Daniel Frank, Maria Bergamasco, Michael Mlodzianoski, Andrew Kueh, Ellen Tsui, Cathrine Hall, Georgios Kastrappis, Anne Kathrin Voss, Catriona McLean, Maree C Faux, Kelly Rogers, Bang Tran, Elizabeth Vincan, David Komander, Grant Dewson, Hoanh Tran

Kinesin family member Kif23 regulates cytokinetic division and maintains neural stem/progenitor cell pool in the developing neocortex

Sharmin Naher, Takako Kikkawa, Kenji Iemura, Satoshi Miyashita, Mikio Hoshino, Kozo Tanaka, Shinsuke Niwa, Jin-Wu Tsai, Noriko Osumi

Dynamics of pax7 expression during development, muscle regeneration, and in vitro differentiation of satellite cells in the trout

Cécile Rallière, Sabrina Jagot, Nathalie Sabin, Jean-Charles Gabillard

From Rallière et al . This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

Reorganization of the Flagellum Scaffolding Induces a Sperm Standstill During Fertilization

Martina Jabloñski, Guillermina M. Luque, Matías D. Gómez-Elías, Claudia Sanchez-Cardenas, Xinran Xu, Jose Luis de la Vega-Beltran, Gabriel Corkidi, Alejandro Linares, Victor X. Abonza Amaro, Dario Krapf, Diego Krapf, Alberto Darszon, Adan Guerrero, Mariano G. Buffone


A mathematical framework for the emergence of winners and losers in cell competition

Thomas F. Pak, Joe M. Pitt-Francis, Ruth E. Baker

Turing pattern formation in reaction-cross-diffusion systems with a bilayer geometry

Antoine Diez, Andrew L. Krause, Philip K. Maini, Eamonn A. Gaffney, Sungrim Seirin-Lee

Neutral competition explains the clonal composition of neural organoids

Florian G. Pflug, Simon Haendeler, Christopher Esk, Dominik Lindenhofer, Jürgen A. Knoblich, Arndt von Haeseler

A geometrical model of cell fate specification in the mouse blastocyst

Archishman Raju, Eric D. Siggia

Modeling the roles of cohesotaxis, cell-intercalation, and tissue geometry in collective cell migration of Xenopus mesendoderm

Tien Comlekoglu, Bette J. Dzamba, Gustavo G. Pacheco, David R. Shook, T.J. Sego, James A. Glazier, Shayn M. Peirce, Douglas W. DeSimone

Tools & Resources

Single-fly assemblies fill major phylogenomic gaps across the Drosophilidae Tree of Life

Bernard Y. Kim, Hannah R. Gellert, Samuel H. Church, Anton Suvorov, Sean S. Anderson, Olga Barmina, Sofia G. Beskid, Aaron A. Comeault, K. Nicole Crown, Sarah E. Diamond, Steve Dorus, Takako Fujichika, James A. Hemker, Jan Hrcek, Maaria Kankare, Toru Katoh, Karl N. Magnacca, Ryan A. Martin, Teruyuki Matsunaga, Matthew J. Medeiros, Danny E. Miller, Scott Pitnick, Sara Simoni, Tessa E. Steenwinkel, Michele Schiffer, Zeeshan A. Syed, Aya Takahashi, Kevin H-C. Wei, Tsuya Yokoyama, Michael B. Eisen, Artyom Kopp, Daniel Matute, Darren J. Obbard, Patrick M. O’Grady, Donald K. Price, Masanori J. Toda, Thomas Werner, Dmitri A. Petrov

Quantitative proteome dynamics across embryogenesis in a model chordate

Alexander N. Frese, Andrea Mariossi, Michael S. Levine, Martin Wühr

An integrated transcriptomic cell atlas of human neural organoids

Zhisong He, Leander Dony, Jonas Simon Fleck, Artur Szałata, Katelyn X. Li, Irena Slišković, Hsiu-Chuan Lin, Malgorzata Santel, Alexander Atamian, Giorgia Quadrato, Jieran Sun, Sergiu P. Paşca, J. Gray Camp, Fabian Theis, Barbara Treutlein

From He et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

An in vitro platform for quantifying cell cycle phase lengths in primary human intestinal stem cells

Michael J Cotton, Pablo Ariel, Kaiwen Chen, Vanessa A Walcott, Michelle Dixit, Keith A Breau, Caroline M Hinesley, Kasia Kedziora, Cynthia Y Tang, Anna Zheng, Scott T Magness, Joseph Burclaff

A human prenatal skin cell atlas reveals immune cell regulation of skin morphogenesis

Nusayhah Hudaa Gopee, Ni Huang, Bayanne Olabi, Chloe Admane, Rachel A Botting, April Rose Foster, Fereshteh Torabi, Elena Winheim, Dinithi N Sumanaweera, Issac Goh, Mohi Miah, Emily Stephenson, Win Min Tun, Pejvak Moghimi, Ben Rumney, Peng He, Sid Lawrence, Kenny Roberts, Keval Sidhpura, Justin Englebert, Laura Jardine, Gary Reynolds, Antony Rose, Clarisse Ganier, Vicky Rowe, Sophie Pritchard, Ilaria Mulas, James Fletcher, Dorin-Mirel Popescu, Elizabeth FM Poyner, Anna Dubois, Andrew Filby, Steven Lisgo, Roger A Barker, JONG-EUN PARK, Roser Vento-Tormo, Phuong Ahn Le, Sara Serdy, Jin Kim, CiCi Deakin, Jiyoon Lee, Marina T Nikolova, Neil Rajan, Stephane Ballereau, Tong Li, Josh Moore, David Horsfall, Daniela Basurto Lozada, Edel A O’Toole, Barbara Treutlein, Omer Bayraktar, Maria Kasper, Pavel Mazin, Laure Gambardella, Karl Koehler, Sarah Teichmann, Muzlifah Haniffa

Early human fetal lung atlas reveals the temporal dynamics of epithelial cell plasticity.

Henry Tat Quach, Spencer Farrell, Kayshani Kanagarajah, Michael Wu, Xiaoqiao Xu, Prajkta Kallurkar, Andrei Turinsky, Christine Bear, Felix Ratjen, Sidhartha Goyal, Theo J Moraes, Amy Wong

A Spatiotemporal and Machine-Learning Platform Accelerates the Manufacturing of hPSC-derived Esophageal Mucosa

Ying Yang, Carmel Grace McCullough, Lucas Seninge, Lihao Guo, Woo-Joo Kwon, Yongchun Zhang, Nancy Yanzhe Li, Sadhana Gaddam, Cory Pan, Hanson Zhen, Jessica Torkelson, Ian A. Glass, the Birth Defects Research Laboratory, Greg Charville, Jianwen Que, Joshua Stuart, Hongxu Ding, Anthony Oro

A spatial-temporal map of glutamatergic neurogenesis in embryonic cerebellar nuclei uncovers a high degree of cellular heterogeneity

Filippo Casoni, Laura Croci, Francesca Marroni, Giulia Demenego, Ottavio Cremona, Franca Codazzi, G. Giacomo Consalez

Research practice & education

Studentsourcing – aggregating and re-using data from a practical cell biology course

Joachim Goedhart

Keywords to success: a practical guide to maximise the visibility and impact of academic papers

Patrice Pottier, Malgorzata Lagisz, Samantha Burke, Szymon M. Drobniak, Philip A. Downing, Erin L. Macartney, April Robin Martinig, Ayumi Mizuno, Kyle Morrison, Pietro Pollo, Lorenzo Ricolfi, Jesse Tam, Coralie Williams, Yefeng Yang, Shinichi Nakagawa

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Genetics Unzipped: Time of your life: how circadian rhythms shape the world

Posted by , on 2 November 2023

Clock spiral

“Shift work might be a real driver of health inequality; that these people are, as a function of their job, being forced to effectively mess with their biology”

Dr Priya Crosby

In the latest episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, we’re clocking in to chat about the genetics of circadian rhythms. How can molecules tell the time, why don’t we have drugs for jet lag yet and could a midnight snack stop malaria in its tracks?

Genetics Unzipped is the podcast from The Genetics Society. Full transcript, links and references available online at

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Development presents… November webinar on development and disease

Posted by , on 26 October 2023

Our November webinar will be chaired by Development’s Reviews Editor, Alex Eve, and features three early-career researchers studying the intersection between development and disease. The webinar will be held using Zoom with a Q&A session after each talk.

Tuesday 14 November 2023 – 14:00 GMT

Mauricio Rocha-Martins (Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência)
‘How tissues orchestrate growth and morphogenesis: Lessons from the vertebrate retina’

Nicole Edwards (Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center)
‘Discovering the developmental basis of trachea-esophageal birth defects: evidence for endosomeopathies’

Cecilia Arriagada (Rutger’s University)
‘Role of mesodermal fibronectin in mechanotransduction during cardiac development’

To see the other webinars scheduled in our series, and to catch up on previous talks, please visit:

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Be beating, my still heart!

Posted by , on 25 October 2023

Writing in Nature, Bill Jia, Sean Megason, Adam Cohen, and colleagues ask the question: how does the heart go from silent to beating during embryonic development? Using genetically encoded sensors and optogenetic tools, they captured the very first heartbeat of a zebrafish embryo and dissected the biophysical basis for its timing and spatial structure. We chatted with first author Bill Jia to hear the story behind the paper.

How did you come to join the labs of Adam Cohen and Sean Megason?

Early in my PhD, I developed a fascination with how cells compute as a collective. Embryonic development jumped out to me as an incredible example of this phenomenon – cells must talk to each other and then make their own decisions based on the inputs they receive, yet the outcomes of these decisions are often patterns and functions at a level of organisation higher than the individual. The Megason lab’s goal is to identify the conceptual rules by which this comes to be, so it was a perfect fit. However, to understand the complex messages that cells send to each other, it is critical to find the channels through which this information is passed – what exactly are cells measuring? In developmental biology, a major emphasis has traditionally been placed on signal transduction of chemical morphogens. But this is just one of many processes that constitute cellular physiology, each with its own time and length scales over which it can transmit or process information. The Cohen lab has pioneered optical approaches to measure and perturb different aspects of cellular physiology. It also focuses on neuroscience, another discipline concerned with complex and collective computation which happens to exemplify the idea that patterns with different spatiotemporal scales can carry information in biology. I wanted to bring together the distinct strengths and shared interests of these labs. This has put me in a unique position to study developmental cell-cell communication and pattern formation in media that have historically been relatively inaccessible to biological inquiry – bioelectricity, second messenger signalling, and others.

Movie 1: Calcium dynamics across zebrafish gastrulation, convergence, and extension, recorded using the sensor jGCaMP6s.

How did the project get started?

We started out with a broad survey of different physiological dynamics in zebrafish development, using biosensors to look for patterns that might be correlated between cells across time and space. Our efforts imaging cellular calcium were particularly successful (Movie 1)! Consistent with previous work from the Miller lab and others (1), we found an enormous diversity of calcium transients in different cell types over early development. We struggled for a while to decide which of these patterns would be worth following up on because there were simply so many. Adam proposed looking at the first heartbeats because the purpose of the calcium dynamics in this system was known, so it would just be a matter of figuring out how they appeared. At first, I was concerned that too much would have been previously studied, but the literature suggested that there were still some major mysteries to be solved.

What was known about the emergence of the first heartbeat in vertebrate embryos before your work?

The question of how the heartbeat emerges can be broken down into a few pieces. At what time in development does it happen? What are the roles of different cells in the process? How does the heart first gain its regular timing, and how is its function coordinated across the entire tissue? It was already known that periodic electrical and calcium activity emerges in the heart much earlier in development than it is needed (e.g. for blood flow) (2). It was also previously suggested, based on surgical separation, dissociation, or genetic perturbation of heart morphogenesis, that most early cardiomyocytes had the capacity to beat on their own and that the fastest cell would synchronise the tissue (35). But reports differed on the exact details of these observations, which we think mainly owes to two reasons.

First, individual heartbeats are very fast compared to the progression of development – it is difficult to ascertain from a short recording of a few beats how far along the process any given animal is. As we saw in our measurements, there could be very large changes in the dynamics over very short developmental periods. Second, disruption of the tissue geometry by the methods described is also highly disruptive to electrophysiology, making any observed activity preparation-dependent. One simple and instructive example is to imagine a cell that expects to be coupled to its neighbour by gap junctions – after dissection of that interface, it now has hemichannels exposed to the extracellular fluid instead, which might completely change its electrical behaviour. Notwithstanding these potentially contradictory previous results, there was also no proposed mechanism for how the heart gains its timing, whose quantitative properties are integral to the organ’s function.

Can you summarize the findings of the paper?

Movie 2: Multiplexed recordings of the heart’s transition from silent to beating in zebrafish embryos, taken with the sensor jGCaMP7f (6).

First, we used long, multiplexed recordings of genetically encoded calcium sensors to efficiently capture the transition from silent to beating (including the very first heartbeat!) in many zebrafish hearts (Movie 2). This was a dramatic and sudden switch, which in combination with subsequent experiments to probe biophysical and molecular mechanism gave us confidence that something important had happened at that very moment. We then looked at the statistics of the beats after the first one and found that the trajectories of average beat rate and beat rate variability were quite stereotyped. This lent itself to a simple mathematical abstraction describing how oscillations can emerge from an apparently silent system, called a stochastic saddle-node on invariant-circle (SNIC) bifurcation.

This model has two important predictions – first, highly periodic oscillations can be driven by random noise; second, big changes in fast dynamics (beats) can emerge from very small changes in an underlying control parameter describing a decreasing distance between a resting state and a “threshold” for a single oscillation. This second idea, of small changes in one quantity resulting in big changes in another, is analogous to a miniscule change in temperature across the freezing point turning water into ice – which is why we describe it as a phase transition. Similar phenomena have been observed in tissue mechanical properties in development (7, 8), and perhaps more await discovery.

The abstract mathematical resting state and threshold described have a biological basis in the membrane voltage dynamics of many types of electrically excitable cells, including cardiomyocytes. We tested whether this was relevant in the earliest heartbeats by performing voltage imaging and perturbing various ion transporters. In a panel of several genes important in the adult spontaneous cardiac action potential, we found that only the L-type voltage-gated calcium channel (VGCC) was required for both voltage and calcium oscillations. This is consistent with the model – the voltage threshold for activation of the VGCC could be the threshold described in the equations.

We then used light-activated ion channels (channelrhodopsins) to see if we could optogenetically cross the predicted threshold before any endogenous activity could be observed. As the model predicted, the heart became increasingly easy to excite as the first spontaneous beat approached. Furthermore, local excitations could propagate across the tissue, explaining how many cells seemed to turn on all at once from the first beat (Movie 3) – the cells are primed and ready to respond to their neighbours.

Movie 3: Tissue-scale initiation of calcium activity (cyan) in the zebrafish heart cone (red), taken with calcium sensor jGCaMP7f.

Our observations on how the heart’s earliest temporal patterns were driven by noise and how the spatial patterns were always synchronised demanded a more careful analysis of functional specialisation in individual cells. If the threshold crossing is random, what permits a particular cell to do it? We know that the adult heart has a defined pacemaker region, and we knew from previous work where these cells ought to be at the time of the first heartbeat. Does the beat start in the same place every time, and is this where the pacemaker will be? How does the previously observed widespread spontaneity play into all of this? We performed imaging of the calcium activity together with markers defining cardiomyocyte subpopulations, showing that the spatial origin was indeed variable, but tended to start away from the future pacemakers. Using optogenetics we were able to establish that a fast intrinsic beat rate was in fact the biophysical mechanism that set the spatial origin.

Together our results provide a picture of how many aspects of heartbeat initiation fit together. Random noise allows the heartbeats to emerge from variable positions, but the cells are synchronised by frequency-based competition. This is likely implemented molecularly by a gradual increase in activation sensitivity of VGCCs. This process does not seem to be tightly coupled to the earliest steps of pacemaker development, but the biophysical mechanisms are sufficient to ensure early coordination and periodicity of the heartbeat.

Were you surprised to find that the individual heart cells abruptly start beating all at once?

Yes! Before we did the experiments, the analogy I had in my head was a swarm of fireflies. I was expecting to see individual cells blinking separately, with some sort of synchronisation process occurring gradually over time. How the heartbeat initiation could hypothetically play out depends on the relative ordering of the development of excitability, electrical coupling, and spontaneous oscillations – in my picture, the coupling would have had to emerge last. There is evidence that connexins are expressed very early on in heart development (9), so maybe the tissue-scale initiation ought to have been less surprising. But the dependence of the spatiotemporal dynamics on each of these features is quantitative, so someone who had started with that prior assumption could have just as likely been wrong – we had to do the measurements to find out!

Do you think this bioelectrical phase transition model is found across all developing vertebrate hearts?

It is very possible, given that many features of the transition have been suggested by other observations in different vertebrate models. The same L-type calcium channels are known to be required for early cardiac activity in mice (10), and similar observations of lability in the spatial origin of the heartbeat have been seen in chicks and mice (3, 10). One major way other species might differ is in the length scale of synchronisation. In animals with larger hearts, it may be possible to observe multiple regions of synchronisation with their own distinct origin points.

The paper involves optogenetic manipulations and live functional imaging, producing a lot of beautiful videos. Can you tell us more about the techniques and tools you used?

Many of our conclusions rested on measuring how the dynamics of the heartbeat changed in their response to fast perturbations over the slow timescales of development. To do this, it was essential to simultaneously manipulate and image the electrical activity without disrupting the heart’s developmental trajectory. A key enabler of these experiments was FR-GECO1c, a novel far-red calcium sensor developed by the labs of Robert Campbell and Yi Shen (11). This sensor offered spectral compatibility with several blue light-activated ion channels (channelrhodopsins), which allowed us to target the heart as accurately as light can be patterned. Using these tools, we reversibly stimulated or silenced the heart at scales of milliseconds and micrometres, while watching its response in real time. There has been a recent explosion in new optogenetic tools for manipulating and visualising cellular physiology beyond membrane potential, including activation of canonical signalling pathways (12). I think that these will push the field of developmental biology forward tremendously, as they open up causative studies of the spatial and temporal couplings that ultimately underlie the progression of organ patterning.

Can you postulate the function of early electrical activity even before the heart is connected to the circulatory system?

It could be a type of developmental checkpoint for later steps in heart development – now that the heart has established its basic electrical function, it is ready to perform later steps like specification of cell subtypes or the complex steps of morphogenesis involved in chamber formation. The distribution of spontaneity could be a mechanism of robustness in this process – if one cell that was supposed to drive the beat fails to develop, another one can take its place. One particularly interesting hypothesis is that calcium signalling downstream of the beats supports development (10, 13). Given that calcium is an important second messenger molecule for many cellular processes, it is unclear whether it is the calcium fluxes downstream of the beat that matter and whether these must be deconvolved from some other cellular calcium dynamics. This is a problem that applies to all second messenger signalling pathways, so the developing heart might be a useful model to teach us more about the general mechanisms of cellular computation.

Did you have any particular result or eureka moment that has stuck with you?

The success of the quantitative fit of our data by the SNIC bifurcation model was very gratifying. It’s really satisfying to me when important features of a complex biological process can be distilled down into a model that is simple, yet precise enough to be written as a mathematical formula. But one of my favourite things about this story was how interdisciplinary the findings are – I really believe there is a little something for everyone in there. It’s super fun to see feedback from developmental biologists, cardiologists, and physicists expressing excitement about completely different parts of the results.

And the flipside: were there any moments of frustration or despair?

At times I thought that our findings were too simple or obvious given what was already known about the developing heart. But something I’ve come to appreciate is that this is very subjective and depends strongly on how much one is willing to make assumptions based on what is already known.

What’s next for this story? And what’s next for you personally?

I think there are two major future directions for this story. The first is to understand the implications of the early self-organising activity for the heart’s development, as we discussed. The second is to understand in more depth the molecular basis of the predicted biophysical mechanism. How are the VGCCs being sensitised? Is it because of changes in channel expression levels, relative intracellular and extracellular calcium levels, changes in resting potential by modulation of other ion pumps and channels, or something else? What is the source of the noise that seems to drive the timing? Personally, I am nearing the end of my PhD. I hope to continue along the lines of the first direction – how do properties of biological electricity instruct cell decision making and tissue patterning in development? I want to do so by opening my own lab but am also thinking about postdoctoral positions that might allow me to pursue these questions.


1.         S. E. Webb, R. A. Fluck, A. L. Miller, Calcium signaling during the early development of medaka and zebrafish. Biochimie. 93, 2112–2125 (2011).

2.         W. Rottbauer, K. Baker, Z. G. Wo, M.-A. P. K. Mohideen, H. F. Cantiello, M. C. Fishman, Growth and Function of the Embryonic Heart Depend upon the Cardiac-Specific L-Type Calcium Channel α1 Subunit. Dev. Cell. 1, 265–275 (2001).

3.         T. Sakai, T. Yada, A. Hirota, H. Komuro, K. Kamino, A regional gradient of cardiac intrinsic rhythmicity depicted in embryonic cultured multiple hearts. Pflüg. Arch. 437, 61–69 (1998).

4.         J. F. Reiter, J. Alexander, A. Rodaway, D. Yelon, R. Patient, N. Holder, D. Y. R. Stainier, Gata5 is required for the development of the heart and endoderm in zebrafish. Genes Dev. 13, 2983–2995 (1999).

5.         R. L. DeHaan, Synchronization of pulsation rates in isolated cardiac myocytes. Exp. Cell Res. 70, 214–220 (1972).

6.         B. Z. Jia, Y. Qi, J. D. Wong-Campos, S. G. Megason, A. E. Cohen, A bioelectrical phase transition patterns the first vertebrate heartbeats. Nature, 1–7 (2023).

7.         A. Mongera, P. Rowghanian, H. J. Gustafson, E. Shelton, D. A. Kealhofer, E. K. Carn, F. Serwane, A. A. Lucio, J. Giammona, O. Campàs, A fluid-to-solid jamming transition underlies vertebrate body axis elongation. Nature. 561, 401–405 (2018).

8.         N. I. Petridou, B. Corominas-Murtra, C.-P. Heisenberg, E. Hannezo, Rigidity percolation uncovers a structural basis for embryonic tissue phase transitions. Cell. 184, 1914-1928.e19 (2021).

9.         N. C. Chi, R. M. Shaw, B. Jungblut, J. Huisken, T. Ferrer, R. Arnaout, I. Scott, D. Beis, T. Xiao, H. Baier, L. Y. Jan, M. Tristani-Firouzi, D. Y. R. Stainier, Genetic and Physiologic Dissection of the Vertebrate Cardiac Conduction System. PLOS Biol. 6, e109 (2008).

10.      R. C. Tyser, A. M. Miranda, C. Chen, S. M. Davidson, S. Srinivas, P. R. Riley, Calcium handling precedes cardiac differentiation to initiate the first heartbeat. eLife. 5, e17113 (2016).

11.      R. Dalangin, M. Drobizhev, R. S. Molina, A. Aggarwal, R. Patel, A. S. Abdelfattah, Y. Zhao, J. Wu, K. Podgorski, E. R. Schreiter, T. E. Hughes, R. E. Campbell, Y. Shen, bioRxiv, in press, doi:10.1101/2020.11.12.380089.

12.      H. M. McNamara, B. Ramm, J. E. Toettcher, Synthetic developmental biology: New tools to deconstruct and rebuild developmental systems. Semin. Cell Dev. Biol. 141, 33–42 (2023).

13.      N. D. Andersen, K. V. Ramachandran, M. M. Bao, M. L. Kirby, G. S. Pitt, M. R. Hutson, Calcium signaling regulates ventricular hypertrophy during development independent of contraction or blood flow. J. Mol. Cell. Cardiol. 80, 1–9 (2015).

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Medicine at the Crick | What Can Development Tell Us About Disease?

Posted by , on 24 October 2023

We are pleased to invite all members of the biomedical community to:

Medicine at the CrickWhat can development tell us about disease?

Thursday 2nd November 2023, 14:30-18.00

Free hybrid event taking place virtually and in person, organised by The Francis Crick Institute, London

Our Medicine at the Crick event series showcases major advances in biomedical science and raises awareness of the medical implications of major scientific advances amongst the Crick and wider UK biomedical community. Each event comprises a series of talks and a Q&A panel discussion, followed by a networking and drinks reception for in person attendees.

More about our next event 

Hosted by Alex Gould, this 12th edition of Medicine at the Crick will focus on recent advances in our understanding of how embryonic development influences adult disease.

The early-life environment is well established to impact upon infant health and disease. It is less widely known that it also influences the risk of adult diseases manifested many decades later. Developmentally “programmed” adult diseases are diverse and include type 2 diabetes, asthma, cardiovascular disease, neurodegenerative conditions and even some cancers. Research in this area, the developmental origins of health and disease (DOHaD), is clinically important but surprisingly still not on the radar of many developmental biologists. This Medicine at the Crick event aims to raise awareness of DOHaD research. It will highlight emerging organogenic and epigenetic links between embryonic development and adult disease. It will explore how diseases such as cancer may involve inappropriate reruns of developmental genetic programmes. Key impacts of DOHaD research on public health policy will also be discussed.


Panel Chair: Prof Keith Godfrey (University of Southampton)

Speakers include: Prof Lucilla Poston CBE(Kings College London), Prof Richard Gilbertson(University of Cambridge), Dr Marika Charalambous (Kings College London) and Prof Ralph DeBerardinis (UT Southwestern Medical Centre). 

The panel discussion will be followed by a networking and drinks reception for in person attendees until 19:00. 


Please find attached a poster for the event. Visit our webpages for further details including a more detailed programme, and register via Eventbrite to order a free virtual or in person ticket for the event. 

Please send any questions to: and feel free to circulate this information among any colleagues who may be interested.

We look forward to welcoming you to our Medicine at the Crick event.

With all good wishes,

Peter Ratcliffe and Alex Gould

Professor Sir Peter Ratcliffe FRS                                                        

Director of Clinical Research                          

Dr Alex Gould

Principal Group Leader

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Developmental biologists tackle biodiversity, peer review, climate change in annual Development meeting

Posted by , on 24 October 2023

Of the 10 million or so species that make up Earth’s biosphere, the majority of biological discoveries in the 20th century were made in just six organisms.

Statistically representative? I think not.

“We can’t rely on studying flies and mice and fish,” said Katherine Brown, Executive Editor of Development, in her opening remarks at the journal’s annual meeting. “We really need to be expanding our repertoire.”

From Sep. 17–20, I joined nearly 100 developmental biologists at the Wotton House to learn from researchers working with unconventional experimental organisms in cell and developmental biology. In those four days, we caught glimpses of how these emerging systems can bridge gaps in scientific knowledge and between scientific disciplines. The issues discussed were complex and unlikely to be settled in a single conference. But this seminal meeting signaled a readiness for the field of developmental biology to 1) broaden its taxonomic sampling, 2) educate scientific gatekeepers to the benefits and challenges of working with unconventional systems, and 3) expand its vision to include the impacts of climate change.

We need broader taxonomic sampling

“Can we even say we know what a eukaryote is? I’m not sure.”

Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo, Institut de Biologia Evolutiva, CSIC, Spain

Researchers who are devoted to unconventional and emerging organisms are especially sensitive to the need for wider taxonomic sampling. Attendees of the meeting represented nearly 50 species ranging from single-celled choanoflagellates to cnidarians to honeydews to eusocial insects to mollusks to geckos. Several talks ended with speakers thanking their experimental organisms — an overt acknowledgment of how important biodiversity is to unravel the biological mechanisms that contribute to development.

And yet, despite the “biodiversity” buzz word percolating through the scientific literature, the classical models of biological research are still primarily limited to just three percent of eukaryotic lineages: animals, fungi, and plants.

“Can we even say what a eukaryote is?” Iñaki Ruiz-Trillo asked in the opening session. “I’m not sure when it’s three percent.”

We were reminded over and over how unconventional organisms show us what we don’t know. While knowing the limitations of our knowledge is important for intellectual growth, it’s a tough premise for convincing funding agencies and taxpayers to support basic research that is inherently challenging and at high risk of failure. One way to overcome that hurdle is to reframe the discussion.

“You don’t ask: ‘What can this model tell me?’ but ‘What can I ask this model?’” said Ruiz-Trillo, highlighting how research should start with the biological question, not necessarily the organism. This idea was reiterated by evolutionary biologist Kim Cooper at the meeting when she described the extreme skeletal morphology of jerboas (affectionately referred to as “potatoes on sticks”) to probe deeper into bone development.

“Unconventional organisms are important,” said Ruiz-Trillo. “They allow us to see things we could not see before. They allow us to see things we didn’t even know we could not see before.”

The lack of tools available to researchers studying unconventional systems was a source of commiseration with attendees. But the outlook was more optimistic than grim. As Magdalena Bezanilla reminded us: “We’re a small, robust community. But we share.”

We need to educate the field about challenges inherent with unconventional systems

“My least favorite beginning of any [reviewer’s] comment is, ‘Why don’t you just… ?'”

Kim Cooper, UC San Diego, USA

As a general rule, researchers working with unconventional systems have trouble gaining traction with researchers studying more traditional model organisms. Unconventional systems lack resources and are riddled with unknowns — that’s all part of the intrigue of basic science research. But it’s also extremely frustrating when, after sharing exciting results with reviewers, our manuscripts come back with follow-up experiments that just aren’t possible in certain unconventional systems.

“My least favorite beginning of any [reviewer’s] comment is, ‘Why don’t you just… ?’” said Cooper.

Evolutionary germ cell biologist Cassandra Extavour reminded the professional scientists at the conference that they are the reviewers. It’s easy to forget. “When we’re reviewing a paper, we are a helpful colleague providing constructive input into the field. But when we’re an author, the reviewers are these hateful aliens who hate us,” she said, prompting laughter from the audience. “But it’s us, right? As reviewers, I would ask us all to remember that we’re not trying to apply the standards of one field to another unnecessarily but asking, what are the insights that this paper offers?”

Extavour went on to argue that we must educate ourselves to the standards of data production and presentation and analysis in different fields so that we can assess author claims. It’s simply not reasonable to expect mouse techniques in a paper about choanoflagellates. Reviewers need to be asking: 1) Are the data being rigorously applied? 2) Are the authors’ conclusions supported by the data they provide? and 3) Do the authors’ conclusions or insights match the vision or the mission of the journal?

Abouheif suggested that journal editors can help curb some of those unrealistic expectations from reviewers. “You have to kind of let some things go,” he said. “It’s hard to find the sweet spot. But yeah, we have to advocate for it.” Because unconventional research systems have a lot to offer.

We can (and should) contribute to climate change research

“Developmental systems may promote phenotypic innovation and complexity in the face of climate change.”

Ehab Abouheif, McGill University, Canada

One of the motivations for this year’s Development meeting was to gather developmental biologists together to discuss what role, if any, the field of developmental biology should have in addressing climate change. The fields of developmental biology and climate research might seem unrelated at first glance. But everyone agreed that climate change is multi-faceted and spans scientific fields. We need all hands on deck. The main question, then, is what can we, as developmental biologists, contribute?

Four panelists were invited to answer that question, each with expertise spanning plant, single-celled eukaryotes, eusocial insects, and vertebrates.

 “You have to be comfortable with being a jack of all trades but the master of none,” Ehab Abouheif said, reminding us that working with non-model organisms is integrative by nature. There’s no simple answer to solving climate change, meaning that multi-pronged approaches are warranted.

“We don’t know what the solution is,” said plant developmental geneticist Michael Raissig. “So we have to look everywhere.”

Loss of biodiversity was brought up, tempered somewhat by Abouheif, who said, “Developmental systems may promote phenotypic innovation and complexity in the face of climate change.” He went on to say that ecologists may not typically think of phenotypic predictive theories. But developmental biologists are constantly teasing apart what genotype results in adaptive phenotypes, suggesting that developmental biology may have a lot to say in the coming years.

Raissig pointed out that three challenges of climate change are catastrophic events, biodiversity loss, and agriculture. But there seems to be a general “plant blindness” in society, said Raissig. “I would argue it’s the photosynthetic organisms we should focus on,” he said, bearing in mind his biased perspective as a plant biologist.

The panelists discussed the responsibility developmental biologists have in addressing climate change, raising the question of whether we can afford curiosity-driven research. Cooper pointed out that developmental biologists’ contributions can extend beyond the lab bench. Most academic researchers have teaching responsibilities, she said, with a (generally) captive audience eager to learn and contribute to society. Discussions of how climate change has shaped earth’s biosphere over eons could be leveraged in the classroom.

“Basic, fundamental science is important for society,” Abouheif said. I doubt anyone at the meeting disagreed. But how do we share that with decision makers who may not be as gracious with so-called “basic” science for its lack of apparent utility? Joyce Yu recently shared some thoughts on this matter. Check out what she has to say about how to more effectively communicate basic science.

“Communicating what we do and how we do it can be really challenging,” said Cooper. “But it’s rewarding, especially when you’re the most different speaker at a meeting. It’s like a coffee break in the middle of a session.” This year’s Development meeting had the buzz of a giant, fun coffee break where we could share our woes and our triumphs from the lab bench. Now we can get back to work, energized and refreshed.

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Genetics Unzipped: That’s so extra: Exploring the weird world of extrachromosomal DNA

Posted by , on 19 October 2023

Colourful cancer cells

“Most of our genome – a staggering 2 metres of DNA in every cell – is packaged into X-shaped chromosomes. And then there’s the weird stuff.”

Dr Kat Arney

In the latest episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, we’re exploring the weird and wonderful world of extrachromosomal DNA – what it is, what it does, and why it breaks the normal rules of inheritance.

Genetics Unzipped is the podcast from The Genetics Society. Full transcript, links and references available online at

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SciArt profile: Ana Beiriger

Posted by , on 18 October 2023

In this SciArt profile, we caught up with Ana Beiriger, a medical illustrator and a developmental biologist. We approached Ana after learning that she was the illustrator of the poster for the 2023 Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) Annual Meeting!

Poster illustration for the SDB Annual Meeting. Created using Procreate and Adobe Illustrator. 2023.

Can you tell us about your background and what you work on now?

My background is pretty solidly in developmental biology. I received my bachelor’s degree from the University of Illinois in 2013, where my first independent research project focused on comparative limb development in marsupials. That had me hooked, and I went on to earn my doctorate in developmental biology from the University of Chicago in 2020. In my doctoral work, I studied the birth and migration of cranial efferent neurons in the zebrafish, using lightsheet microscopy and 2-photon photoconversion techniques to characterize the development of the facial branchiomotor (CNVII) and octavolateral efferent neurons (CNVIII). 

Towards the end of my doctorate, I found out about the field of scientific visualization from a colleague. I had always loved the arts and was already doing a lot of illustration work for my labmates, helping them out with figures for review articles and talks. The process of taking a complicated scientific topic and boiling it down to a clear visual message was both challenging and rewarding, and I loved the collaborative nature of the work. It took a lot of reflection, but after a decade in research I decided to pivot to something new.

After my doctorate, I did a deep dive into scientific art at UIC’s Biomedical Visualization (BVIS) program, building my skills in digital illustration, graphic design, storyboarding, and 2D/3D animation. I now work as a project manager for a scientific visualization company, occasionally taking on freelance projects to make graphical abstracts and illustrations for journal articles. It’s a lot of fun, but old habits die hard, and embryos are (predictably) still one of my favorite things to illustrate.

Selected stills from an animation on neurocristopathies. Created in Autodesk 3ds Max, Zbrush, and Adobe After Effects. 2022.

Were you always going to be a scientist?

I always figured I’d do something related to medicine or biology. When I was four, I wanted to be a “bone doctor” and help people heal from fractures. While I didn’t quite go the medical route, I did get to work on long bone development many years later, and I think four-year-old me would have been pretty excited about that. 

Procedural illustration describing a suturing technique used for reconstruction of the fibularis tendon in the ankle. Created using Procreate and Adobe Photoshop. 2021.

And what about art – have you always enjoyed it?

I have loved the arts ever since I was very young. I’d taken drawing and painting classes on and off over the years but never felt like I had quite enough time for them among my other studies. It wasn’t until I realized there was a way to combine my love of art with science that I really gave myself permission to pursue the arts. During the last two years of my doctoral work, I spent mornings in the lab, afternoons writing, and evenings in the art studio. It was a hectic time, but perhaps one of the most personally fulfilling for me.

Illustration of a T6 vertebra. Pencil on toned paper. 2020.
Illustration of a bird skull. Pencil on toned paper. 2018.

What or who are your most important artistic influences?

This is a hard question because there are so many artists that I admire! I’ve always adored expressionists like Marc and Kandinsky (in the early years) for their use of color, and more abstract artists like Moholy-Nagy and, yes, Kandinsky again (in the later years) for their sense of balance and design. I do also listen to a ton of music, and I pull a lot of indirect inspiration from reading about the techniques musicians use to push themselves outside of their comfort zone. Things like rearranging elements at random to see if you can “break” the composition in interesting ways, or leaning into technical errors to create new textures… they’re all methods that work just as well in the visual arts as in music, and can help get the creativity flowing again when you’ve been working on the same piece for hours!

Infographic describing a potential drug binding pocket within CFTR and its role in potential treatment for cystic fibrosis. Created using Visual Molecular Dynamics, Autodesk 3ds Max, and Adobe Illustrator. 2021.

How do you make your art?

For scientific art, my process always starts with collecting research articles and reading as much as possible about the subject. Once I have a good handle on the science, I transition into the sketch stage. I’ll generally develop 2-3 sketches that tell the scientific story in a few different ways. This part is the most challenging, but is a lot of fun in projects where I’m working directly with another scientist, as we can really talk shop about their project during this stage. Once I have a sketch that is clear, accurate, and reaches their communication objectives, I’ll start on a color version. 

Most of my work starts with pencil and paper, as I’m still the most comfortable working in traditional techniques. As the sketch gets more concrete, I’ll bring it into digital programs like Procreate, Adobe Illustrator, and Photoshop to refine. For molecular illustrations specifically, I’ll often work directly with protein sequence and crystal structure data, using 3D rendering software including Visual Molecular Dynamics, Blender, and 3ds Max to create highly accurate surface representations. 

Selected stills from an animation on DNA replication stress in cancer. Created with Autodesk 3ds Max, Visual Molecular Dynamics, Zbrush, and Adobe After Effects. 2021.

Does your art influence your science at all, or are they separate worlds?

I would say that it’s more the reverse – my science influences my art. There’s a similar process of experimentation, iteration, and gradual refinement, as you hone in on whatever you’re trying to study or portray. I’m constantly trying out new techniques or software in my art, too, and the process of learning them and figuring out your own optimal way of using them is really not unlike developing a new protocol in the lab. It feels strange to say, but on the whole, I have been surprised by how many of the skills I learned as a scientist translate to my art.

What are you thinking of working on next?

I’ve been working pretty exclusively on illustration and design for the last year. However, I also love 3D animation and am hoping to dip my toes back into it soon!

Photo of Ana Beiriger

Find out more about Ana:

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How do animal species ensure robust patterning?

Posted by , on 17 October 2023

This summer I was privileged with the opportunity to conduct research at the Francis Crick Institute in the Mathematical and Physical Biology Laboratory, which studies how structure and organisation emerge in living systems using mathematics and computational analysis.

Integral feedback control is a type of control strategy used in engineering or automation that utilises accumulated error over time to make gradual adjustments to a system’s output signal. As a mechanical engineering student, it would be more common for me to see integral feedback control in thermostats, cruise control systems in cars, or other mechanical systems where a system must be restored back to an equilibrium without oscillating. However, the integral feedback control mechanism is also observed in multiple biological systems, including in one model used to explain morphogen gradient scaling.

Morphogens are signalling molecules that are produced in a restricted region of a tissue and spread away from their source via diffusion to form a concentration gradient [1]. The shape of the morphogen gradient dictates cell fate in a concentration-dependent manner (Fig. 1a). Although individuals of the same species can differ in size during development, their proportions remain approximately constant. This requires that the length scales associated with morphogen gradients increase proportionally with system size, and is referred to as morphogen gradient scaling [2].

Figure 1: (a) Schematic of morphogen-mediated patterning. Morphogens diffuse into the tissue from a source region on the left, and their diffusion and degradation forms a concentration gradient. Different morphogen concentrations result in different cell fates. (b) Schematic of a novel version of the expansion-repression model, showing that morphogen signalling represses the production of the expander and that the expander in turns expands the morphogen gradient. (c) The equations describing the evolution of the morphogen and expander concentrations according to the expansion- repression model in (b) with respect to space (x) and time (t). The diffusion terms (orange) include the diffusion constants DM and DE, the degradation terms (green) include the degradation rate constants and k and μ, and the production terms (blue) include the production rate constants νM and νE. h is a Hill coefficient, θ ( x ) is the Heaviside step function, and δk , μand m are constants.

One mechanism that may be used to achieve morphogen gradient scaling utilises an integral feedback control mechanism, and is termed the “expansion-repression” model [2]. In this case, the shape of the morphogen concentration gradient that prescribes patterning is regulated by a diffusible molecule called the “expander”, which aids the spreading of morphogens either by enhancing their diffusion or by protecting them from degradation (Fig. 1b). In turn, the production of expander molecules is repressed by morphogen signalling. This morphogen-expander feedback is the same type of integral control feedback observed in other biological and engineering systems. The behaviour of morphogen and expander molecules can be expressed mathematically (Fig. 1c), and these equations can be solved numerically. Simulations indicate that the novel formulation of the expansion-repression model shown in Fig. 1b can become unstable at certain system sizes as a result of the integral feedback control mechanism, which results in oscillations in the morphogen concentration that continue forever.

During my time with the Mathematical and Physical Biology Laboratory, I adapted code written in Julia to investigate the instabilities that arise for a morphogen-expander system (Fig. 1b,c) at different system sizes. I calculated the critical length of the system, which is the system size below which normal patterning can be achieved for biological systems, and above which the system becomes unstable. In addition, by varying system parameters such as the diffusion, degradation rate or production rate constants for either the morphogen or expander molecules, we began to investigate what may cause the morphogen-expander system to become unstable. For example, increasing the morphogen diffusion constant causes the critical length of the system to vary non- monotonically (Fig. 2). This means that for certain values of the diffusion constant the system becomes unstable at smaller system sizes, and that there is a value of the diffusion constant for which the system is at its least stable. Similar changes can be observed in the rate at which the system approaches the instability, characterised by the value of the critical exponent β (Fig. 2).

Figure 2: The critical length for the morphogen-expander system decreases rapidly with increasing morphogen diffusion constant until it reaches a minimum value, then it increases steadily. This suggests that there is a value of the diffusion constant for which the system is at its least stable. The critical exponent, β , tends to follow a similar trend.

This project has allowed me to build on my skills in programming and data analysis, as well as gain a better understanding of essential research skills such as presenting research and keeping a record of my learning. I am immensely grateful to have had the opportunity to work with a diverse range of scientists, including both biologists and physicists. I enjoyed this diversity and how fascinating this made lab meetings. It was incredible to see how people from different academic backgrounds come together to explore scientific problems. This has really motivated me to pursue similar interdisciplinary research in the future.

I would like to thank Dr Lewis Mosby for his incredible supervision, as well as Dr Zena Hadjivasiliou and the entire Mathematical and Physical Biology Laboratory for their support and for creating such a fascinating experience.

I look forward to continuing a career in research and I urge other undergraduates to apply to the Francis Crick Institute summer student training programme. I would like to thank the Francis Crick Institute for hosting me and the Medical Research Foundation Rosa Beddington Fund for supporting my project.


  • – Jan L. Christian. Morphogen gradients in development: from form to function. Wiley Interdiscip. Rev. Dev. Biol., 1(1):3-15, 2012.
  • – Danny Ben-Zvi and Naama Barkai. Scaling of morphogen gradients by an expansion- repression integral feedback control. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A., 107(15):6924–6929, 2010.
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