Development’s not-for-profit publisher, The Company of Biologists, was founded 99 years ago and has been inspiring biology and supporting biologists ever since. Thus, 2025 marks the Company’s 100th birthday, and we’ve planned various activities to help mark this extraordinary milestone in the Company’s history.
One of the major events is a once-in-a-lifetime celebration: the Biologists @ 100 conference. In addition to my role as a Senior Editor at Development, I’ve been ‘moonlighting’ as the Project Coordinator for The Company of Biologists’ 100-year anniversary plans, and so, with great privilege, I’d like to invite you to attend and explain a little more of what lies ahead.
Encompassing the annual meetings of the British Society for Developmental Biology (BSDB) and the British Society for Cell Biology (BSCB), you can expect everything you’d find at a traditional joint society Spring meeting, including award lectures and invited talks across the spectrum of cell and developmental biology. In addition, there will be strands related to disease biology and comparative physiology. We also hope that by bringing everyone together, you’ll be inspired to venture beyond the familiar and learn something new; perhaps you’re intrigued to learn more about one of the biggest threats to modern healthcare, antimicrobial resistance, or how animals sense and respond to the changing world. Connection, community and collaboration are at the heart of The Company of Biologists, and we strive to embody this at Biologists @ 100.
Organised by leading biologists, the sessions are also inter-disciplinary, with the plenaries tackling some of the biggest questions in biology today, such as climate change and biodiversity, featuring Hans-Otto Pörtner (Alfred Wegener Institute, Germany) and Dame Jane Francis (British Antarctic Survey, UK) – a timely topic indeed, as illustrated by Development’s latest Special Issue: Uncovering Developmental Diversity. The second plenary challenges how biology can help health and tackle disease with Sadaf Farooqi (University of Cambridge, UK) and Charles Swanton (The Francis Crick Institute, UK). Finally, we look to the future with a plenary session on emerging technologies including Manu Prakash (Stanford University, USA) and Jennifer Lippincott-Schwartz (HHMI Janelia, USA). Take a look at the preliminary programme for more information on the themes for the parallel sessions, with plenty of space for selected abstracts.
We hope you will join us in this celebration of not only The Company of Biologists but also of biology, which ultimately drives what we do at the Company and inspires the careers of our fellow biologists who are dedicated to understanding it. Registration is now open, and abstracts can be submitted until 13 December this year.
Finally, although Biologists @ 100 should be a key date in your calendar, there will be other 100-year anniversary plans revealed throughout 2025, including content in the journals and our community sites. Periodically visit our 100th birthday page on the website (where you can also sign-up for the mailing list), follow The Company of Biologists on social media (X, Mastodon, LinkedIn) and keep an eye on the #biologists100 hashtag to join our journey.
Congratulations to Millie Race, who won this year’s ‘Sammy Lee Award for Research in Embryology’ at the Young Embryologist Network (YEN) meeting 2024! This medal is given annually to someone who presents an outstanding piece of research.
To celebrate and share her research, I have created an illustrated infographic that summarises the work she presented at YEN 2024.
An infographic explaining Millie Race’s PhD research. Click to enlarge.
Millie Race is a final year PhD student in the Department of Physiology, Development and Neuroscience at the University of Cambridge. Her work in the labs of Clare Buckley (University of Manchester and University of Cambridge) and Kristian Franze (Max-Planck-Zentrum für Physik und Medizin and University of Cambridge) investigates the role of non-muscle myosin contractility in neural tube hollowing using the zebrafish hindbrain as a model system.
Millie after receiving the Sammy Lee award at YEN 2024.
The award honours the life of Sammy Lee, Visiting Professor in Cell and Developmental Biology at UCL, who passed away suddenly on 21 July 2012, aged 54. He completed his PhD at UCL in the lab of Professor Ricardo Miledi in the Biophysics department. During his research career, he contributed to pioneering work on fertility treatments and IVF, before returning to UCL to teach a course on bioethics. He was a passionate teacher who remained dedicated to his students, a great friend to many in the developmental biology community.
The 7th August 2024 Development presents… webinar was chaired by Development Editor Debby Silver (Duke University) and featured three talks on the topic of neurodevelopment and disorders. Catch up on the talks below.
Plant surface appendages may exist in different shapes, size and conformations. With each variation comes a different or overlapping function. However, plant surface appendages, or trichomes, are an advantage to any plant having them. Here, plant surface appendages will be unraveled with reference to plant species and the role they play within the ecological niche.
There are a finite number of mystical structures, called plant epidermal appendages, on the surface of different plant species. These appendages are the first point of contact that plants have with carbon dioxide in the ecological niche (Johnson, 1975; Singh, 2017; Singh, 2018). But what does this mean? It simply implies that plant epidermal appendages enable optimal functioning of the plants in their environment (Johnson, 1975; Ehleringer, 1984). During seasonal changes, and overlaps, these appendages help plants sustain themselves, and this is irrespective of whether the plant is floral, ornamental, or even edible. Since plant epidermal appendages contain a fair amount of cytoplasm, windy conditions aren’t much of a threat because they can change their conformation from flubbery to stiff, and vice-versa (see Figure 1 as an example). Singh (2017) has reported that cytoplasm within trichomes (i.e. plant epidermal appendages) arose from protoplasmic evolution during plant growth. This has made their point of contact with the external environment a unique trait, particularly because of the epidermal basal cells (Ali and Al-Hemaid, 2011; Duffey, 1986; Tooker et al., 1986).
Figure 1: Stereomicrograph showing the hair-like protrusions in a bottlebrush stem.
There are different types of trichomes, and these differ in arrangement, shape and size (see figure 2). According to Singh (2024), the arrangement of trichomes determine the mechanism for homeostatic control of temperature and photosynthesis in plants. So what is the indirect control of photosynthesis? The indirect control of photosynthesis is achieved by the trichomes protecting photosystems, thylakoid membranes and even the grana. In Fragaria sp. (strawberry plants), trichomes are found to be scattered over leaf surfaces, but don’t play an important role in water conductivity of plants. However, despite this setback, the plant surface appendages help maintain the function of the xylem and phloem tissues through its ecological roles (Singh, 2017). In Cucurbit sp, on the other hand, the epidermal appendages offer a third level of protection to the plants by preventing large creatures from feasting on the crunchy, water-filled, stems (Singh, 2018; Singh, 2024). So what’s an interesting feature in butternut and pumpkin plant species? In Cucurbita moschata, there is a physical growth mechanism. In this plant, the gravitational pull offered by the trichomes enable them to remain on the ground (Singh, 2018). However, there are far more roles, arrangements and sizes than this. Venezuela mahogany (Swietenia macrophylla) have fine pubescent trichomes on young leaves, while those found in Palo Santo (Bursera graveolens) are short and glandular. In Palo Santo, the plant epidermal appendages occur on the leaves and stems, just like with Venezuelan Solanum species, e.g. Solanum griseum, however, in Solanum griseum, the trichomes are dense and stellate. With Capsicum annuum, i.e. chilli pepper, the trichomes are non-glandular and short. From this, all 4 Venezuelan plant trichomes protect the plants against physical and mechanical damage, which may be imposed by predators. They also help the plants minimize water loss (Singh, 2024).
Figure 2: Scanning Electron Micrograph showing different length and arrangement of trichomes on a bottlebrush stem with a petiole.
When experimental researchers are lost, they tend to use trichomes as a means of finding their way back in the field. This role is prominent during field experiment studies (Singh, 2017; 2018). Tooker et al. (2010) & Kesslet and Baldwin (2002) has reported that trichomes offer warmth and protection to plants during cold and frosted conditions, and that they may also provide shade for plants during extreme weather conditions. Therefore, during night and day, the trichomes enable the maintenance of gradients of sodium and potassium across the stomatal aperture (Singh, 2018). In evolutionary terms, plant surface appendages are an advanced trait (see Figure 3), because they provide a barrier to danger which plants may encounter in the environment (Duffey, 1986; Tooket et al., 2010; Kessler and Baldwin, 2002; Wagner et al., 2004).
Figure 3: Scanning electron micrograph showing epidermal appendages protruding from the surface of a leaf.
Duffey (1986) says that plant epidermal appendages invoke fear in farm and field animals. They are known to prevent the ingestion of plants by herbivorous and omnivorous predators. In this way, natural selection through herbivory and omnivory is prevented (Singh, 2018; 2024), allowing longevity of plants in the wild. In bud calyces, trichomes have a common role in protecting flowers. In addition, it is through plant epidermal appendages favoring pollination and seed dispersal that angiosperm and gymnosperm plants have a competitive growth advantage. Singh (2024) reports that Actinidia deliciosa, also known as Kiwi plants, have appendages on their surface which protect the fruit from herbivores and fruit forages by camourflaging the fruit. Singh (2024) further mentions the points that follow— In Nettle, Urtica dioica, the trichomes are needle-like and have the capacity of injecting irritating compound. However, as much as the trichomes protect the plant from herbivores, they also provide a safe habitat as well as food for some insects. In contrast, in Lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina), the surface appendages are dense, soft and velvety. In this plant, the trichomes reflect sunlight and reduce water loss by trapping moisture. Since they are prone to herbivore foraging, the trichomes serve as an ecological trait that protects the plant by deterring them. In wide contract to the above, Phaseolus vulgaris, also known as the common bean, possesses short glandular trichomes that are apt to protect the plant against herbivores (read Singh, 2017). It’s been reported that the trichomes not only produce substances to keep herbivores away, but that they also have antimicrobial properties that protect the plant from pathogens. Just like the common bean, tomato plants (Solanum lycopersicum) have glandular trichomes. However, the trichomes produce a resin that trap insects and protect the plant against herbivores. This is a kind of defense mechanism in Solanum lycopersicum. Moreover, the trichomes limit transpiration; and this prevents water loss. Similar to the function of trichomes in tomato plants, Cucumis sativus (Cucumber) trichomes possess the same function. However, the plant surface appendages are non-glandular and bristly. Since they are non-glandular, the trichomes are more afforded for the purpose of trapping dust and debris, thereby reducing pathogen density. In conclusion, the unveiling of the uniqueness of plant epidermal appendages is a tremendous endeavor and is ongoing throughout the world.
I would like to thank the Electron Microscopy Unit at the University of KwaZulu-Natal, Westville campus for being able to capture the micrographs showing hair-like structures.
Ehleringer J. (1984). Ecological and ecophysiology of leaf pubescence in North American dessert plants, in: Rodriquez E., Healey PL., Mehta I. (eds.), Biology and Chemistry of Plant Trichomes, New York: Plenum Press, pp. 113-132.
Ali MA., Al-Hemaid FMA. (2011). Taxonomic significance of trichomes micromorphology in Cucurbits. Saudi Journal of Biological Sciences 18 (1): 87-92.
Duffey SS. (1986). Plant glandular trichomes: their partial role in defence against insects, in: Juniper BE, Southwood TE. (eds.), Insects and the Plant Surface, London: Arnold, pp. 151-172.
Johnson H.B. (1975). Plant pubescence: an ecological perspective. Botanical Review 41, 233-253.
Kessler A., Baldwin IT. (2002). Plant responses to insect herbivory: the emerging molecular analysis. Annual Reviews in Biology 53: 299-328.
Singh R. (2017). A review, outlook, and insight, of the properties and characteristics of Callistemon citrinus. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences – Botany 36b(1): 22-27.
Singh R. (2018). A commentary on the hair-like (indumentum) structures in the leaves of African pumpkin, Cucurbita maxima. Bulletin of Pure and Applied Sciences- Botany 35b: 35-41.
Singh R. (2024). pers writing, RSA.
Tooker JF., Peiffer M., Luthe DS., Felton GW. (2010). Trichomes as sensors: Detecting activity on the leaf surface. Plant Signal Behaviour 5 (1): 73-75.
Wagner GJ., Wang E., Sheperd RW. (2004). New approaches for studying and exploiting an old protuberance, the plant trichomes. Annals of Botany 93 (1): 3-11.
[This post is co-authored by Gareth Fraser and Steven Byrum.]
Bonnethead Shark (Sphyrna tiburo; Stage 35). Cleared and stained with alizarin red and alcian blue.
In this Developmental Dynamics paper, Steven Byrum, Gareth Fraser and colleagues present the first comprehensive embryonic staging series for the Bonnethead, a viviparous hammerhead shark. In this post, Gareth and Steven tell us more about studying these hard-to-access shark embryos and the importance of unconventional model organisms.
Why does your lab study Hammerhead shark development?
Hammerhead sharks are some of the most charismatic and enigmatic sharks in the ocean. They are also the most recognizable – owing to their characteristic hammer head or cephalofoil, a flattened and laterally expanded head with eyes present on the edges of the head “wings”. This project began with discussions within our group (Gavin Naylor, Steven Byrum and Gareth Fraser; at the Florida Museum of Natural History and the Department of Biology, University of Florida) trying to develop a project with Steven for his PhD research. Steven was interested in the development of the head in hammerhead sharks – yet no one had ever been able to study the precise stages of hammerhead embryology, only scattered observations of few embryonic stages from incidental catches (Setna and Saranghdar, 1949; Appuktan 1978) or from continued development of the established cephalofoil (Compagno, 1989). So, the project was wide-open for a more rigorous investigation. Hammerhead shark development is so difficult to study due to the inaccessible nature of their development: Hammerheads, like most sharks, give birth to live young with the entirety of their development spent in utero – a reproduction mode known as placental viviparity, where embryos obtain nutrients from their mother during embryogenesis via a placenta (somewhat similar to mammalian placental development).
Developmental transition from Stage 23 through to Stage 35 of Bonnethead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) embryonic development. Stages 23, 28, 31, 32, 33 and 35, respectively. Note the cephalofoil begins development at stages 31 (star) and form before stage 32, approximately 2 months into gestation.
How did you manage to find and study these rare shark embryos?
Sharks actually have three main modes of reproduction: 1) egg-laying (oviparity; with the eggs sometimes referred to as mermaid’s purses), 2) egg holding and development via yolk within the uterus (ovoviviparity or aplacental viviparity), and 3) placental viviparity. The origins and evolution of these modes of reproduction are complicated, with viviparity evolving independently multiple times from oviparous ancestors (Buddle et al, 2019; Blackburn and Hughes, 2024; Katona et al., 2023). Most of the information on shark development comes from the egg-laying varieties e.g., the well-studied Small Spotted Catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula; Ballard et al, 1993; Coolen et al, 2008; Rasch et al., 2016); egg-laying accounts for approximately 43% of all extant chondrichthyans (Compagno, 1990). Most chondrichthyan species are actually hard to study at the developmental level, being trapped inside the uterus for the entirety of embryogenesis. Therefore, access to all stages of development in viviparous hammerhead sharks is unprecedented. Until our study, the development of hammerhead sharks had mostly remained a mystery. However, we had some really wonderful collaborators, Dean Grubbs at Florida State University and Bryan Frazier at the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources, who study shark diversity at the population level and a large majority of the sharks captured are tagged and released, but a small proportion of the sharks die. These animals are retained for varied studies including diet, age and growth, reproduction, toxicology as well as developmental biology. None of the sharks from FSU or Charleston were sacrificed for this study. Occasionally, a proportion of these animals are pregnant Bonnethead shark females (Sphyrna tiburo) with embryos. The Bonnethead shark is a hammerhead shark with the smallest cephalofoil, whose populations are stable in the Gulf of Mexico and Western North Atlantic (although most hammerheads are endangered). These studies provided valuable information on the timing and seasonal periodicity of gestation, and allowed us to collect the embryos at various stages of development.
Later stages of embryo growth (Stage 35) occurs in utero; Bonnethead sharks are born soon after as fully-fledged miniature versions of their parents.
This work relied on specimen collections from wild shark populations, how difficult was this?
For this study, Steven collected the samples in the field, usually on board a boat with Dean or Bryan’s team with all the equipment and reagents necessary to collect and preserve the embryos. Then via CT scanning, histology and microscopy, he was able to document this rare insight into Bonnethead shark development from early head/gill arch formation to the appearance of the early cephalofoil, to the maturation of the embryo toward birth. We collected embryos over a three-year period due to the seasonal nature of Bonnethead pregnancy. Collections took place in the North Atlantic (South Carolina) and the Gulf of Mexico (Florida), within these sites, embryos begin to develop in Spring and are born in late Summer/early Fall, taking approximately 4-5 months (depending on the sea temperature and location) to complete development. However, most of this gestation period is maturation and growth, leaving a small window of opportunity each year to obtain embryos at the earlier stages. Over these three seasons (Spring 2020 – Fall 2022) we managed to collect a range of embryonic stages that included the precise time at which the hammerhead’s characteristic “hammer” starts to emerge. The one downside of relying on wild populations for specimens is there are often unsuccessful seasons, we then have to wait until the following year to obtain more embryos.
(A) Adult female Bonnethead shark (pregnant); (B) One of the uteri sacs with ten later stage (St. 34) embryos; (C) Embryos removed from the uteri sac; (D) an early stage embryo (St. 30) still attached to the yolk, before the transition to the placenta-stage of gestation.
A moment in time
Our study identified the exact moment in development when the chondrocranium (the cartilaginous skull) starts to deviate from the ‘standard’ shark skull pattern, where we can see the early origins of the cartilaginous outgrowths that later become the characteristic hammerhead. It is this moment in developmental time that sets the Hammerhead sharks apart from all others; a moment of diversification and the origin of a developmental mutation that has ultimately allowed Hammerheads to become an incredibly successful and unique group of modern sharks.
Movie showing the shift in head development through stages of cephalofoil emergence.
Now that you have published the stage series for a hammerhead species, what next?
Following this unique staging series (Byrum et al, 2023) we can now push this project forward to understand the developmental genetic underpinnings of how the hammerhead forms, and why in this family of only 8 species of shark (Sphyrnidae) do their heads grow in this odd way – and importantly why no other group of sharks has evolved this strange, cephalofoil-adorned head. One of the follow up projects involves trying to understand how the developmental pathways change during this time point to allow this coordinated outgrowth of the chondrocranium in hammerheads, by comparing gene expression between Bonnetheads and Catsharks at critical moments of head development. Eventually, we can use this information to study a standard egg-laying shark that we can access embryos more readily – like the catshark – and perhaps force them genetically to form an elaborated cartilaginous skull similar to a hammerhead.
Comparing early head development in the viviparous (placental) hammerhead shark (Sphyrna tiburo) and the oviparous (egg-laying) small spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula). Above: A very similar stage (stage 28) in development and no sign of the hammerhead forming. Below: Data showing the head width shifts between the two species.
Why is it important to study unconventional model organisms?
The study of unconventional models is key to understanding the diversity of developmental processes. We should always continue to push the limits of the field and allow space to adopt unconventional models in our research programs. The wealth of untapped developmental insights in wild populations is remarkable (see a great example of this by Alexa Sadier:, and while the standard developmental models continue to serve and have served our community well for decades, we should always look to new models that are perhaps better suited to answer particular research questions. By studying the Hammerhead shark, we can decipher the finer mechanisms of craniofacial diversity beyond what we might learn from forced mutations in the lab. Studying wild populations of unconventional models offers additional biological advantage – linking evolutionary developmental biology with true functional and ecological perspectives, made possible by the evolution of diverse morphologies. Vastly more research programs have adopted this approach in recent years, essentially “fishing” for odd or undescribed morphologies to better understand developmental diversity of animal form. Hammerhead sharks are our mutants, and this is a great example of cherry-picking natural mutants rather than making them in the lab. This is the crux of modern evo-devo – using modern techniques to study more unconventional models for the purposes of finding developmental mechanisms that drive the wonderful diversity of life on earth.
Shape shifting heads: Changes to the chondrocranium of the embryonic Bonnethead shark over developmental time. Stage 31 (A), 32 (B), and 35 (C), with CT images and alcian blue stained preparations.
Appukuttan, K. K. (1978). Studies on the developmental stages of hammerhead Shark Sphyrna (eusphyrna) blochil from The Gulf of Mannar. Indian Journal of Fisheries25, 41–52.
Ballard, W. W., Mellinger, J. and Lechenault, H. (1993). A series of normal stages for development of Scyliorhinus canicula, the lesser spotted dogfish (Chondrichthyes: Scyliorhinidae). Journal of Experimental Zoology267, 318–336.
Blackburn, D. G. and Hughes, D. F. (2024). Phylogenetic analysis of viviparity, matrotrophy, and other reproductive patterns in chondrichthyan fishes. Biological Reviews99, 1314–1356.
Buddle, A. L., Van Dyke, J. U., Thompson, M. B., Simpfendorfer, C. A. and Whittington, C. M. (2019). Evolution of placentotrophy: using viviparous sharks as a model to understand vertebrate placental evolution. Mar. Freshwater Res.70, 908.
Byrum SR, Frazier BS, Grubbs RD, Naylor GJP, Fraser GJ. Embryonic development in the bonnethead (Sphyrna tiburo), a viviparous hammerhead shark. Developmental Dynamics. 2024; 253(3): 351-362.
Compagno, L. J. V. (1988). Sharks of the Order Carcharhiniformes. Princeton University Press.
Compagno, L. J. V. Alternative life-history styles of cartilaginous fishes in time and space.
Coolen, M., Menuet, A., Chassoux, D., Compagnucci, C., Henry, S., Leveque, L., Da Silva, C., Gavory, F., Samain, S., Wincker, P., et al. (2008). The Dogfish Scyliorhinus canicula: A Reference in Jawed Vertebrates. Cold Spring Harbor Protocols2008, pdb.emo111-pdb.emo111.
Katona, G., Szabó, F., Végvári, Z., Székely, T. Jr, Liker, A., Freckleton, R. P., Vági, B., & Székely, T. (2023). Evolution of reproductive modes in sharks and rays. Journal of Evolutionary Biology, 36, 1630–1640.
Rasch, L. J., Martin, K. J., Cooper, R. L., Metscher, B., Underwood, C. J., and Fraser, G. J. (2016). An ancient dental gene set governs development and continuous regeneration of teeth in sharks. Developmental Biology. 415: 2.
Setna, S. and Sarangdhar, P. (1949). Studies on the Development of Some Bombay Elasmobranchs. Records of the Indian Mueum47, 203–216.
Jakub ‘James’ Harnos: Polarity refers to spatial differences in shape, structure, and function within a cell. Almost all cell types exhibit some form of polarity that enables them to carry out specialized functions. We focus on planar polarity, which refers to the coordinated alignment of cells across the tissue plane. Planar polarity is currently viewed as a “passive” compass providing cells with a feel of direction.
Our first aim is to show the active role of planar polarity in neural tube formation. Neural tube formation is an early developmental event that comprises the actions of approximately two hundred proteins. Despite the tube formation is described somewhat well, knowledge of what triggers its initiation is lacking. We have collected evidence that polarity proteins may be the missing active factors for initiating neural tube formation.
Our second aim deals with cell migration. Migration is the directed movement of a cell from one place to another and requires an increased amount of energy. The produced energy is used for the cytoskeletal rearrangement of dedicated regions in a migratory cell, thus allowing its physical movement. However, it remains unknown which signal actively instructs cells to produce more energy needed for rearrangements. Here, we aim to show the active role of planar polarity as an energy trigger for cell migration.
In sum, assigning dynamic behaviors to polarity proteins is what defines the Harnos lab.
Lab roll call
Katarzyna Anna Radaszkiewicz, PhD, MSc, a Polish postdoc, investigates cell migration, tissue culture, and the cytoskeleton, with a focus on the position of mitochondria during cell migration.
Lorena Agostini Maia, PhD, MSc, a Brazilian postdoc, studies neurulation in Xenopus and the WNT pathway in development.
Petra Paclikova, a Czech postdoc, specializes in WNT signaling and conducts metabolic assays.
Nela Leksova, a Slovak undergraduate student, works on neurulation in Xenopus.
Bc. Aneta Poukova, a Czech undergraduate student, examines the interaction between PCP and mitochondrial proteins, while Bc. Pavla Kolarova, also a Czech undergraduate student, contributes to the lab though her specific research focus is not detailed.
Sarka Novotna, MSc, a Czech PhD student, develops optogenetic tools in Xenopus, bringing expertise in biophysics and microscopy.
Marek Dokoupil, a Czech undergraduate student, explores the crosstalk between Wnt and Notch signaling pathways, a topic also researched by Bc. Hana Suchankova and Bc. Kristyna Daniela Krutova, both Czech undergraduate students.
Julie Netusilova, MSc, a Czech lab technician, manages the lab and takes care of the frogs, alongside MV. Douglas Porto, a Brazilian veterinarian responsible for the care of the frogs.
Favourite technique, and why?
James: My favorite technique is microscopy because of its remarkable ability to provide detailed and insightful imaging at the cellular and molecular levels. The precision and clarity it offer are essential for exploring and understanding complex biological processes.
Apart from your own research, what are you most excited about in developmental and stem cell biology?
James: I’m excited about the interplay of signaling pathways and advancements in organoid technology, which offer great potential for breakthroughs in developmental and stem cell biology.
How do you approach managing your group and all the different tasks required in your job?
James: I manage my group by setting clear goals, prioritizing tasks, and maintaining open communication. I also use planning tools to keep track of progress and ensure that everyone stays on track.
To all lab members: What is the best thing about where you work?
The best thing about where I work is the collaborative and supportive atmosphere. I like the modern approach, the desire to move on and discover new things. I really enjoy working with our model organisms and being able to try new lab procedures.
The best thing about where I work is the quality of our academic environment, which seamlessly combines warmth, productivity, scientific and technical excellence, and comprehensive support. It’s a welcoming space that fosters respect, empathy, and collaboration, ensuring that all feel valued and supported.
One of the best things about where I work is the familiar atmosphere. We have a collaborative environment where everybody is so nice and respectful. The lab, as well as the department, is very friendly and welcoming, making it a truly enjoyable place to be every day and, besides, doing what I love: being a frog researcher.
Friendly team. Everyone in the lab is always nice, I can ask anyone for help and I’m not afraid to admit when I screw something up. Of course, I also enjoy the work I do in the lab. I really like working with frogs, but it’s great that I have the opportunity to try other techniques.
There is a friendly atmosphere, we also have access to a microscopy facility, which is located on the campus. Besides that, we have modern equipment in our laboratories.
I like our campus, because it is new and we have modern equipment. Everybody in the lab is always very helpful and there is a nice and friendly environment.
The highlight of working in our research lab is the positive environment that encourages communication and collaboration both within our team and with other groups. This supportive atmosphere not only helps us tackle research challenges but also supports mental well-being. Additionally, Jakub’s enthusiasm and energy drive projects forward, creating a dynamic and inspiring research environment.
Acceptance and understanding within the lab members. Professional approach and mentoring. I appreciate the will to find the best compromise between both my needs and Jakub’s vision.
My coworkers. They are all friendly and kind. Whenever I need advice, there will always be someone who is willing to help me.
To all lab members: What’s there to do outside of the lab?
I appreciate that our team spends time together outside the lab. Besides attending school events, we also enjoy meeting up at the pub for some friendly gatherings.
Outside of the lab, Brno offers a wealth of activities with its rich cultural, social, and natural attractions. You can visit renowned theaters, history-rich museums, and vibrant local arts.
The city provides a welcoming and inclusive atmosphere, perfect for socializing and community events. Brno’s natural beauty is highlighted by well-maintained parks, serene nature reserves, and ample green spaces for relaxation and recreation. Efficient public transportation makes it easy to explore all these offerings.
Brno is a university town and, for a small city, it is packed full of great things to see and do, bringing rich cultural and social life all year round. With a friendly atmosphere, Brno is also great for outdoor activities. A short ride on the bus or train, or even a walk, can take you to a calm place surrounded by nature.
I appreciate that next to the campus is a shopping center, so I can buy almost everything I need here. In the city, there are many swimming pools, gyms, and beautiful Christmas markets in the winter.
Brno is a great city to live in. There are nice parks, museums, concerts and many pubs!
Brno is perfectly situated for quick escapes into nature. With numerous opportunities for hiking, biking, climbing, and wildlife watching, it is an ideal destination for both casual nature lovers and outdoor enthusiasts. The city has plenty to offer for those who love urban living.
As a student city, it features numerous spots where you can enjoy a pleasant evening and drink tasty Czech beer.
Lots of things, including enjoying Brno’s gastronomy, music concerts and outside cinemas in summer. At-home-activities such as art, sewing, crocheting and playing videogames with my boyfriend.
There are many possibilities; however, our most popular activity is going to a restaurant for a dinner and beer.
Developmental biology research relies on a foundation of effective communication. At any given conference, you may meet developmental biologists entering the field with backgrounds in physics, chemistry, mathematics, bioethics and more, all working across disciplines to answer similar questions. When I applied to graduate school after earning a degree in Bioengineering, developmental biology was barely on my radar as a possible area of research to pursue. However, the developmental biologists I met during the interview process happened to be skilled communicators, and I was quickly won over to the field.
Recognizing the need to continuously develop strong communicators, the Society for Developmental Biology (SDB) offers a Science Communication Internship to give trainees the opportunity to hone their writing skills on top of their primary roles as graduate and postdoctoral researchers. As an intern myself, I have felt that this internship has been mutually beneficial. I have had the opportunity to work one-on-one and in groups with mentors on writing projects that support SDB’s mission, all while continuing my thesis research.
Over the past two years, my projects included profiling leaders in the field at different stages of their careers and highlighting exciting research. Participating in the internship has strengthened my relationships within the developmental biology community, a sentiment shared by other current and former interns.
Applications for the SciComm Internship are currently open to trainee members of SDB through August 16th. Beyond the membership requirement, applicants are expected to have a strong background in developmental biology and an interest in writing about science. I’m looking forward to seeing what the next cohort of interns will produce!
In this SciArt profile, we meet Dhananjay Chaturvedi, a developmental biologist who creates drawings inspired from nature and from his research into skeletal muscle homeostasis and repair in Drosophila.
Illustrations of some of the organisms featured at the #CMMDR2024 meeting, which were distributed to the meeting participants as bookmarks. (Meeting review on Development)
Can you tell us about your background and what you work on now?
I started my lab two years ago at the Centre for Cellular & Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad, India. My group looks at multiple aspects of adult skeletal muscle homeostasis and repair. We are currently relying on Drosophila to reveal in-vivo principles that we will test later in vertebrate systems. Our new findings find their roots in work I did as a Campus fellow at the National Center of Biological Sciences, Bangalore, in the lab of Prof K VijayRaghavan, from where some brilliant findings have come across fields. My foray into Drosophila started during my PhD in the lab of Dr Michael Buszczak at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas, Texas. I saw their true value and potential to assess most biological problems inside a living organism with rigour. There, I investigated the role of chromatin modifiers in germline stem cells. My master’s was in the lab of Prof Shubha Tole at Tata Institute of Fundamental Research in Mumbai, India, where I investigated eye development in the Lhx2 mutant mouse, among other things.
Developmental stages of Mosquitoes recorded through MicroCT scans, rendered as cards on a table.
Were you always going to be a scientist?
While it may sound pretentious now, yes. I have always wanted to do research and teach. While my classmates prepared for more secure professions, I was fascinated by what I saw on the Discovery Channel and National Geographic as a child. Having seen another scientist in the family be perfectly happy with what they do, I geared my studies towards research in Biology. Experiment-driven research has had more lows than highs, but highs are incomparable to any other experience. Also, the lows kept me grounded, honing the sense of asking the right questions and doing the right experiments. To be honest, the practicalities of growing in research, like the complete uncertainty of a career until you’ve made it, have made me question my teenage choices a couple of times so far. Having said that, I am very happy with where I am right now, only looking to discover new things in nature.
Drosophila Yin Yang
And what about art – have you always enjoyed it?
Drawing, among other ways, has been a means of self-expression since childhood. Most of my friends who like art are far more skilled than I am. I have found, however, that others appreciate my finished drawings a lot more than I expected. A combination of my own words and mental images helps me arrive at these.
Star dust, fragile compartments, forms and functions
What or who are your most important artistic influences?
I cannot think of specific artists because my exposure and training are between limited and absent. Striking images that I have seen in nature and in my research would be the biggest influences. Order and chaos in natural patterns with the added dimensions of light and colour capture my imagination. Further, superimposing, juxtaposing or inverting these with images from entirely different contexts tickles my mind.
The Big to the big bust in many iterations
How do you make your art?
Lately, I start with a specific audience and message in mind. For instance, bookmarks that were shared at #CMMDR2024 are intended for the thousands of school students who come through CCMB’s Open Day. I remember what images excited me as a child, and I channelled them into those pictures. These were meant to draw students to nature, and science by extension.
Among other things, I’ve made posters and logos for public viewing. These need to be artsy enough to stand out while directly communicating intention with some detail. This is especially true for the schematics I make for presentations and papers. Often, what is published does not communicate my exact sentiments, so I have to make my own as accurately as possible. More recently, people have been making requests for specific occasions or venues, and I do what I can.
When I get time for myself, which is very little these days, I try to visualise the jumble of thoughts and make them as appealing as possible. These might seem “stimulated”, as a cousin once commented.
I rely on software for the simple reason that it allows me to correct mistakes and rework drawings quickly. Further, there are tools that allow one to model portions of images from photographs, helping me arrive at my vision far quicker than my skills with other media would allow. I started using these, in fact, when I started making schematics for presentations and papers.
Does your science influence your art at all, or are they separate worlds?
The art I have admired is evocative, often portraying the human experience or aspirations. To me, it is a way for people to express what they see and feel. My drawings can only channel what occupies my mind the most, which is wonder for nature. So, I cannot see science and art as two separate worlds; rather, one is the manifestation of the other.
My daughter, the centre of creation
What are you thinking of working on next?
I want to draw something that conveys the oneness of the pursuit of truths of nature and society, that they are inseparable. Though, this may be hard to appreciate from siloed views. The vision has not crystallised yet. It may take a while before it does. Several simpler drawings may appear before this idea begins to materialise.
The Mary Lyon Centre at MRC Harwell invites UK-based scientists to nominate ideas and designs for our Rare Disease GEMM call to get free, novel, genetically altered mice generated and validated by our team of experts.
Apply now! The deadline for application is the 15th of September 2024. You can also contact our team for more information at
Joseph A. Bisson, Miriam Gordillo, Ritu Kumar, Neranjan de Silva, Ellen Yang, Kelly M. Banks, Zhong-Dong Shi, Kihyun Lee, Dapeng Yang, Wendy K. Chung, Danwei Huangfu, Todd Evans
Elizabeth Abraham, Brett Volmert, Thomas Roule, Ling Huang, Jingting Yu, April E. Williams, Henry M. Cohen, Aidan Douglas, Emily Megill, Alex Morris, Eleonora Stronati, Raquel Fueyo, Mikel Zubillaga, John W. Elrod, Naiara Akizu, Aitor Aguirre, Conchi Estaras
Joseph Hanna, Yacine Touahri, Alissa Pak, Lauren Belfiore, Edwin van Oosten, Luke Ajay David, Sisu Han, Yaroslav Ilnytskyy, Igor Kovalchuk, Deborah M Kurrasch, Satoshi Okawa, Antonio del Sol, Robert A Screaton, Isabelle Aubert, Carol Schuurmans
Robin P. Journot, Mathilde Huyghe, Alexandre Barthelemy, Hugo Couto-Moreira, Jakub Sumbal, Marisa M. Faraldo, Maxime Dubail, Charles Fouillade, Silvia Fre
Mireia Pampols-Perez, Carina Fürst, Oscar Sánchez-Carranza, Elena Cano, Sandra Raimundo, Eric L. Lindberg, Martin Taube, Arnd Heuser, Anje Sporbert, Norbert Hübner, Holger Gerhardt, Gary R. Lewin, Annette Hammes
Noemie Lavoie, Anaelle Scribe, Francois JM Chartier, Karim Ghani, Alexandra Jette, Sara L Banerjee, Manuel Caruso, Melanie Laurin, Andrew Freywald, Sabine Elowe, Patrick Laprise, Nicolas Bisson
Eric Surette, Joan Donahue, Stephanie Robinson, Deirdre McKenna, Crisvely Soto Martinez, Brendan Fitzgerald, Rolf O. Karlstrom, Nicolas Cumplido, Sarah K. McMenamin
Olga Lanzetta, Marchesa Bilio, Johannes Liebig, Katharina Jechow, Foo Wei Ten, Rosa Ferrentino, Ilaria Aurigemma, Elizabeth Illingworth, Christian Conrad, Soeren Lukassen, Claudia Angelini, Antonio Baldini
Mohamed T. Elaswad, Mingze Gao, Victoria E. Tice, Cora G. Bright, Grace M. Thomas, Chloe Munderloh, Nicholas J. Trombley, Christya N. Haddad, Ulysses G. Johnson, Ashley N. Cichon, Jennifer A. Schisa
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Tobias Beckröge, Bettina Jux, Hannah Seifert, Hannah Theobald, Elena De Domenico, Stefan Paulusch, Marc Beyer, Andreas Schlitzer, Elvira Mass, Waldemar Kolanus
Zoulfia Darieva, Peyman Zarrineh, Naomi Phillips, Joshua Mallen, Araceli Garcia Mora, Ian Donaldson, Laure Bridoux, Megan Douglas, Sara F Dias Henriques, Dorothea Schulte, Matthew J Birket, Nicoletta Bobola
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Yan Zhao, Andrea Fernández-Montoro, Greet Peeters, Tatjana Jatsenko, Tine De Coster, Daniel Angel-Velez, Thomas Lefevre, Thierry Voet, Olga Tšuiko, Ants Kurg, Katrien Smits, Ann Van Soom, Joris Robert Vermeesch
Nia Teerikorpi, Micaela C Lasser, Sheng Wang, Elina Kostyanovskaya, Ethel Bader, Nawei Sun, Jeanselle Dea, Tomasz J. Nowakowski, A Jeremy Willsey, Helen Willsey
Christopher A.P. Batho, Janice D. Reid, Harley R. Robinson, Henrietta Cserne Szappanos, Lynn A.C. Devilée, Sharon M. Hoyte, Rebecca L. Johnston, Rebekah Ziegman, Sarah Hassan, Lior Soday, Rebecca L. Fitzsimmons, Simon R. Foster, Dominic C. H. Ng, Edward Tate, Enzo R. Porrello, Benjamin L. Parker, Richard J. Mills, James E. Hudson
Jack Schnell, Zhen Miao, MaryAnne Achieng, Connor C. Fausto, Victoria Wang, Faith De Kuyper, Matthew E. Thornton, Brendan Grubbs, Junhyong Kim, Nils O. Lindström
Ruochen Dong, Hua Li, Xi C He, Chen Wang, Anoja Perera, Seth Malloy, Jonathon Russell, Wenting Li, Kaitlyn Petentler, Xinjian Mao, Zhe Yang, Michael Epp, Kate Hall, Allison Scott, Sarah E Smith, Mark Hembree, Yongfu Wang, Sean McKinney, Jeff Haug, Jay Unruh, Brian Slaughter, Xunlei Kang, Linheng Li
Diana Al Delbany, Manjusha S Ghosh, Nusa Krivec, Anfien Huygebaert, Marius Regin, Chi Mai Duong, Yingnan Lei, Karen Sermon, Catharina Olsen, Claudia Spits
Evangelia Skoufa, Jixing Zhong, Oliver Kahre, Kelly Hu, Georgios Tsissios, Louise Carrau, Antonio Herrera, Albert Dominguez Mantes, Alejandro Castilla-Ibeas, Hwanseok Jang, Martin Weigert, Gioele La Manno, Matthias Lutolf, Marian Ros, Can Aztekin
Vladimir Vinarsky, Stefania Pagliari, Fabiana Martino, Cristina Mazzotti, Katerina Jirakova, Zuzana Garlikova, Enrico Di Iuri, Daniel Kytyr, Patrizia Benzoni, Martina Arici, Alessia Metallo, Kira Zeevaert, Andrea Barbuti, Wolfgang Wagner, Marcella Rocchetti, Giancarlo Forte
Ruochen Dong, Hua Li, Xi C He, Chen Wang, Anoja Perera, Seth Malloy, Jonathon Russell, Wenting Li, Kaitlyn Petentler, Xinjian Mao, Zhe Yang, Michael Epp, Kate Hall, Allison Scott, Mary C McKinney, Shengping Huang, Sarah Smith, Mark Hembree, Yongfu Wang, Zulin Yu, Jeffery Haug, Jay Unruh, Brian Slaughter, Xunlei Kang, Linheng Li
T. Sing, S. Kalamajski, J.P.M.C.M. Cunha, S. Hladkou, F. Roberts, S. Gheibi, A. Soltanian, K. Yektay Farahmand, O. Ekström, A. Mamidi, P.W. Franks, A. Rosengren, H. Semb, H. Mulder, M. Fex
Erik Jacques, Pauline Garcia, Orane Mercier, Yechen Hu, Cyril Degletagne, Jade Ravent, Sidy Fall, Maira P. Almeida, Aaron R. Wheeler, Stephane Angers, Penney M. Gilbert, Fabien Le Grand
Tony Marchand, Kemi E. Akinnola, Shoichiro Takeishi, Maria Maryanovich, Sandra Pinho, Julien Saint-Vanne, Alexander Birbrair, Thierry Lamy, Karin Tarte, Paul S. Frenette, Kira Gritsman
T. Singh, S. Kalamajski, J.P.M.C.M. Cunha, S. Hladkou, F. Roberts, S. Gheibi, A. Soltanian, K. Yektay Farahmand, O. Ekström, A. Mamidi, P.W. Franks, A. Rosengren, H. Semb, H. Mulder, M. Fex
Anne C. Lietzke, Elizabeth Bealer, Kelly Crumley, Jessica King, Ava M. Stendahl, Jie Zhu, Gemma L. Pearson, Elena Levi-D’Ancona, Belle Henry-Kanarek, Emma C. Reck, Manikanta Arnipalli, Vaibhav Sidarala, Emily M. Walker, Subramaniam Pennathur, Jesper G.S. Madsen, Lonnie D. Shea, Scott A. Soleimanpour
Francine Paraiso, Huiqiong Lin, Chengxia Li, Daniel P. Woods, Tianyu Lan, German F Burguener, Connor Tumelty, Juan M Debernardi, Anna Joe, Jorge Dubcovsky
Munan Lyu, Hiroyuki Iida, Thomas Eekhout, Meeri Mäkelä, Sampo Muranen, Lingling Ye, Anne Vatén, Brecht Wybouw, Xin Wang, Bert De Rybel, Ari Pekka Mähönen
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Helen A. Brown, Ludivine Guillet, Charles A. C. Williams, Hayley Shaw, Houjiang Zhou, Diana Rios-Szwed, Rosalia Fernandez-Alonso, Liam McMulkin, Marios P. Stavridis, Greg M. Findlay
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