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Lab meeting with the Martín-Durán lab

Posted by , on 11 September 2023

Where is the lab?

We are based in east London, at Queen Mary University of London, in the United Kingdom.

Lab website: Martin-Duran Lab (

Research summary

We want to understand how development is controlled and evolves to generate new phenotypes. To answer this, we study segmented worms (annelids) with spiral cleavage, a unique and ancient mode of development found in many marine invertebrates. We are interested in discovering how different strategies to specify the early progenitors of all cell types and organs of an animal evolved in spiral cleavage and how changes in the timing and maternal contribution defining those cells might influence phenotypic evolution during subsequent development, such as in the adult morphology and the life cycles. We approach these questions by combining multiple methodologies, from genomics, epigenomics and transcriptomics to more classical embryology, and using non-model organisms, some of which we are establishing as tractable research species for the first time.

Can you give us a lab roll call?

Currently, there are two postdoctoral (Yan Liang and Allan Carrillo-Baltodano) and four postgraduate researchers (Kero Guynes, Francisco Manuel Martín-Zamora, Rory Donnellan and Billie Davis) in my lab.

Yan studies the dynamics of gene expression and regulation during spiral cleavage and their correlation with the evolution of different life cycles and cell fate specification strategies.

Allan works on the evolution of maternal determinants and early cleavage in the specification of the body axes.

Kero investigates the role of DNA methylation during spiral cleavage and in annelids.

Fran has spearheaded the study of gene regulation and histone post-translational modifications during annelid embryogenesis and spiral cleavage.

Rory is investigating the regeneration of anterior structures in our favourite annelid, Owenia fusiformis.

Billie is exploring the evolution and role of 3D genome architecture in annelids and spiral cleavage.

Lab photo taken in 2022, including former PhD and MSc students.

Favourite technique, and why?

Chema: My favourite technique is in situ hybridisation because I love to see where genes are expressed. But I’m sure each member of the lab has their own!

Apart from your own research, what are you most excited about in developmental and stem cell biology?

Chema: I love evolutionary and comparative developmental biology generally. But I am particularly interested in the embryology of weird and understudied creatures, what they can tell us about animal development, and the evolution of the fascinating diversity of animal forms.

How do you approach managing your group and all the different tasks required in your job?

Chema: I like to support and train the members of my lab to become independent and have a sense of ownership of their projects. This is essential to stay motivated and willing to discover new things, even during the challenging moments in every research project. Efficient time management and ensuring time for hobbies, friends, and family is the key!

What is the best thing about where you work? 

Chema: Queen Mary and the Department of Biology is a diverse and collegial environment. People work on many different organisms and questions, from plants and microbes to bats and fossils. That is very stimulating! It helps you learn something new daily and think about your interests and problems from new perspectives.

Allan: The community in the biology department at QMUL is very strong. Most postdocs initially come without a sense of what to do in a big, diverse city like London. However, the PhD students, in particular, make everyone welcome, and soon enough, you cannot skip a pub night on Fridays. The informal settings allow for a natural discussion of things that can help in our research and careers. 

What’s there to do outside of the lab?

Chema: We are in East London! It is one of London’s most vibrant, diverse, young, and exciting parts.

Allan: London has everything you can imagine, but the music scene is excellent. From small bohemian venues to listen to folk music to mega stadiums to see your favourite rock band. There is something for everyone.

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What do microglia do in human neurodevelopmental disorders?

Posted by , on 11 September 2023

In a recent review published in Acta Neuropathologica, Matuleviciute, Akinluyi & co-authors focus on the evidence obtained from humans to examine how microglia, the brain’s macrophages, participate in brain development. The review focuses on neurodevelopmental disorders, a set of complex disorders with significant heterogeneity in aetiology and presentation, such as autism spectrum conditions (ASCs) and schizophrenia (SZ). The authors make the case for this focus by specifying that many of the observed symptoms in ASCs and SZ are cognitive and characteristically human such as language difficulties, executive function breakdown and positive auditory symptoms. Furthermore, they also highlight key differences between human and non-human microglia. The review specifies that we are far from identifying mechanisms because human studies are descriptive and though, microglia are part of the pathological signature of these disorders, it remains challenging to concur whether they are reactive to an initial insult or causative of altered neurodevelopment. The authors highlight cutting-edge methodologies that are based on human tissues to help elucidate mechanisms of the interactions between microglia and the topography. This includes high-resolution transcriptomic studies and human tissue-based models. Finally, the co-authors critically examine the success of treatments in neurodevelopmental disorders that have targeted microglia[1]. Check it out!

1.         Matuleviciute, R., et al., Microglial contribution to the pathology of neurodevelopmental disorders in humans. Acta Neuropathologica, 2023.

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A regeneration retrospective: go fish

Posted by , on 8 September 2023

This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series.

First, I’d be remiss not to acknowledge that most of my posts have been on vertebrate systems when many invertebrates are also studied for their regenerative capacity. One such example is Hydra (Vogg et al., 2019) but Hydra papers don’t seem to appear in JEEM/Development until the 1960s. While exploring the early issues of JEEM/Development, I found fish manuscripts were similarly rare, which is surprising because – today – zebrafish are a prominent model for development and regeneration (Marques et al., 2019). Indeed, there was also a notable absence of any studies of nervous system regeneration, maybe because such articles were submitted to more specialist neurobiology and neuroscience journals. In this final post of the series, we fill this missing link by discussing the highlights from the following articles:

Myotypic Respecification of Regenerated Nerve-fibres in Cichlid Fishes
H. L. Arora and R. W. Sperry

Caltech researcher Roger Wolcott Sperry is most famous for his work on the ‘split brain hypothesis’ and the corpus callosum, for which he won the Nobel Prize for Medicine/Physiology in 1981 (Hubel, 1994; De León Reyes et al., 2020). Alongside his work in cats, Sperry published a few articles on cichlid fish. One such article was published in JEEM/Development in 1957 (Arora and Sperry, 1967). His colleague, R. W. Arora, seems to have left little trace but I think it’s likely he brought the fish to the whole operation. Their study continued previous work on the basis that humans failed to regenerate motor neurons because of aberrant guidance and muscle innervation following wounding or amputation, which doesn’t occur in other vertebrates. To learn more about peripheral nervous system (Murtazina and Adameyko, 2023) regeneration, Arora and Sperry focused on the mandible of Astronotus ocellatus, severing the left mandibular nerve of ten fish and causing partial paralysis had completely recovered by 16 days post-operation (Fig. 1, left). Next, they cut the individual branches of the mandibular nerve and crossed them so that the nerves lay next to muscles they wouldn’t normally innervate (Fig. 1, right). Overall, as with the complete nerve cuts, mandible function was recovered a couple of weeks later with the nerves innervating the adjacent muscle rather than their original target (I have simplified the results here, do see the manuscript for full details). Arora and Sperry even used an electric induction coil to prove innovation and show that stimulating the regenerated nerves would cause the contraction of the new muscle target. This work showed the plasticity of the peripheral nervous system to adapt to the rewiring of the motor neurons with new muscles. Furthermore, this study showed that the guidance cues that direct motor neuron migration and innovation during development might not be present during regeneration, signalling the importance of the microenvironment for pathfinding and differentiating the requirements for neuronal targeting vs. neuronal innervation.


Fig. 1. Left: “Sketch of jaw musculature and its innervation in Astronotus ocellatus. The two superficial adductor muscles are cut and deflected to expose the deeper adductor muscle. Arrows indicate point of section of mandibularis V nerve in Series I.” Right “Sketch showing cross-union of levator and depressor branches of mandibularis V nerve.” Taken from Arora and Sperry, 1957.

Teleost fish, including cichlids, are prominent in today’s research, although I think it’s fair to say that zebrafish are a dominant system. The explosion of zebrafish studies can largely be attributed to the Boston and Tübingen screens, culminating in the publication of a special issue of Development a little over 25 years ago (Nüsslein-Volhard 2012; Mullins et al., 2019). Since, the generation of hundreds (more?) of genetic lines, including fluorescent genetic reporters that capitalise on the zebrafish’s amenability to microscopy and imaging. As with cardiac regeneration, which we heard about earlier this week, the zebrafish (unlike most mammals, including humans) can regenerate its spinal cord (Becker and Becker, 2022).

Progenitor-derived glia are required for spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish
Lili Zhou, Anthony R. McAdow, Hunter Yamada, Brooke Burris, Dana Klatt Shaw, Kelsey Oonk, Kenneth D. Poss and Mayssa H. Mokalled

In addition to the peripheral nervous system, zebrafish have a remarkable capacity for regenerating the central nervous system, including the spinal cord, following injury – a phenomenon that doesn’t occur in mammals due to glial cell-dependent scarring. Thus, understanding how to prevent scaring and/or induce regeneration has huge therapeutic potential for spinal cord injuries. In their recent Development paper, Zhou and colleagues use a suite of sophisticated genetic tools to ask how glial cells respond to injury in zebrafish (Zhou et al., 2023). The authors first generate ctgfa-Tracer zebrafish for lineage tracing ctgfa-expressing cells, such as bridging glia, which emerge following spinal cord injury. Using this line, the authors show that bridging glia, ventral ependymal progenitors and regenerating glial cells are derived from ctfga-expressing cells but they minimally contribute to neurons and oligodendrocytes. The authors next turn to ctfga regulation, revealing the gene-regulatory sequences that drive ctfga expression during regeneration. Finally, the authors specifically ablate ctgfa-expressing cells, and show that axon outgrowth and swimming behaviour are affected following spinal injury. Together, Zhou and colleagues determine that ctfga-expressing cells have a pro-regenerative role in spinal cord regeneration.

Fig. 2. “A distal enhancer element directs glial ctgfa expression after SCI.” Taken from Fig. 4B (Zhou et al., 2023). Please see the original publication for the full legend.

Both these papers address the ability of teleost fish to regenerate the nervous system and highlight the importance of the local microenvironment, as well as using animal behaviour (e.g. eating and swimming) as a read-out of phenotype. Arora and Sperry showed the regenerative plasticity of the peripheral nervous system, whereas Zhou and colleagues highlighted a particular cell population that supports and contributes to central nervous system regeneration.

I hope this little series has been entertaining – I’ve certainly enjoyed learning more about these early papers and the researchers who wrote them. Would you be interested in reading more ‘now and then’ or ‘past and present’ posts on other topics? Share your thoughts in the comments.


H. L. Arora, R. W. Sperry; Myotypic Respecification of Regenerated Nerve-fibres in Cichlid Fishes. Development 1 September 1957; 5 (3): 256–263. doi:

Thomas Becker, Catherina G. Becker; Regenerative neurogenesis: the integration of developmental, physiological and immune signals. Development 15 April 2022; 149 (8): dev199907. doi:

D. Hubel; Roger W. Sperry (1913–1994). Nature 369, 1994; 186.

Noelia S. De León Reyes, Lorena Bragg-Gonzalo, Marta Nieto; Development and plasticity of the corpus callosum. Development 15 September 2020; 147 (18): dev189738. doi:

Ines J. Marques, Eleonora Lupi, Nadia Mercader; Model systems for regeneration: zebrafish. Development 15 September 2019; 146 (18): dev167692. doi:

Mary C. Mullins, Joaquín Navajas Acedo, Rashmi Priya, Lilianna Solnica-Krezel, Stephen W. Wilson; The zebrafish issue: 25 years on. Development 15 December 2021; 148 (24): dev200343. doi:

Aliia Murtazina, Igor Adameyko; The peripheral nervous system. Development 1 May 2023; 150 (9): dev201164. doi:

Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard; The zebrafish issue of DevelopmentDevelopment 15 November 2012; 139 (22): 4099–4103. doi:

Stefano Sandrone. Roger W. Sperry (1913-1994). J Neurol. 2022 Sep;269(9):5194-5195. doi: 10.1007/s00415-022-11232-6. Epub 2022 Jul 22. PMID: 35867150; PMCID: PMC9363358.

Matthias C. Vogg, Brigitte Galliot, Charisios D. Tsiairis; Model systems for regeneration: HydraDevelopment 1 November 2019; 146 (21): dev177212. doi:

Lili Zhou, Anthony R. McAdow, Hunter Yamada, Brooke Burris, Dana Klatt Shaw, Kelsey Oonk, Kenneth D. Poss, Mayssa H. Mokalled; Progenitor-derived glia are required for spinal cord regeneration in zebrafish. Development 15 May 2023; 150 (10): dev201162. doi:

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Development presents… October webinar on neurodevelopment and regeneration

Posted by , on 8 September 2023

Our first webinar in October will be chaired by Development Editor Debby Silver (Duke University) and features three early-career researchers studying neurodevelopment and regeneration. The webinar will be held using Zoom with a Q&A session after each talk.

Wednesday 4 October 2023 – 15:00 BST

Baptiste Libé-Philippot (VIB-KU Leuven Center for Brain & Disease Research)
‘Study of the role of hominid-specific genes in the development and function of human cortical neurons’

Idoia Quintana Urzainqui (EMBL, Heidelberg)
‘Studying the shark embryo to understand the origin and evolution of telencephalic cell types’

Leo Otsuki (Institute of Molecular Pathology)
‘Editing positional memory alters signalling centre output during axolotl limb regeneration’

To see the other webinars scheduled in our series, and to catch up on previous talks, please visit:

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Genetics Unzipped: An Evolutionary Revolutionary: Alfred Russel Wallace and the discovery of natural selection

Posted by , on 7 September 2023

Black & white photograph of Alfred Russel Wallace

Wallace is endlessly fascinating. The magnitude of his scientific contributions, where he came from, what he did to make those achievements…  That in itself makes him quite remarkable, right?

Professor Jim Costa, Author of  Radical By Nature: the Revolutionary Life of Alfred Russel Wallace

In the latest episode of the Genetics Unzipped podcast, we’re exploring the epic life of Alfred Russel Wallace; adventurer, naturalist and co-discoverer of natural selection. Biologist and author, Jim Costa, recounts the life of this often forgotten founding father of evolution.

Genetics Unzipped is the podcast from The Genetics Society. Full transcript, links and references available online at

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A regeneration retrospective: hands-on hard graft

Posted by , on 7 September 2023

This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series.

Yesterday, we went through a couple of examples of amphibian tail regeneration. Limb regeneration is another example of epimorphic regeneration, which is expertly implemented by some amphibians. Unlike the tail, the limb is patterned in three dimensions: anterior-posterior, ventral-distal and media-proximal to produce the proper number and position of the digits, making the patterning process more complex (McQueen and Towers, 2020). But the potential to – one day – regenerate lost human limbs makes limb regeneration a tantalising subject for researchers and science-fiction writers alike (Cox et al., 2019).

On Regeneration after the Amputation of Abnormal Structures: II. Supernumerary Induced Limbs
D. R. Newth

Let us return to the work of our old friend Dr D. R. Newth. In the previous post, we learnt how regeneration could produce a tail more perfect than the original; there’s a similar theme in today’s flashback. A few months after the 1958 publication on tails, Newth posted the second half of his work in JEEM/Development on Triturus helveticus newt limbs (Newth, 1958). There seemed to be an abundance at the time of biologists researching the regenerative abilities of ectopic (supernumerary) limbs by grafting bits of stump tissue, as well as other bits. Such transplants usually produced abnormal limbs with too few or too many digits, which were occasionally resolved during regeneration but there was a lot of conflicting evidence bouncing between journals at the time. One peculiar observation from the past literature is that grafting otic vesicles into the flank induced ectopic limb growth. Newth took a similar approach, engrafting nasal placodes into the body wall to produce an extra foreleg – if anyone has any idea about the mechanism behind placode-dependent limb outgrowth, please do let me know in the comments! This induction approach was quite inefficient (only 19/163 newts grew ectopic limbs) and, like previous reports, these limbs were abnormal with defects ranging from digit-less stumps to polydactyly (Fig. 1). Amputating these defective limbs, however, caused the regeneration of more ‘normal’ looking limbs, with a second amputation of the regenerated limb further improving the phenotype. For example, an ectopic limb that developed with 12 digits, regenerated eight digits following the first amputation and four digits (the normal number) following the amputation of the regenerated limb (Fig. 1). Newth owed these successful regeneration experiments to the amount of limb material, arguing that grafting an inducing centre to form a whole limb was a better approach than grafting stump tissue and provided more material for precise amputation. Again, the position of amputation was deemed significant, but the fascinating mechanism behind this phenomenon remained a mystery.

Fig. 1. Plate 1 from Newth et al., 1958. D shows the original ectopic limb with 10 digits. E shows the regenerated five-fingered limb. F shows the second regenerated limb with, supposedly, four digits.

The limb development and regeneration field has really flourished in the past 65 years and is impossible to adequately summarise here. Evidence, largely from chick and mice, has revealed the many genetic, epigenetic and molecular regulators that control the position of limb budding, outgrowth and digit patterning (McQueen and Towers, 2019). The field has moved in all directions, investigating the roles of the microenvironment, immune system and progenitor populations, as well as their differentiation and lineages, using genome editing, high-resolution imaging and next-generation sequencing technologies. Grafting remains an extremely useful experimental approach (e.g. Vierira et al., 2023) with salamanders, and the axolotl in particular, the main model systems for limb regeneration experiments (Joven et al., 2019). Like in the 1950s, cross-species comparisons are crucial for understanding how tissue regeneration evolved, the factors that control it, and for identifying approaches to induce regeneration in non-regenerative species.

Newt Hoxa13 has an essential and predominant role in digit formation during development and regeneration
Takashi Takeuchi, Haruka Matsubara, Fumina Minamitani, Yukio Satoh, Sayo Tozawa, Tomoki Moriyama, Kohei Maruyama, Ken-ichi T. Suzuki, Shuji Shigenobu, Takeshi Inoue, Koji Tamura, Kiyokazu Agata, Toshinori Hayashi

Takeuchi and colleagues published their paper investigating the role of Hox genes during new limb development regeneration last year (Takeuchi et al., 2022; Fig. 2). Their work follows studies in mammals, which have shown that 5′ Hox genes (e.g. Hox13) are crucial for limb development, but whether this requirement is conserved in other tetrapods has not been clear. Takeuchi and team show that Hox13 genes Hoxa13Hoxc13 and Hoxd13, are expressed both in developing limbs and in blastemas of the newt Pleurodeles waltl. Using CRISPR/Cas9 to knockout Hoxa13, they reveal that Hoxa13 is required for digit formation with the mutants having fewer digits than wild type. Hoxc13 and Hoxd13, however, seem to be dispensable but overexpression of Hoxd13 in Hoxa13 knockout newts partially rescues limb development; Hoxd13 expression in limb buds is strongly dependent on Hoxa13a. Lastly, the authors show that, following the amputation of the forelimbs, Hox13 genes, and Hoxa13 in particular, are also required for digit formation during limb regeneration.

Fig. 2. Movie 1 taken from Takeuchi et al, 2022 showing regeneration of a wild type limb in Pleurodeles waltl.

Both of the articles discussed today concern digit formation in regenerating newt limbs. D.R. Newth showed that regeneration can rescue proper digit development in abnormal limbs and, given that Hox genes have specific positional expression patterns, the work from Takeuchi and colleagues suggests that Hox13 genes might be one of the factors involved in this process. Furthermore, Takeuchi and colleagues demonstrate another parallel, but not identical, link between development and regeneration. Tomorrow, in the final post of this mini-series, we look towards the nervous system.


Ben D. Cox, Maximina H. Yun, Kenneth D. Poss; Can laboratory model systems instruct human limb regeneration? Development 15 October 2019; 146 (20): dev181016. doi:

Alberto Joven, Ahmed Elewa, András Simon; Model systems for regeneration: salamanders. Development 15 July 2019; 146 (14): dev167700. doi:

Caitlin McQueen, Matthew Towers; Establishing the pattern of the vertebrate limb. Development 1 September 2020; 147 (17): dev177956. doi:

D. R. Newth; On Regeneration after the Amputation of Abnormal Structures: II. Supernumerary Induced Limbs. Development 1 September 1958; 6 (3): 384–392. doi:

Takashi Takeuchi, Haruka Matsubara, Fumina Minamitani, Yukio Satoh, Sayo Tozawa, Tomoki Moriyama, Kohei Maruyama, Ken-ichi T. Suzuki, Shuji Shigenobu, Takeshi Inoue, Koji Tamura, Kiyokazu Agata, Toshinori Hayashi; Newt Hoxa13 has an essential and predominant role in digit formation during development and regeneration. Development 1 March 2022; 149 (5): dev200282. doi:

W.A. Vieira, M. Raymond, K. Kelley, M. A. Cherubino, H. Sahin, C. D. McCusker; Integration failure of regenerated limb tissue is associated with incongruencies in positional information in the Mexican axolotl. Front. Cell Dev. Biol. 2023; 11:1152510. doi:

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A first challenge for a new PI

Posted by , on 7 September 2023

Hello, I am Tzer Han and I am very happy to introduce myself as a contributor to the ‘New PI Diaries’. I am starting my lab at the Physics Department of UC San Diego, with a broad interest in understanding how symmetry and order emerge in living matter. We are currently focusing on two main directions: (i) using organoids to study tissue mechanics and chart the morphological landscape of multicellular systems; and (ii) using marine invertebrates to study developmental patterning, cilia dynamics and collective behavior. If any of this sounds interesting to you, feel free to check out my website here

No doubt, becoming a new PI is rewarding but also challenging. Many tasks to be dealt with are unexpected: no one warned you about them and you have exactly one chance to get everything right. One of these tasks, if you are an experimentalist like me, is designing the lab space that suits your experimental needs. Beyond the aspects with which most of us are familiar with, like allocating benches and equipment spaces, there are infrastructures hidden from plain view that matter as much: Where to put the HEPA filter to ensure clean airflow? Should the optical table be on active or passive damping? What architectural precautions to take in case the 75 gallons aquarium tank starts leaking over a long weekend? So, after many rounds of back and forth with the design architects, electrical and mechanical engineers, safety inspectors, I am excited to see the lab design finally taking shape. It will be a few more months before the bidding, contract award, fire marshall approval and actual construction happen. But I will consider this a win for the moment. 

Lab Floorplan

This post is part of the ‘New PI diaries‘ blog series.

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Introducing ‘New PI diaries’

Posted by , on 7 September 2023

What is it like starting your own lab? What exactly needs to be done? In this ‘New PI diaries’ blog series, we will follow the journey of a few new PIs over the course of their first year of starting their research group, giving the Node readers an inside view of the challenges and highlights of being a new PI.

In the coming months, we will be hearing from three upcoming new PIs: Tzer Han Tan, Margot Smit and Elena Camacho. Watch this space!

Tzer Han has just started his lab at University of California, San Diego, looking at how order, symmetry and dynamics emerge in living matter. You can read his first diary entry here.

Margot’s lab at the University of Tübingen, Germany, will be studying plant cell identity and development, in particular, how plants control the timing of fate transitions.

Elena will be starting her group at Centro Andaluz de Biología del Desarrollo in Spain, investigating human embryonic development by leveraging stem cells and mathematics.

Will you be starting your own lab soon? The Node is especially looking for new PIs who will be setting up their lab somewhere outside of Europe and the US. Get in touch if you are interested!

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A regeneration retrospective: a budding tale

Posted by , on 6 September 2023

This post is part of the regeneration retrospective series.

Epimorphic regeneration, the process of replacing lost appendages, is probably the most impressive example of tetrapod vertebrate regeneration. Vertebrate appendages, such as limbs and tails, are composed of many different cell types from different germ layers (including, for example, neurons, skin, muscle, bone and endothelium), which require the complex integration of positional information and patterning to regenerate functional structures (Cox et al., 2019). Amphibians are probably the best-known executors of epimorphic regeneration, with the pink, smiley-faced axolotl intriguing scientists since the 16th century (Joven et al., 2019). Even five centuries later, researchers are continuing to study amphibians to understand epimorphic regeneration. While studies have revealed the importance of blastema and a handful of signalling factors, there’s still a great deal about epimorphic regeneration that remains to be solved. Today, I summarise insights from the following two articles:

On Regeneration after the Amputation of Abnormal Structures: I. Defective Amphibian Tails
D. R. Newth

The almost-aptly-amphibian named David Richmond Newth was a Birmingham-born zoologist. After serving in India and Burma during the Second World War, he returned to the UK as a lecturer at Univesity College London. In his 1958 JEEM/Development publication (Newth, 1958), David sought to clarify some previous studies asking whether a regenerated amphibian tail would resemble the original: can animals restore defective appendages and regenerate structures that they didn’t have in the first place? Newth used both axolotl and the frog Rana temporaria as experimental systems, and operated on the embryos to induce the animals to develop an incomplete tail fin. In the frogs, he removed the dorsal half of the tail bud, whereas in axolotl he manipulated posterior neural folds to create ventral fin defects. Next, Newth amputated the tail at different positions along the anterior-posterior axis, cutting anterior to the defect or within the missing tissue. In the case of the Rana tadpoles, David repeated the amputation again (Fig. 1). As long as the amputation occurred anterior to the missing tail tissue, the amphibians could regenerate whole tails but dissection through the missing tissue did not generate complete tail outgrowth from the wound (Fig. 1). By showing that regeneration could form structures that were missing in the original appendage, this work indicates that embryonic development and regeneration might use different mechanisms of growth and patterning. However, the author is careful to point out that, in this case, the mechanism of regeneration in normal animals might not be the same as ‘abnormal’ ones; regeneration of ‘normal’ tissue could still follow developmental mechanisms. Second, this study demonstrates the importance of the position of amputation and indicates that the cells that form the blastema dictate which structures can be formed during regrowth.

Fig. 1. “The regeneration of tails in Rana tadpoles which had earlier lost the dorsal half of their tail-buds. The numbers are of animals surviving to the stages indicated.” Taken from Fig. 3 in Newth (1958).

It seems that the Axolotl is a species that has truly stood the test of time and is just as popular a model today as 500 years ago (Joven et al., 2019). However, technical scientific advances have advanced the toolbox available for asking complex research questions, including the generation of sophisticated axolotl genetic lines and reporters (e.g. Duerr et al., 2022). Although a wide range of frog species have been used in classical studies, present research largely concentrates on Xenopus spp. (Phipps et al., 2020). Whether regeneration employs the same development mechanisms to produce tissues during development remains unclear. Similar developmental signalling pathways (e.g. FGF, Shh) are involved in regenerating appendages; however, single-cell technologies are revealing that the progenitors deriving from the regeneration-specific organising centre – the blastema – have distinct molecular identities from those in the embryo and follow convergent, but different, trajectories (Čapek and Müller, 2019; Tsai et al., 2019). As we heard for wound healing yesterday, many recent investigations have focused on the roles of immune cells in amphibian tail regeneration, showing that myeloid cells and the factors they secrete are required for a regeneration-permissive environment (e.g. Tsai et al., 2019; Aztekin et al., 2020).

regeneration factors expressed on myeloid expression in macrophage-like cells is required for tail regeneration in Xenopus laevis tadpoles
Momoko Deguchi; Taro Fukazawa; Takeo Kubo

In their article published last month in Development, Deguchi and colleagues continue interrogating the intervention of the immune system in Xenopus laevis tail regeneration (Deguchi et al., 2023). Through a screen to identify cells that support progenitor proliferation, they find that regeneration factors expressed on myeloid (of which there are two paralogues in Xenopus, hereinafter collectively referred to as rfem) increases expression following tail amputation. It’s also required for regeneration because knockdown of rfem generates significantly shorter regenerated tails (Fig. 2). Using RNA sequencing of tail stumps and intact tails, the authors show that rfem-expressing cells cluster with leukocyte markers expressed by macrophages and dendritic cells. Deguchi and colleagues reduce the macrophage population by knocking down, and thus rfem-expressing cells, key monocyte-lineage gene csf1, which also caused tail regeneration abnormalities. Conversely, the addition of rfem-expressing macrophage-like cells in rfem knockdown animals rescues tail regeneration. Although the mechanism of Rfem activity is yet to be elucidated, this study builds upon previous research by identifying a factor through which immune cells might regulate epimorphic regeneration (Aztekin et al., 2020).

Fig. 2. “rfem.L and/or rfem.S are required for normal tail regeneration.” Taken from Fig. 2 in Deguchi et al., 2023 (see publication for full legend).

These two examples from the past and present both ask about the regenerative potential of the amphibian tail. Newth shows that regenerative programs can restore tissues that are effectively formed during development and aren’t possessed by the original structure and indirectly hints about various progenitor populations that might be involved. Deguchi and colleagues take this further to demonstrate that supporting cells, most likely macrophages, have an important role in regulating tail regeneration through the action of rfem-encoded proteins. However, this tale is far from over! Tomorrow, we indulge in a second helping of epimorphic regeneration, focusing on a dexterous but incredibly handy experimental technique: tissue grafts.


Can Aztekin, Tom W. Hiscock, Richard Butler, Francisco De Jesús Andino, Jacques Robert, John B. Gurdon, Jerome Jullien; The myeloid lineage is required for the emergence of a regeneration-permissive environment following Xenopus tail amputation. Development 1 February 2020; 147 (3): dev185496. doi:

Daniel Čapek, Patrick Müller; Positional information and tissue scaling during development and regeneration. Development 15 December 2019; 146 (24): dev177709. doi:

Ben D. Cox, Maximina H. Yun, Kenneth D. Poss; Can laboratory model systems instruct human limb regeneration? Development 15 October 2019; 146 (20): dev181016. doi:

Momoko Deguchi, Taro Fukazawa, Takeo Kubo; regeneration factors expressed on myeloid expression in macrophage-like cells is required for tail regeneration in Xenopus laevis tadpoles. Development 1 August 2023; 150 (15): dev200467. doi:

Timothy J. Duerr, Eun Kyung Jeon, Kaylee M. Wells, Antonio Villanueva, Ashley W. Seifert, Catherine D. McCusker, James R. Monaghan; A constitutively expressed fluorescent ubiquitination-based cell-cycle indicator (FUCCI) in axolotls for studying tissue regeneration. Development 15 March 2022; 149 (6): dev199637. doi:

Alberto Joven, Ahmed Elewa, András Simon; Model systems for regeneration: salamanders. Development 15 July 2019; 146 (14): dev167700. doi:

D. R. Newth; On Regeneration after the Amputation of Abnormal Structures: I. Defective Amphibian Tails. Development 1 June 1958; 6 (2): 297–307. doi:

Lauren S. Phipps, Lindsey Marshall, Karel Dorey, Enrique Amaya; Model systems for regeneration: XenopusDevelopment 15 March 2020; 147 (6): dev180844. doi:

Stephanie L. Tsai, Clara Baselga-Garriga, Douglas A. Melton; Blastemal progenitors modulate immune signaling during early limb regeneration. Development 1 January 2019; 146 (1): dev169128. doi:

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August in preprints

Posted by , on 6 September 2023

Welcome to our monthly trawl for developmental and stem cell biology (and related) preprints.

The preprints this month are hosted on bioRxiv – use these links below to get to the section you want:

Developmental biology

Cell Biology


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Developmental biology

| Patterning & signalling

The cell adhesion molecule Echinoid promotes tissue survival and separately restricts tissue overgrowth in Drosophila imaginal discs

Danielle C. Spitzer, William Y. Sun, Anthony Rodríguez-Vargas, Iswar K. Hariharan

Disruption of Fuz in mouse embryos generates hypoplastic hindbrain development and reduced cranial nerve ganglia

Carlo Donato Caiaffa, Yogeshwari S. Ambekar, Manmohan Singh, Ying Linda Lin, Bogdan Wlodarczyk, Salavat R. Aglyamov, Giuliano Scarcelli, Kirill V. Larin, Richard Finnell

Scaling between cell cycle duration and wing growth is regulated by Fat-Dachsous signaling in Drosophila

Andrew Liu, Jessica O’Connell, Farley Wall, Richard W. Carthew

Dynamics of Ds and Fat protein distributions across the Drosophila wing pouch from Liu et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Canonical Wnt transcriptional complexes are essential for induction of nephrogenesis but not maintenance or proliferation of nephron progenitors

Helena Bugacov, Andrew McMahon, Balint Der, Sunghyun Kim, Nils Olof Lindstrom

Fgf signalling is required for gill slit formation in the skate, Leucoraja erinacea

Jenaid M Rees, Michael A Palmer, J. Andrew Gillis

Tgfbr1 regulates lateral plate mesoderm and endoderm reorganization during the trunk to tail transition

Anastasiia Lozovska, Ana N&oacutevoa, Ying-Yi Kuo, Arnon Dias Jurberg, Gabriel G Martins, Anna-Katerina Hadjantonakis, Moises Mallo

Angpt1 binding to Tie1 regulates the signaling required for lymphatic vessel development in zebrafish

Nanami Morooka, Ning Gui, Koji Ando, Keisuke Sako, Moe Fukumoto, Melina Hußmann, Stefan Schulte-Merker, Naoki Mochizuki, Hiroyuki Nakajima

Specification and survival of post-metamorphic branchiomeric neurons in the hindbrain of a non-vertebrate chordate

Eduardo D. Gigante, Katarzyna M. Piekarz, Alexandra Gurgis, Leslie Cohen, Florian Razy-Krajka, Sydney Popsuj, Hussan S. Ali, Shruthi Mohana Sundaram, Alberto Stolfi

Cell division and differentiation in C. robusta embryos from Gigante et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Hedgehog signaling is required for the maintenance of mesenchymal nephron progenitors

Eunah Chung, Patrick Deacon, Yueh-Chiang Hu, Hee-Woong Lim, Joo-Seop Park

Modular control of time and space during vertebrate axis segmentation

Ali Seleit, Ian Brettell, Tomas W Fitzgerald, Carina Vibe, Felix Loosli, Joachim Wittbrodt, Kiyoshi Naruse, Ewan Birney, Alexander Aulehla

Prickle and Ror modulate Dishevelled-Vangl interaction to regulate non-canonical Wnt signaling during convergent extension

Jianbo Wang, Chenbei Chang, Hwa-seon Seo, Deli Yu, Ivan Popov, Jiahui Tao, Allyson Angermeier, Bingdong Sha, Jeffery Axelrod

Epigenetic heterogeneity of the Notch signaling components in the developing human retina

Takahiro Nakayama, Masaharu Yoshihara, Satoru Takahashi

Zn2+ is Essential for Ca2+ Oscillations in Mouse Eggs

Hiroki Akizawa, Emily M Lopes, Rafael A Fissore

Cadherin Adhesion Complexes Direct Cell Aggregation in the Epithelial Transition of Wnt-Induced Nephron Progenitor Cells

Balint Der, Helena Bugacov, Bohdana-Myroslava Briantseva, Andrew P. McMahon

Spatial patterning regulates neuron numbers in the Drosophila visual system

Jennifer Malin, Yen-Chung Chen, Félix Simon, Evelyn Keefer, Claude Desplan

β1 integrins regulate cellular behaviors and cardiomyocyte organization during ventricular wall formation

Lianjie Miao, Micah Castillo, Yangyang Lu, Yongqi Xiao, Yu Liu, Alan R Burns, Ashok Kumar, Preethi Gunaratne, C. Michael DiPersio, Mingfu Wu

Spatiotemporal dynamics of cytokines expression dictate fetal liver hematopoiesis

Marcia Mesquita Peixoto, Francisca Soares-da-Silva, Valentin Bonnet, Gustave Ronteix, Rita Faria Santos, Marie-Pierre Mailhe, Xing Feng, João Pedro Pereira, Emanuele Azzoni, Giorgio Anselmi, Marella de Bruijn, Charles N. Baroud, Perpétua Pinto-do-Ó, Ana Cumano

Differential regulation of the proteome and phosphosproteome along the dorso-ventral axis of the early Drosophila embryo

Juan Manuel Gomez, Hendrik Nolte, Elisabeth Vogelsang, Bipasha Dey, Michiko Takeda, Girolamo Giudice, Miriam Faxel, Alina Cepraga, Robert Patrick Zinzen, Marcus Krüger, Evangelia Petsalaki, Yu-Chiun Wang, Maria Leptin

Wnt signaling regulates ion channel expression to promote smooth muscle and cartilage formation in developing mouse trachea

Nicholas X. Russell, Kaulini Burra, Ronak Shah, Natalia Bottasso-Arias, Megha Mohanakrishnan, John Snowball, Harshavardhana H. Ediga, Satish K Madala, Debora Sinner

| Morphogenesis & mechanics

Hierarchical Morphogenesis of Swallowtail Butterfly Wing Scale Nanostructures

Kwi Shan Seah, Vinodkumar Saranathan

Two distinct mechanisms of Plexin A function in Drosophila optic lobe lamination and morphogenesis

Maria E Bustillo, Jessica Douthit, Sergio Astigarraga, Jessica E Treisman

Periods of environmental sensitivity couple larval behavior and development

Denis F. Faerberg, Erin Z. Aprison, Ilya Ruvinsky

Aberrant tissue stiffness impairs neural tube development in Mthfd1l mutant mouse embryos

Yogeshwari S. Ambekar, Carlo Donato Caiaffa, Bogdan Wlodarczyk, Manmohan Singh, Alexander W. Schill, John Steele, Salavat R. Aglyamov, Giuliano Scarcelli, Richard H. Finnell, Kirill V. Larin

Thymus formation in uncharted embryonic territoriesv

Isabel Alcobia, Margarida Gama-Carvalho, Leonor Magalhães, Vitor Proa, Domingos Henrique, Hélia Neves

Identification of Core Yeast Species and Microbe-Microbe Interactions Impacting Larval Growth of Drosophila in the Wild

Ayumi Mure, Yuki Sugiura, Rae Maeda, Kohei Honda, Nozomu Sakurai, Yuuki Takahashi, Masayoshi Watada, Toshihiko Katoh, Aina Gotoh, Yasuhiro Gotoh, Itsuki Taniguchi, Keiji Nakamura, Tetsuya Hayashi, Takane Katayama, Tadashi Uemura, Yukako Hattori

Morphodynamics of human early brain organoid development

Akanksha Jain, Gilles Gut, Fátima Sanchís Calleja, Ryoko Okamoto, Simon Streib, Zhisong He, Fides Zenk, Malgorzata Santel, Makiko Seimiya, René Holtackers, Sophie Martina Johanna Jansen, J. Gray Camp, Barbara Treutlein

From Jain et al, made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Lineage-based scaling of germline intercellular bridges during oogenesis

Umayr Shaikh, Kathleen Sherlock, Julia Wilson, William Gilliland, Lindsay Lewellyn

An atypical basement membrane forms a midline barrier in left-right asymmetric gut development

Cora Demler, John Coates Lawlor, Ronit Yelin, Dhana Llivichuzcha-Loja, Lihi Shaulov, David Kim, Megan Stewart, Frank Lee, Thomas Schultheiss, Natasza Kurpios

Lymphatic vessel development in human embryos

Shoichiro Yamaguchi, Natsuki Minamide, Hiroshi Imai, Tomoaki Ikeda, Masatoshi Watanabe, Kyoko Imanaka-Yoshida, Kazuaki Maruyama

Alternating polarity integrates chemical and mechanical cues to drive tissue morphogenesis

Miriam Osterfield

A mechanically regulated liquid-liquid phase separation of the transcriptional regulator Tono instructs muscle development

Xu Zhang, Jerome Avellaneda, Maria Lynn Spletter, Sandra B Lemke, Pierre Mangeol, Bianca H Habermann, Frank Schnorrer

Stabilization of epithelial β-catenin compromises mammary cell fate acquisition and branching morphogenesis

Jyoti Prabha Satta, Qiang Lan, Makoto Mark Taketo, Marja Liisa Mikkola

Cylicins are a structural component of the sperm calyx being indispensable for male fertility in mice and human

Simon Schneider, Andjela Kovacevic, Michelle Mayer, Ann-Kristin Dicke, Lena Arévalo, Sophie A. Koser, Jan N. Hansen, Samuel Young, Christoph Brenker, Sabine Kliesch, Dagmar Wachten, Gregor Kirfel, Timo Strünker, Frank Tüttelmann, Hubert Schorle

The differentiation and integration of the hippocampal dorsoventral axis are controlled by two nuclear receptor genes

Xiong Yang, Rong Wan, Zhiwen Liu, Su Feng, Jiaxin Yang, Naihe Jing, Ke Tang

Primate-expressed EPIREGULIN promotes basal progenitor proliferation in the developing neocortex

Paula Cubillos, Nora Ditzer, Annika Kolodziejczyk, Gustav Schwenk, Janine Hoffmann, Theresa M. Schütze, Razvan P. Derihaci, Cahit Birdir, Johannes E. M. Köllner, Andreas Petzold, Mihail Sarov, Ulrich Martin, Katherine R. Long, Pauline Wimberger, Mareike Albert

| Genes & genomes

Single-cell transcriptome landscape of developing fetal gonads defines somatic cell lineage specification in humans

A. Lardenois, A. Suglia, CL. Moore, B. Evrard, L. Noël, P. Rivaud, A. Besson, M. Toupin, S. Léonard, L. Lesné, I. Coiffec, S. Nef, V. Lavoué, O. Collin, A. Chédotal, S. Mazaud-Guittot, F. Chalmel, AD. Rolland

From Lardenois et al, made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

The TOP-2-condensin II axis silences transcription during germline specification in C. elegans

Mezmur D. Belew, Emilie Chien, Matthew Wong, W. Matthew Michael

Transcriptional control of compartmental boundary positioning during Drosophila wing development

Gustavo Aguilar, Michèle Sickmann, Dimitri Bieli, Gordian Born, Markus Affolter, Martin Müller

Using human genetics to develop strategies to increase erythropoietic output from genome-edited hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Joab Camarena, Sofia E. Luna, Jessica P. Hampton, Kiran R. Majeti, Carsten T. Charlesworth, Eric Soupene, Vivien A. Sheehan, M. Kyle Cromer, Matthew H. Porteus

Defining the cellular complexity of the zebrafish bipotential gonad

Michelle E. Kossack, Lucy Tian, Kealyn Bowie, Jessica S. Plavicki

Polyadenylation of mRNAs encoding secreted proteins by TENT5 family of enzymes is essential for gametogenesis in mice

Michał Brouze, Agnieszka Czarnocka-Cieciura, Olga Gewartowska, Monika Kusio-Kobiałka, Kamil Jachacy, Marcin Szpila, Bartosz Tarkowski, Jakub Gruchota, Paweł Krawczyk, Seweryn Mroczek, Ewa Borsuk, Andrzej Dziembowski

A dynamic in vitro model of Down Syndrome neurogenesis with Trisomy 21 gene dosage correction

Prakhar Bansal, Erin C Banda, Heather R Glatt-Deeley, Christopher Stoddard, Jeremy W Linsley, Neha Arora, Darcy T Ahern, Yuvabharath Kondaveeti, Michael Nicouleau, Miguel Sabariego-Navarro, Mara Dierssen, Steve Finkbeiner, Stefan F Pinter

From Bansal et al, made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Dynamics of chromatin accessibility during human first-trimester neurodevelopment

Camiel C.A. Mannens, Lijuan Hu, Peter Lonnerberg, Marijn Schipper, Caleb Reagor, Xiaofei Li, Xiaoling He, Roger A. Barker, Erik Sundstrom, Danielle Posthuma, Sten Linnarsson

Multi-omics analyses identify transcription factor interplay in corneal epithelial fate determination and disease

Jos Smits, Dulce Lima Cunha, Jieqiong Qu, Nicholas Owen, Lorenz Latta, Nora Szentmary, Berthold Seitz, Lauriane N. Roux, Mariya Moosajee, Daniel Aberdam, Simon J. van Heeringen, Huiqing Zhou

PRDM16 co-operates with LHX2 to shape the human brain

Varun Suresh, Bidisha Bhattacharya, Rami Yair Tshuva, Miri Danan Gotthold, Tsviya Olender, Mahima Bose, Saurabh J. Pradhan, Bruria Ben Zeev, Richard Scott Smith, Shubha Tole, Sanjeev Galande, Corey Harwell, José-Manuel Baizabal, Orly Reiner

COUP-TFII regulates early bipotential gonad signaling and commitment to ovarian progenitors

Lucas G. A. Ferreira, Marina M. L. Kizys, Gabriel A. C. Gama, Svenja Pachernegg, Gorjana Robevska, Andrew H. Sinclair, Katie L. Ayers, Magnus R. Dias da Silva

Sphingolipid metabolism is spatially regulated in the developing embryo by SOXE genes

Michael L. Piacentino, Aria J. Fasse, Alexis Camacho-Avila, Ilya Grabylnikov, Marianne E. Bronner

Temperature variation drives coordinated scaling of temporal and dynamic features of transcription in embryonic development

Gabriella Martini, Hernan Garcia

Temperature control and simultaneous monitoring of transcriptional activity from Martini and Garcia. This image is made available under a CC-BY-ND 4.0 International license.

Epigenetic Regulation of Endothelial Extracellular Matrix Components is Critical for Murine Lung Development

Meng-Ling Wu, Kate Wheeler, Robert Silasi-Mansat, Florea Lupu, Courtney T. Griffin

Female germline expression of OVO transcription factor bridges Drosophila generations

Leif Benner, Savannah Muron, Brian Oliver

The molecular basis of macrochaete diversification highlighted by a single-cell atlas of Bicyclus anynana butterfly pupal forewings

Anupama Prakash, Emilie Dion, Antónia Monteiro

FOXL2 interaction with different binding partners regulates the dynamics of ovarian development

Roberta Migale, Michelle Neumann, Richard Mitter, Mahmoud-Reza Rafiee, Sophie Wood, Jessica Olsen, Robin Lovell-Badge

From Migale et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

| Stem cells, regeneration & disease modelling

A dynamic in vitro model of Down Syndrome neurogenesis with Trisomy 21 gene dosage correction

Prakhar Bansal, Erin C Banda, Heather R Glatt-Deeley, Christopher Stoddard, Jeremy W Linsley, Neha Arora, Darcy T Ahern, Yuvabharath Kondaveeti, Michael Nicouleau, Miguel Sabariego-Navarro, Mara Dierssen, Steve Finkbeiner, Stefan F Pinter

Defined human PSC culture conditions robustly maintain human PSC pluripotency through Ca2+ signaling.

Ilse Eidhof, Malin Kele, Mansoureh Shahsavani, Benjamin Ulfenborg, Dania Winn, Per Uhlen, Anna Falk

The combination of CD49b and CD229 reveals a subset of multipotent progenitors with short-term activity within the hematopoietic stem cell compartment

Ece Somuncular, Tsu-Yi Su, Ozge Dumral, Anne-Sofie Johansson, Sidinh Luc

3D model of mouse embryonic pancreas and endocrine compartment using stem cell-derived mesoderm and pancreatic progenitors

Shlomit Edri, Vardit Rosenthal, Or Ginsburg, Abigail Newman Frisch, Christophe E. Pierreux, Nadav Sharon, Shulamit Levenberg

ECM degradation in the stump region induced by Fgf during functional joint regeneration in frogs

Haruka Matsubara, Takeshi Inoue, Kiyokazu Agata

Improved rescue of immature oocytes obtained from conventional gonadotropin stimulation cycles via human induced pluripotent stem cell-derived ovarian support cell co-culture

Alexa Giovannini, Sabrina Piechota, Maria Marchante, Kathryn S Potts, Graham Rockwell, Bruna Paulsen, Alexander D Noblett, Samantha L Estevez, Alexandra B Figueroa, Caroline Aschenberger, Dawn A Kelk, Marcy Forti, Shelby Marcinyshyn, Ferran Barrachina, Klaus Wiemer, Marta Sanchez, Pedro Belchin, Merrick Pierson Smela, Patrick R.J. Fortuna, Pranam Chatterjee, David H McCulloh, Alan Copperman, Daniel Ordonez-Perez, Joshua U Klein, Christian C Kramme

Loss of PAX6 alters the excitatory/inhibitory neuronal ratio in human cerebral organoids

Wai Kit Chan, Danilo Negro, Victoria M Munro, Helen Marshall, Zrinko Kozić, Megan Brown, Mariana Beltran, Neil C Henderson, David J Price, John O Mason

The Interferon γ Pathway Enhances Pluripotency and X-Chromosome Reactivation in iPSC reprogramming

Mercedes Barrero, Anna V. López-Rubio, Aleksey Lazarenkov, Enrique Blanco, Moritz Bauer, Luis G. Palma, Anna Bigas, Luciano Di Croce, José Luis Sardina, Bernhard Payer

iPSC colonies upon early interferon γ treatment from Barrero et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

Myogenetic Oligodeoxynucleotide Induces Myocardial Differentiation of Murine Pluripotent Stem Cells

Mina Ishioka, Yuma Nihashi, Yoichi Sunagawa, Koji Umezawa, Takeshi Shimosato, Hiroshi Kagami, Tatsuya Morimoto, Tomohide Takaya

Chromatin and gene expression changes during female Drosophila germline stem cell development illuminate the biology of highly potent stem cells

Liang-Yu Pang, Steven DeLuca, Haolong Zhu, John M. Urban, Allan C. Spradling

Sclerotome-derived vascular smooth muscle progenitors contribute to the haematopoietic stem cell specification niche

Clair M. Kelley, Nicole O. Glenn, Dafne Gays, Massimo M. Santoro, Wilson K. Clements

A distinct class of hematopoietic stem cells develop from the human yellow bone marrow

Tammy T Nguyen, Zinger Yang Loureiro, Anand Desai, Tiffany DeSouza, Shannon Joyce, Lyne Khair, Amruta Samant, Haley Cirka, Javier Solivan-Rivera, Rachel Ziegler, Michael Brehm, Louis M Messina, Silvia Corvera

Generation of isogenic models of Angelman syndrome and Prader-Willi syndrome in CRISPR/Cas9-engineered human embryonic stem cells

Rachel B Gilmore, Dea Gorka, Christopher Stoddard, Justin Cotney, Stormy Chamberlain

Functional characterization of gene regulatory elements and neuropsychiatric disease-associated risk loci in iPSCs and iPSC-derived neurons

Xiaoyu Yang, Ian R. Jones, Poshen B. Chen, Han Yang, Xingjie Ren, Lina Zheng, Bin Li, Yang E. Li, Quan Sun, Jia Wen, Cooper Beaman, Xiekui Cui, Yun Li, Wei Wang, Ming Hu, Bing Ren, Yin Shen

Self-assembly vascularized human cardiac organoids model cardiac diseases in petri dishes and in mice

Qixing Zhong, Yao He, Li Teng, Yinqian Zhang, Ting Zhang, Yinbing Zhang, Qinxi Li, Bangcheng Zhao, Daojun Chen, Zhihui Zhong

Connexin 41.8 mediates the correct temporal induction of haematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Tim Petzold, Masakatsu Watanabe, Julien Y. Bertrand

Investigating the developmental onset of regenerative potential in the annelid Capitella teleta

Alicia A. Boyd, Elaine C. Seaver

From Boyd et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Orchestration of pluripotent stem cell genome reactivation during mitotic exit

Silja Placzek, Ludovica Vanzan, David M. Suter

| Plant development

Nutrient levels control root growth responses to high ambient temperature in plants

Sanghwa Lee, Julia Showalter, Ling Zhang, Gaëlle Cassin-Ross, Hatem Rouached, Wolfgang Busch

Does late water deficit induce root growth or senescence in wheat?

Kanwal Shazadi, John T. Christopher, Karine Chenu

NAC1 directs CEP1-CEP3 peptidase expression and modulates root hair growth in Arabidopsis

Diana R. Rodríguez-García, Yossmayer del Carmen Rondón Guerrero, Lucía Ferrero, Andrés Hugo Rossi, Esteban A. Miglietta, Ariel A. Aptekmann, Eliana Marzol, Javier Martínez Pacheco, Mariana Carignani, Victoria Berdion Gabarain, Leonel E. Lopez, Gabriela Díaz Dominguez, Cecilia Borassi, José Juan Sánchez-Serrano, Lin Xu, Alejandro D. Nadra, Enrique Rojo, Federico Ariel, José M. Estevez

BrrRCO, encoding a homeobox protein, is involved in leaf lobe development in Brassica rapa

Pan Li, Tongbing Su, Yudi Wu, Hui Li, Limin Wang, Fenglan Zhang, Shuancang Yu, Zheng Wang

ZmPILS6 is an auxin efflux carrier required for maize root morphogenesis

Craig L. Cowling, Arielle L. Homayouni, Jodi B. Callwood, Maxwell R. McReynolds, Jasper Khor, Haiyan Ke, Melissa A. Draves, Katayoon Dehesh, Justin W. Walley, Lucia C. Strader, Dior R. Kelley

Melatonin induces endoreduplication through oxidative DNA-damage triggering lateral root formation in onions

Sukhendu Maity, Rajkumar Guchhait, Kousik Pramanick

Spatiotemporally distinct responses to mechanical forces shape the developing seed of Arabidopsis

Amelie Bauer, Camille Bied, Adrien Delattre, Gwyneth Ingram, John F Golz, Benoit Landrein

Chitosan stimulates root hair callose deposition and inhibits root hair growth

Matēj Drs, Samuel Haluška, Eliška Škrabálková, Pavel Krupař, Andrea Potocká, Lucie Brejšková, Karel Muller, Natalia Serrano, Aline Voxeur, Samantha Vernhettes, Jitka Ortmannová, George Caldarescu, Matyas Fendrych, Martin Potocký, Viktor Žárský, Tamara Pečenková

A pectin-binding peptide with a structural and signaling role in the assembly of the plant cell wall

Sebastjen Schoenaers, Hyun Kyung Lee, Martine Gonneau, Elvina Faucher, Thomas Levasseur, Elodie Akary, Naomi Claeijs, Steven Moussu, Caroline Broyart, Daria Balcerowicz, Hamada AbdElgawad, Andrea Bassi, Daniel Santa Cruz Damineli, Alex Costa, Jose A Feijo, Celine Moreau, Estelle Bonnin, Bernard Cathala, Julia Santiago, Herman Hofte, Kris Vissenberg

Calcium regulation of the Arabidopsis Na+/K+ transporter HKT1;1 improves seed germination under salt stress

Ancy E.J. Chandran, Aliza Finkler, Tom Aharon Hait, Yvonne Kiere, Sivan David, Metsada Pasmanik-Chor, Doron Shkolnik

An ancient role for the CYP73 gene family in t-cinnamic acid 4-hydroxylation, phenylpropanoid biosynthesis and embryophyte development

Samuel Knosp, Lucie Kriegshauser, Kanade Tatsumi, Ludivine Malherbe, Gertrud Wiedemann, Bénédicte Bakan, Takayuki Kohchi, Ralf Reski, Hugues Renault

From Knosp et al, made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Distinct clades of TELOMERE REPEAT BINDING transcriptional regulators interplay to regulate plant development

Simon Amiard, Léa Feit, Lauriane Simon, Samuel Le Goff, Loriane Loizeau, Léa Wolff, Falk Butter, Clara Bourbousse, Fredy Barneche, Christophe Tatout, Aline. V. Probst

The Auxin Response Factor ARF27 is required for maize root morphogenesis

Linkan Dash, Maxwell R. McReynolds, Melissa A. Draves, Rajdeep S. Khangura, Rebekah L. Muench, Jasper Khor, Jodi B. Callwood, Craig L. Cowling, Ludvin Mejia, Michelle G. Lang, Brian P. Dilkes, Justin W. Walley, Dior R. Kelley

Overexpression of tomato SlBBX16 and SlBBX17 impacts fruit development and GA biosynthesis

Valentina Dusi, Federica Pennisi, Daniela Fortini, Alejandro Atarès, Stephan Wenkel, Barbara Molesini, Tiziana Pandolfini

Growth directions and stiffness across cell layers determine whether tissues stay smooth or buckle

Avilash S. Yadav, Lilan Hong, Patrick M. Klees, Annamaria Kiss, Xi He, Iselle M. Barrios, Michelle Heeney, Anabella Maria D. Galang, Richard S. Smith, Arezki Boudaoud, Adrienne H.K. Roeder

Water fluxes contribute to growth patterning in shoot meristems

Juan Alonso-Serra, Ibrahim Cheddadi, Annamaria Kiss, Guillaume Cerutti, Claire Lionnet, Christophe Godin, Olivier Hamant

A low-cost and open-source imaging platform reveals spatiotemporal insight into Arabidopsis leaf elongation and movement

Lisa Oskam, Basten L. Snoek, Chrysoula K. Pantazopoulou, Hans van Veen, Sanne E. A. Matton, Rens Dijkhuizen, Ronald Pierik

Cell Fate Programming by Transcription Factors and Epigenetic Machinery in Stomatal Development

Ao, Andrea Mair, Juliana L. Matos, Macy Vollbrecht, Shou-Ling Xu, Dominique C. Bergmann

From Liu et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY 4.0 International license.

| Evo-devo

Craniofacial diversity across Danionins and the effects of TH status on craniofacial morphology of two Danio species

Stacy V Nguyen, Rachel S Lee, Emma Mohlmann, Gabriella Petrullo, John Blythe, Isabella Ranieri, Sarah McMenamin

Comparative genomics of two closely related coral species with different spawning seasons reveals genomic regions possibly associated with gametogenesis

Shiho Takahashi-Kariyazono, Akira Iguchi, Yohey Terai

Clearwing butterflies challenge the thermal melanism hypothesis

Violaine Ossola, Fabien Pottier, Charline Pinna, Katia Bougiouri, Aurélie Tournié, Anne Michelin, Christine Andraud, Doris Gomez, Marianne Elias

A mathematical framework for evo-devo dynamics

Mauricio González-Forero

Conserved switch genes regulate a novel cannibalistic morph after whole genome duplication

Sara Wighard, Ralf J. Sommer, Hanh Witte

The role of heterochronic gene expression and regulatory architecture in early developmental divergence

Nathan D. Harry, Christina Zakas

Sox21b underlies the rapid diversification of a novel male genital structure between Drosophila species

Amber M. Ridgway, Emily Hood, Javier Figueras Jimenez, Maria D. S. Nunes, Alistair P. McGregor

From Ridgway et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC-ND 4.0 International license.

Evo-devo dynamics of hominin brain size

Mauricio González-Forero

Evolution of parent-of-origin effects on placental gene expression in house mice

Fernando Rodriguez-Caro, Emily C. Moore, Jeffrey M. Good

Cell Biology

Vertical transmission of maternal DNA through extracellular vesicles modulates embryo bioenergetics during the periconceptional period

David Bolumar, Javier Moncayo-Arlandi, Javier Gonzalez-Fernandez, Ana Ochando, Inmaculada Moreno, Ana Monteagudo-Sanchez, Carlos Marin, Antonio Diez, Paula Fabra, Miguel Ángel Checa, Juan José Espinos, David K. Gardner, Carlos Simon, Felipe Vilella

Robo1 loss has pleiotropic effects on postnatal development and survival

Nicole A. Kirk, Ye Eun Hwang, Seul Gi Lee, Kee-Beom Kim, Kwon-Sik Park

Actomyosin-mediated apical constriction promotes physiological germ cell death in C. elegans

Tea Kohlbrenner, Simon Berger, Tinri Aegerter-Wilmsen, Ana Laranjeira, Andrew deMello, Alex Hajnal

Fatty acid amide hydrolase drives adult mammary gland development by promoting luminal cell differentiation

Isabel Tundidor, Marta Seijo-Vila, Sandra Blasco-Benito, María Rubert-Hernández, Gema Moreno-Bueno, Laura Bindila, Rubén Fernández de la Rosa, Manuel Guzmán, Cristina Sánchez, Eduardo Pérez-Gómez

Purine biosynthesis pathways are required for myogenesis in Xenopus laevis

Maëlle Duperray, Elodie Henriet, Christelle Saint-Marc, Eric Boué-Grabot, Bertrand Daignan-Fornier, Karine Massé, Benoît Pinson

Cyclin B3 is a dominant fast-acting cyclin that drives rapid early embryonic mitoses

Pablo Lara-Gonzalez, Smriti Variyar, Jacqueline Budrewicz, Aleesa Schlientz, Neha Varshney, Andrew Bellaart, Shabnam Moghareh, Anh Cao Ngoc Nguyen, Karen Oegema, Arshad Desai

Neuronal IL-17 controls C. elegans developmental diapause through CEP-1/p53

Abhishiktha Godthi, Sehee Min, Das Srijit, Johnny Cruz-Corchado, Andrew Deonarine, Kara Misel-Wuchter, Priya D. Issuree, Veena Prahlad

Reorganization of Septin structures regulates early myogenesis

Vladimir Ugorets, Paul-Lennard Mendez, Dmitrii Zagrebin, Giulia Russo, Yannic Kerkhoff, Tim Herpelinck, Georgios Kotsaris, Jerome Jatzlau, Sigmar Stricker, Petra Knaus


A model-based assessment of adaptation in embryonic life histories of annual killifish

Tom JM Van Dooren

How a reaction-diffusion signal can control spinal cord regeneration in axolotls: A modelling study

Valeria Caliaro, Diane Peurichard, Osvaldo Chara

Spectral decomposition unlocks ascidian morphogenesis

Joel Dokmegang, Emmanuel Faure, Patrick Lemaire, Edwin Munro, Madhav Mani

Intra-leaf modeling of Cannabis leaflet shape produces synthetic leaves that predict genetic and developmental identities

Manica Balant, Teresa Garnatje, Daniel Vitales, Oriane Hidalgo, Daniel H. Chitwood

Causal models of human growth and their estimation using temporally-sparse data

John A. Bunce, Catalina I. Fernández, Caissa Revilla-Minaya

Morphogen gradients can convey position and time in growing tissues

Roman Vetter, Dagmar Iber

And Growth on Form? How tissue expansion generates novel shapes, colours and enhance biological functions of Turing colour patterns of Eukaryotes

Pierre Galipot

Tools & Resources

The Mediterranean mussel, Mytilus galloprovincialis, a novel model for developmental studies of mollusks

Angelica Miglioli, Marion Tredez, Manon Boosten, Camille Sant, Joao E. Carvalho, Philippe Dru, Laura Canesi, Michael Schubert, Remi Dumollard

From Miglioli et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

An Atlas of the Developing Drosophila Visual System Glia and Subcellular mRNA Localization of Transcripts in Single Cells

Amanda A. G. Ferreira, Claude Desplan


Khursheed Iqbal, Brandon Nixon, Benjamin Crnkovich, Esteban M. Dominguez, Ayelen Moreno-Irusta, Regan L. Scott, Ha T.H. Vu, Geetu Tuteja, Jay L. Vivian, Michael J. Soares

Screening for variable drug responses using human iPSC cohorts

Melpomeni Platani, Hao Jiang, Lindsay Davidson, Santosh Hariharan, Regis Doyonnas, Angus I. Lamond, Jason R. Swedlow

Volumetric trans-scale imaging of massive quantity of heterogeneous cell populations in centimeter-wide tissue and embryo

Taro Ichimura, Taishi Kakizuka, YuKi Sato, Keiko Itano, Kaoru Seiriki, Hitoshi Hashimoto, Hiroya Itoga, Shuichi Onami, Takeharu Nagai

Clonal and Scalable Endothelial Progenitor Cell Lines from Human Pluripotent Stem Cells

Jieun Lee, Hal Sternberg, Paola A. Bignone, James Murai, Nafees N. Malik, Michael D. West, Dana Larocca

Early spiral arteriole remodeling in the uterine-placental interface: a rat model

Sarah J. Bacon, Yuxi Zhu, Priyanjali Ghosh

Automated staging of zebrafish embryos with deep learning

Rebecca A. Jones, Matthew J. Renshaw, Danelle Devenport, David J. Barry

A simplified and rapid in situ hybridization protocol for planarians

Andrew J. Gaetano, Ryan S. King

Data-Driven 3D Shape Analysis Reveals Cell Shape-Fate Relationships in Zebrafish Lateral Line Neuromasts

Madeleine N. Hewitt, Iván A. Cruz, David W. Raible

From Hewitt et al. This image is made available under a CC-BY-NC 4.0 International license.

CartoCell, a high-content pipeline for 3D image analysis, unveils cell morphology patterns in epithelia.

Jesús A. Andrés-San Román, Carmen Gordillo-Vázquez, Daniel Franco-Barranco, Laura Morato, Cecilia H. Fernández-Espartero, Gabriel Baonza, Antonio Tagua, Pablo Vicente-Munuera, Ana M. Palacios, Maria P. Gavilan, Fernando Martín-Belmonte, Valentina Annese, Pedro Gómez-Gálvez, Ignacio Arganda-Carreras, Luis M. Escudero

Research practice & education

Is N-Hacking Ever OK? A simulation-based inquiry

Pamela Reinagel

ChatGPT applications in Academic Research: A Review of Benefits, Concerns, and Recommendations

Adhari AlZaabi, Amira ALAmri, Halima Albalushi, Ruqaya Aljabri, AbdulRahman AalAbdulsalam

Gender differences in submission behavior exacerbate publication disparities in elite journals

Isabel Basson, Chaoqun Ni, Giovanna Badia, Nathalie Tufenkji, Cassidy R. Sugimoto, Vincent Larivière

ChatGPT identifies gender disparities in scientific peer review

Jeroen P. H. Verharen

Analytical code sharing practices in biomedical research

Nitesh Kumar Sharma, Ram Ayyala, Dhrithi Deshpande, Yesha M Patel, Viorel Munteanu, Dumitru Ciorba, Andrada Fiscutean, Mohammad Vahed, Aditya Sarkar, Ruiwei Guo, Andrew Moore, Nicholas Darci-Maher, Nicole A Nogoy, Malak S. Abedalthagafi, Serghei Mangul

“Important enough to show the world”: Using Authentic Research Opportunities and Micropublications to Build Students’ Science Identities

Lisa DaVia Rubenstein, Kelsey A. Woodruff, April M. Taylor, James B. Olesen, Philip J. Smaldino, Eric M. Rubenstein

The faculty-to-faculty mentorship experience: a survey on challenges and recommendations for improvements

Sarvenaz Sarabipour, Steven J Burgess, Natalie M Niemi, Christopher T Smith, Alexandre W Bisson Filho, Ahmed Ibrahim, Kelly Clark

Graduate student mentorship as a target for diversifying the biological sciences

Reena Debray, Emily Dewald-Wang, Katherine Ennis

A framework for decolonising and diversifying biomedical sciences curricula: rediscovery, representation and readiness

Tianqi Lu, Zafar I. Bashir, Alessia Dalceggio, Caroline M. McKinnon, Lydia Miles, Amy Mosley, Bronwen R. Burton, Alice Robson

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